Welcome to the forum
We do hope you enjoy the discussions and studies on here, we are a friendly group, with members all across the world.
You say you are not a believer, you have no religion.
Take the latter first,
religion is no good to anyone, allow me please to share the difference,
Religion is man's attempt to coming to God, that covers most faiths
Then look at Christianity
Christianity, true Christianity is not a religion, though some denominations try to make it one and the media not knowing the difference groups it as one.
Christianity is God's attempt to reach man. Notice the big difference.
With religions man attempts to come to God, religions include, rules, regulations and rituals,
but they all have the same common error, rewards for doing good to get to Heaven, to get to God!
Christianity is the other way round, God sent His one and only Son to die for our sins, so that through Him we can be saved and go to Heaven, we cannot get to heaven by doing good to get rewards, we cannot earn our way into Heaven. Jesus paid the price we should pay, God came to man, so that we can come to God, we cannot get to heaven any other way except by coming to the Cross, coming to the feet of Jesus, repenting from the heart and being born again, becoming a New Creation.
Read John's Gospel, in particular John chapter 3, verses 1 to 21.
If you have any questions or something niggling you and you want answers, please ask, there are many Bible believing, saved believers on here, we are happy to help you, we are happy to pray for you and your boyfriend.
Jesus loves you
@BubbleFlower so do we.
In His Love