But, I still am in terrific pain. My legs seem to be losing feeling or something. Maybe it' my hips my hip but all I know it hurts bad I seem to be have shallow breathing, have a strange taste in my mouth, feels like a spider crawling down my right cheek and my head feels funny. I asked the site to pray for me but they have not.
That sounds pretty harsh.
Scripture has it that all things work together for good for those who love God.
I know that may be difficult to see right now but I believe in you.
That your faith will not fail.
The disciples asked Jesus once why a man was born blind.
Was it because of his sin or his parents.
Jesus answered neither,but that the glory of God might be known.
Scripture tells us that by his stripes we were healed.
Now scripture also says that God does not tempt try or test any man.
So God does not put us through these things and it's not some kind of punishment for sin.
It seems like an attack but it will somehow work together for good so it's not really even an attack.
Since we were already healed then it must be a lie.
It may be a very convincing lie but it's still a lie.
We are to cast down false imagination and correct error with the truth.
I will pray for you and ask that the glory of God be revealed through you and that it touch everyone in your life.
I will thank God for the truth(jesus is the truth) invading your experience with life,light,joy,strength and peace.
I thank the Holy Spirit for revealing the truth of that finished work that Jesus already performed.
We are making these requests in the name of Jesus Christ.