I have mentioned already but many are dull of hearing and have a lack of reading and understanding even of the simple.
And I am not anyones teacher but I know How to read a Good and Excellent “English Translation” of The Original Copied Manuscript of The Original Manuscript !
I know the difference. Between the words “spirit”, “Spirit”,, “SPIRIT”, “lord”, “Lord” “LORD”, GOD, “God”, “god”, “ALMIGHTY GOD”, “THE LORD GOD”, The SON of GOD, and how The Translation lay it in A Translation. And in the context of The Text of Holy Scripture.
For GOD is a spirit! And HIS presence IS everywhere!
For THE SON of GOD is a spirit and His “spirit” is everywhere!
For The “PARAKLETOS “ is a spirit and His spirit goes where The “LORD GOD” sends Him!
The devil is a “spirit”, that needs permission to do everything he does!
All Angels are “spirits” and not humans and “JESUS is A LIFE GIVING SPIRIT”. “The SECOND ADAM”!
Now I can go all night Long concerning The English translated words of the Bible and how the words are used by there Arrangements.
I was young Dumb and Stupid concerning the bible! When I was converted! So I had to learn HOW to read a Bible! I had to learn exactly what a “paraphrase was. What a Translation was, The difference between a translation and a “word for word” translation was. And How to read them and for what purposes of understanding. And what kind of dictionaries to use. “ collegiate“, an “ unabridged dictionary “, “ISBE”, Encyclopedia set! “Vines” Dictionary of New Testament Words. So just to Define one simple word would sometimes take days or hours to Exhaust that plain or Biblical word! That is recorded in The Book! By doing so you learn How to Read a translation of The Biblical Original Text of Scripture with The aid of “The Parakletos”. The Other “Advocate” as Jesus described.
And That Advocated empower you,[
I learn how to read a translation, I learn how to Translate The Original Copied Manuscript into English language!
The Hebrew and Koine Greek!
And again by The aid of The Parakletos with Many Tears and wailing! Sleepless nights strong Prayers! Night noon mornings and all through the day for many years. Everyday! Dictionaries and bibles in all cars and trucks in every bathroom in he house , every room a excellent bible. Small library on every floor and the basement full library bibles from the 16th century to the 21 century, Dictionaries all kinds Bible dictionaries and 2 sets of bible Encyclopedias. I might be studying the Holy Spirit of GOD for 3 To 4 days on one Biblical word. Since the definition is very Exhausting. The biblical definition for the “Holy SPIRIT “ of GOD is about 3 To 4 pages long!
And GOD’S spirit maybe about 3-4 pages long. And you do need a dictionary to read a dictionary.

And I ain’t talking about a “Lexicon” at this point!
So don’t count me short, I was young Ignorant and Dumb about how to read the Bible and knew it and confess it to GOD with tears and loud crying! And ask HIM to Teach me how to read The Bible year after years everyday! Until one day I was amazed, I know how to read this book! I was surprised of all of the Pastors asking me questions and where to locate portion of Scripture on the spot and I could do it and give biblical “Lectures” concerning the Biblical text of “Holy Scripture”. A great gift it was: “Bible Introduction 101” at a Reformed Bible College” and The class “Methodology and hermeneutics” The Art of “Biblical Interpretations” and all the forms that people used. So in essence you had a choice which route you would choose since you nowknow the difference routes.
So you choose not your church or pastor or your college professor! And you have a “Parakletos” for a guide in your choice.
I was Dumb and stupid when I was converted and a mere baby, wearing diapers! And I was a excellent reader before conversion! but I was not taught by GOD on how to read a Bible!