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HPV Vaccine Might Cause Infertility (or death)

HPV Vaccine Might Cause Infertility (or death)
Mar 11th 2007 10:42AM by Vicki Blankenship
health freedom

Merck has stopped promoting the mandatory use of Gardasil that targets the human papillomavirus (HPV). It’s probably no coincidence that their turn-around comes at the same time that reports from the National Vaccine Information Center are surfacing about fainting, dizziness and death reported by dozens of patients as side effects of Gardasil. There are also some concerns that Gardasil may cause infertility.

Legislators got that idea because the vaccine contains Polysorbate 80, which is linked to infertility in mice. The Merck HPV vaccine also contains sodium borate which is a common roach killer in each of its three doses. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) of the National Institutes of Health notes of sodium borate that it “is now known to be a dangerous poison, it is no longer commonly used in medical preparations.” That was published in 2005. Yet the FDA in 2006 approved the Merck vaccine with this “dangerous poison” to be “commonly used” in these vaccinations. The symptoms of sodium borate poisoning according to the NLM citation include many of the side effects being reported after less than six months of the vaccine usage. These include convulsions, collapse, and seizures that include twitching of facial muscles, arms, hands, legs, and feet.

How many of these young women taking this vaccine will find out that they are barren 10 to 15 years down the road and what will their options be if they are forced to take this drug because of legislation mandates?
Notice how quickly after the vaccine was introduced, by much fanfare and coercion from the leftists, that adverse side effects began to be reported.

This was/is part of the sexualization of our children.