I know this is long and yet I did not even dig as deep into this as I wanted to. It will have to be broken down into sections in order that we may dig into this together from this point forward. I skipped around and tried to cover a little in many area's so as to bring forth truth into the light.
Greetings in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord,
In this post I am going to present some true biblical facts that some will most definitely disagree with for many reasons and with that said I want to say this - Do NOT simply accept what others say or what I say for that matter but take all this to God and pray His word over it and ask Him to lead you into all truth in this. As scripture tells us - "My People perish from lack of knowledge so if you have ears - let them hear.
Why do tragedies happen and bad things to good people and why do some folks seem to get more favor from God then others. These seem to be the questions asked and I pray the gift of repentance unto all that claim God sends things bad things to teach people and God must have a reason for allowing bad things in your life.
You may say why do I need to repent over this ? Well when you grasp that you are accusing God falsely of doing these things - well you might just want to ask Him to forgive you.
Lets start in Genesis - The first Adam Disobeyed God and by doing so allowed sin and the curse into this world. Therefore it will always be here in this world. The worlds system or Babylonian system is simply the way of the world. It is FOUL and evil and YET we as Born again believer do not have to get FOULED with the FOUL.
So lets look at Lets first look in Deuteronomy 30:10-20 KJV
10.....is telling us if we will keep His commandments and walk in His ways and turn to or trust in the Lord thy God with all of your heart and soul.
11-13...is stating that this commandment which He is giving us this day is NOT hidden from thee, nor do you have to go up to heaven to bring it down to hear it nor is it beyond the sea that you have to go get it.
Now 14 is where it gets GOOD !! ; )
14.....But thy word is very NIGH unto thee, In Thy Mouth, and in Thy Heart that thou mayest do it.
His word has been placed all around you. Media and books and churches and Bibles so there is no excuse not to know it.
This is telling us especially for today that His word needs to be in our minds, our hearts and mouth. Why mouth ? Because speaking Gods words bring God results...He is moved by His word and when He is moved by His word He see's to it that it is carried out. BUT it must be DONE IN FAITH !!
Here we go now
16.....In that I COMMAND thee THIS DAY to LOVE the Lord thy God, TO WALK in His Ways, and to KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS and His STATUTES and His JUDGMENTS that THOU MAYEST LIVE And Multiply and thee Lord thy God Shall BLESS Thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
So in these two verses we see several key things.
1...God gives US the CHOICE TO CHOOSE Life and Blessing or Death and Cursing or evil. We choose....Not God BUT we choose...
2...Now in verse 16 we see that GOD is telling us Pick His Way. He says IF YOU CHOOSE TO WALK MY WAY FOLLOW MY COMMAND.....this good life will be yours....
3...So in this Good Life we find several things....First we must make the choice to choose this life....Second which is just as important.....We MUST Choose To Walk This Life His Way Every Single Day Of Our Life in Order to stay in The Good Life of Blessing and protection and every other good thing that is included in Thee Blessing Of Thee Lord.
Ok now lets see how this is done and why some live more blessed then others.
When we are born again we become new creatures in Christ for we are born of Incorruptible seed the ever living word of God.
2 Corinthians 5:17 and 1Peter 1:23
Hebrews 6:12 tells us we inherit the Promises of God and this is done through being born again into Christ.
Now these promises simply do NOT just start working in your life. These promises wont manifest their desired results unless you are operating as His written word tells us to. Many Christians think since they got born again then that is all they have to do and now they can claim and expect every promise of God to manifest in their lives and they have to do nothing. That is a religious lie and you know who is behind that one.
Ok lets look at Psalm 115:16 The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD'S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.
Now look at this scripture.... Heaven is the Lords or another words God is in TOTAL CONTROL in Heaven. We know there is no sickness or crime or evil and so forth in Heaven.
Now look at the earth - this world is full of evil and crime and disasters and so forth. Look what scriptures says - the earth has been given to men or children of men which means it just keeps on staying this way. Now this does not say God can NOT do things in this earth.
Remember God gives us a choice found above in Deut. Choose His way life and blessing or any other way and get stuck in this worlds system with the evil and death and sickness and so forth. WE CHOOSE.
We know satan is god of this world or rather world system or ways or again the babylonian system. he is in the center of all these disasters and bad. God does not hire out satan to do His bidding in our lives therefore disasters and sickness trials and persecution and so forth are NOT from God.
Ok so we also learned in Deut. 30:16 God tells us to walk in His ways - Keep His ways - dont sway away from His ways and you will walk in His goodness. His written word is full of scriptures telling us this over and over and over.
Why? Because God is trying to tell us if you want to live as I have prepared for you then you will have to live MY WAY which is simply what His word is therefore. To teach us and EQUIP us to do so. Don't ever over look this word (equip) for it is vital in living and dwelling in the kingdom of God. For it can not be done any other way. You are going to have to learn how to live, walk, talk, think and so forth His way. How is this done ? Easy these next three pieces of scripture out line just how we do so.
Galatians 5:16 and Romans 12:2 and 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
Romans 12:2 ....
And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God
((Get His word in you each and every day and speak His word each and every day))
2 Corinthians 10:4-5
4... For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to pulling down strong holds
5... Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
((Begin to practice the words you speak and thoughts you think for our thoughts and words to control how we act or react and believe. Our own words do more do influence our thinking then most of everything else.))
Galatians 5:16
This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh
(( The more you do the first two the more you will begin to walk in the Spirit and you will be amazed to say the least. ))
All done through the Grace of God - who maketh all grace abound to me.
(2 Corinthians 9:8)
Ok still not seeing this yet.....
Lets look at
James 4:8 Draw nigh (near close) unto God and He will draw nigh (near close) unto you.
Ephesians 4:7 But unto EVERYONE of us is given GRACE (unmerited favor) ACCORDING to the MEASURE of the gift of Christ.
If you put forth 10 percent of your heart to drawing close to God then you will reap 10 percent of God in your life. The degree that we put forth is with in the same degree we will get back.
Look at Ephesians 4:7 - we can read it as - all of us are given unmerited favor in our lives and for our lives ACCORDING to the amount, degree, change or spiritual growth of Gods Word In Us.
This explains why some folks seem to be favored more over others. Don't ever judge your walk in Christ by the appearance of some one else or their statue in God. Many people think others are so Godly or close with God and in all truth are lacking in area's of their life that goes un-seen to others.
So again we see that it is vital to be walking upright in the ways of God in order to see victory and a blessed protected life. Now I have not said we must be perfect in order for God to work on our behalf. God is perfect already and is not looking for perfection but obedience. He is looking for a Willing Heart.
We can be willing and do the best we can in something He has shown us to do and miss it 12 ways to sunday - so we run to grace and God gives us the credit for doing the job even if He has to call some one else in to fix it. He will reward you for your obedience and trying. Now then we Can NOT however simply pick and choose what we are willing to change in us or accept from Him to change. NO! We must STRIVE to be changed from the inside out from the day of our re-birth unto - well forever.
Now lets look at a few things that will stop the flow of favor and blessings and prayers and so forth. I call these type of things blessing blocker.
Doubt and unbelief and UN forgiveness and not walking in love and corrupt communication and so many more.
We are commanded to walk in Love and it pleases God when we do
You can not walk in love and harbor unforgiveness. We are told to Love Evan As Christ Loves and Even as God Loves.
Corrupt communication or perverse speech and so forth is not just bad words as websters dictionary may tell you. No it goes way beyond this for anything OPPOSED to His written word or ways is perverse. Doubt and unbelief is opposed to what His word says.
Now when we get out in these things we actually give the devil right to come into the situation and set up shop and begin to kill, steal or destroy. Now he has a shot at you that he should not have ever had. People like to argue over this from lack of understanding but if you are willing to search His written word with a willing heart to learn even if it ends up being not what you thought or believed then you will come to learn that His written word has something to say about "Our Words". This is vital in living a prosperous life in Christ.
This is only an out line of truth that is found in His word dealing with these things. I wrote this as an eye opener and would enjoy digging even deeper into this and spending more time on truths found in His word.
May God Bless you with a deeper understanding in His word and a hunger to learn more and more of His truth in His word and ways. In Jesus name I pray.
Amen and God Bless