Jonah2005bt said:
Daniel 12:2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting *contempt.
You quoted the above scripture to show that , as you believe, the punishment at judgment for the sinner is not fire, or burning, but
contempt. But it also tells us that it is
everlasting. Which shows that it does not end and that those who reject Jesus don't just stop existing, or return to dust. You can't have it both ways.
The physical body that is mankind will return to earth, the spirit of mankind was created to exist eternally, and forever it will exist. For it is written.
Hell was created for the Devil, NOT mankind. There is however the option for man to take the road more traveled and make their own destination, hell. It is up to the person. God wants that no one should goto hell. Ideally, all would come to know his Son Jesus before their bodies turn to dust.
There is a fork in the road with two signs. One reads "Heaven just ahead", the other "Hell next exit". Both places are real, are forever, and have been created by God. His intent is for us all to turn toward Heaven and live with Him in eternal bliss, however, he is not forcing himself on anyone, for that would not be love. He put together the plan for our salvation, His Son carried it out, and the Holy Spirit teaches it to us. God has gone to great lengths so that you and I know which road to take. The Devil also goes to great lengths to feed us lies so that we take the wrong path. He comes to lie and kill and steal. It is his nature. There is no truth in him. His greatest lie is to convince the world that HE and Hell are not real. If he can pull this off, he will blind man to the fact that there are two paths. If you only see one path, you can rest assured that the Devil has concealed one from you. Not God, the Devil. God will reveal only truth, so therefor you will see two roads, because two roads is the truth, only Satan will lie to you, and hide the truth.
Consider this, who would lie to you, God or Satan? And who has to gain from such a lie? Satan of course. God gains from you knowing there is a hell, and Satan does not, so who would perpetuate such a lie? Like the statistics say. 90% of people believe in heaven, and only 50% believe in hell. So 40% believe in both, and 50% don't believe in hell. Where do you think the Devil is working hardest to turn souls from God? He's no fool, he knows who is easy pick en's. Be careful Jonah. I'll be praying for the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart on this matter.
Also, the devil and his demons won't be poking people with pitchforks, and whipping the backs of those who rejected Jesus. They will be much to busy crying out in pain and gnashing their teeth in agony. God created hell for their punishment, not their amusement. Satan just wants to take as many with him as possible to spite God, and also because "misery loves company".
From the Spirit of truth and love,