Prometheus said:Don't worry too much about not having a church to go to for God's church is wherever His people are and you have found us. You don't need a building to have a church and the last churches will be in homes as the first ones were. If you want to hold a church then all you need to do is to gather with His people. It's good advice to start with the new testament as Jesus told us that we are not bound to the law in the old testament as far as punishment and retribution is concerned and some of the things in the old testament can very easily scare you away if you don't know what Jesus taught. I also think you should stay away from Revelation until you have a deeper insight into christianity. It's very scary if you don't understand the symbolism.
Church seems to be the biggest stumbling block for me right now I think. I know being in church isn't what makes the christian you can go to church every sunday or every time the church doors are open and still not get it. I live in a small town and I can assure you if I got saved and didn't go to church I'd be condemned. Seriously. I've been around christians who say this person don't be in church much and it's like well they aren't as good as christian cause they don't. So I know if I got saved and didn't go to church I would be made to feel very badly. In fact a person recently told me it was more important to go to church then read your bible which I totally disagree with.
Right now it's like I do have social issues I don't like going out and right off the top of my head I don't know of a church here where I'd want to go? At times I think ok it might be a problem for me now as a sinner but as a christian I might not feel that way or else God would point me in the right direction. But it's really really bothering me. I keep getting these thoughts and I guess it's from the devil saying you don't like going out you don't like being around alot of people if you get saved you'll have to do that and you won't like it you'll be angry & annoyed and wish you weren't there or feel forced to do it. I mean this is my issue and I guess the devil is really making it a HUGE issue and it's just there blocking me I guess. Not sure how to say well I don't care about it and move on?? I don't know anyone have any help/advice???????????