ok... i usually watch cartoons on tv and mostly on the pc working on websites.... but at the destructive music, i dun get what u mean
hee, its a free country (but not as free as you guys)... Malaysia is an islam country but we still can get bibles... Legally... i have alot of bible but i seldom read them dunno why.... i am a person that hates read thru books alot alot alot.... but if u ask me to read thru pc i will...
I think I hated reading when I was 15 too However, when you understand that each book in the bible was written by God, you will start to get a hunger for the word. It's a burning hunger too let me tell you. I don't care about almost anything anymore, but the word of God. What is more important than what God has to say ?
I would pray to God that he give you that hunger, because there is no better hunger to have I swear it. You should constantly be in conversation with God, his word is how he talks to you, and your prayer is how you talk to him