He sent me a wonderful friend - 12-23-06, 02:34 AM
Our Lord Jesus cares
i had never been in a chat room. One day i was bored and i wanted to see what happened in a chat room. I went to a christain chat room and met a member. They told me to check out Talk Jesus. That i did.
How can you get to know someone typing messages on a computer?
A question i often asked myself.
The one thing in common that i have had with my friends is that i can see them. Here i can only see someone if they post a picture.
It was a good lesson for me. I met Vagabond and enjoyed talking to him daily. I started to wonder about Vagabonds life, what was it like living on his farm in his part of the world?
I met Uknowme and immediately experienced the warmth of Uknowme's kind personality.
Another person had issues that needed to prayed about. My friends and i started to pray for this persons situation and communicating with them.
We live in Australia and they are in the UK. Yet our Lord is working through key boards. Awesome.
I met Mara. I cant remember whom started talking to whom.
Mara changed my whole outlook on chat rooms. We became friends. Though we had never seen each other or had never been in the same vicinity as each other. Our time zones were compatible as we live only 750klm apart and are in the same country. I would log into Talk Jesus and there would be Mara.
A friendship built. Mara would sit wrapped in a blanket late a night typing away. We got to know each other really well. I just had no idea that could happen through typing messages.
Over time we started to share with each other, the ups and downs in our lives. Pastoral care for each other.
Mara was often very cheeky and brought lots of laughter into my life Our Lord used our friendship in both our lives. Incredible.
I friendship loved a person Mara, a person that i had never met in person. I was praying daily for Mara's concerns. God is amazing how he works, he blessed my life with Mara's friendship.The timing of Mara's friendship was perfect in my life.
The business of Life moves people on. Mara and i havent talked for a long time. One day i recieved a message from Mara that said "catch you in eternity one day" And tears came.
Our Lord Jesus has used Talk Jesus to bless me through my dear friend Mara. Thanks Mara for being you for Jesus. Merry CHRISTmas to you Mara
Thank you Jesus for providing caring friends.
Thank you Chad and Talk Jesus for this wonderful ministry that our Lord uses
Merry Christmas to you!! regards from Xr6 in Adelaide Australia
The Holy Spirit is at work in Talk Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesus loves us, cares for us, he involves us in his work!!
He uses Talk Jesus

amazing Lord
great verse: Jeremiah 17:5-7