Some of what I write here may be some what redundant, but it should not be a distraction to the study. I think it's important, and only fair to both sides of this debate to point out 4 important facts. 1, There is no command in the New Testament to observe the Sabbath. 2, There is no command in the New Testament stating that the Sabbath was done away with, or nailed to the cross. 3.There are no commands in the New Testament that orders Sunday as replacing Saturday(the Sabbath) as being the New day of worship.4, There are no commands or injunctions in the New Testament where the Lord Blesses the keeping of the 1st day (Sunday), as the New Sabbath.
What follows are some of "my" reasons for Sabbath keeping: In Ex. 20:8-11, and Deut. 5:12-15, we find the words," Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the Sabbath or the Lord thy God...., it goes on the say that the Lord Blessed this day and Made it Holy.
Ex. 31:16,17, I find where the Sabbath was a sign to the children of Israel that God made heaven and earth. In Eze. 20: 12-20, I find where the Sabbath is a sign of God as a Sanctifier. Isa. 56:1-2 states that a blessing was pronounced upon Sabbath keepers. Also in Isa. 58:12,14, there is a Prophecy of Sabbath reform. Isa. 66:22,23 says that the Sabbath will be observed in the Earth made new; Which is an interesting admission and Prophecy, since that is future, or yet to come, meaning it has not as of yet taken place.
I realize that there are those who will chide me for using Old Testament scripture as in meaning Old Covenant, and that it is no longer applicable for us today. And yet I have read with interest some posters using it rather heavily; Clearly the Sabbath is not done away with in the earth made new. This is not meant as personal sarcasm towards any person or persons, but merely as a statement of fact; more on this later.
Looking over in the New Covenant scriptures, it says in Lk. 4:16, "And He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up, and His custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up for to read." The example of the Apostle Paul, Acts. 17:2 "And Paul, as 'his manor was', went into them, and 3 Sabbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures." This was a period of 3 weeks. Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath and said it was made for man. Mark 2:27,28 "And he said unto them, the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath, therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath". Sabbath keepers understand this passage to mean that the Sabbath was given to the human race as a memorial for all mankind, from creation, to His 2nd coming; and as Isa. 66: 22,23, even beyond that.
Jesus instructed the disciples to pray that their flight from Jerusalem, before it's destruction, might not be in the winter or "on the Sabbath day". This was a two headed prophecy in that; 1.the Sabbath would still be being kept; 2. That Jerusalem would be destroyed over "35 years" after the death of Jesus. Matt. 24:20 "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath Day".
On the preparation day, after the crucifixion, the women followed after in Luke 23: 54-56, "After that day was the preparation, and the Sabbath drew on. And the women also, which came with him from Galilee, followed after, and beheld the sepulcher, and how His body was laid. And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the Sabbath Day, 'according to the commandment' ". Prudence suggests to me that this was the Sabbath Commandment according to the 10 commandments, which means it was not nailed to the cross.
The Sabbath is the day before the first day of the week, Matt. 28:1 "In the end of the Sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher." The day before (Friday) the Sabbath is the preparation, that is the day before the Sabbath. To me, simple reason would deduce, that if Christ would have wanted the Sabbath changed from Sat. to Sun. He would have told these people so before He was hung on the cross. Yet the Biblical text shows plainly that they were still keeping it as before.
Mark 16:1,2, "And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint Him. And very early in the morning the first day of the week they came unto the sepulcher at the rising of the sun". Jesus rose on Sunday, a fact we all acknowledge. But where is the new law that says Jesus changed the day? It should have been inscribed on the rock walls of the tomb form His resurrection finger; just like He did on the tablets of stone that He gave to Moses; but it was not there.
Acts 1:12 talks about a Sabbath days journey, Acts13:42,44 says the Apostle Paul speaks to the Jews and Gentiles in the synagogue on the Sabbath. Why, since he had them assembled in one place, didn't he declare the change form Sat. to Sun. was made then...,? Yet he didn't, even though he had the perfect opportunity.
Acts 16:13, we have the record of the women gathering for a prayer by the river side on the Sabbath day. Acts 18:4, in the city of Corinth, the Apostle Paul reasoned in the Synagogue "every Sabbath", persuading the Jews and Gentiles. Here was another perfect opportunity for him to explain that the worship day's were going to be changed..., yet he didn't. Heb. 4:9
" There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God." God's creation rest day is mentioned as well, read vs. 1-13 to get the entire context. It is interesting that in Heb. 13:8 that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He would not be able to say that if indeed he had made His 10 commandment laws invalid at the cross.
I think it important that we look at John 1, where according to John, the Word (Jesus), was with God from the beginning and was God. All things were made by Him, including the 4th commandment,(Jn. 1:1-3). Vs. 14 tells me that this same Word, was the only begotten of the father, which is Jesus Christ; a fact that is not in dispute. I find the same thought in Col. 1: 14-17, for here it is written that by Him, Jesus, were all things made that are in Heaven and earth; Also not a disputed fact. Heb.1:1-2 states, "God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in times past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds". Again, not an issue in dispute; But, it is plain at least to me, that God the father made all things through the Son. Jesus was the active agent in creation, so when He said the Sabbath was made for man, He was speaking about His own works of which man is a part of; therefore, the Sabbath day is Christ's day, truly the Lords day, made by the Lord, instituted at creation, by Jesus Christ.
Gen. 2:1-3, " Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the Seventh day God (the Word, the Christ), ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day form all His work which He had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it ( made it Holy), because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made". Same language as used in the 4th commandment. The rest was not for God, because he does not grow tired, it was meant for His creation,( which at that time, man had not yet been created) which is why He sanctified it, for the future.
Now this begs several questions, most particularly since God does not need to rest, and the animals and insects do not rest or keep a Holy day, who could it be meant for. The only obvious answer was human kind.
Jesus in Matt. 12:1-12 found the people of Israel strictly (over strictly) keeping the Sabbath, and doing it in such a legalistic way as to make the Sabbath a burden. Many like to say that the Sabbath has been lost from time to time, this is not so. Ex. 16:4,5,21-30,35, shows that Israel still knew when the Sabbath came after they left Egypt, before the 10 Commandments were given. It was not lost in the promised land ,(jer. 17:24-26). Amos 8:4-6; Isa. 58:13,14; 2kings 4:23; 1Chron.9:32; Isa. 56: 2-6. The Sabbath was not lost during the 70 years captivity, which is interesting because they were sent into captivity For breaking the Sabbath. Jer.17; Neh. 13:35. And when they returned from Babylonian captivity, they were keeping the Sabbath.
Since the time of Christ, no time has been lost. The calendar we use today, with some modifications regarding months, which did not affect the weekly cycle, was in use over 40 years before Christ, by the authority of Julius Caesar. And was continued on by the Catholic Church, and to this day. Astronomy says there is no lost time, Almanacs, histories, encyclopedias, dictionaries, all the laws of Christendom, the customs of Islam, the Greek and Roman Catholic Church, and the Jews in all the world.., all testify that we have not lost track of the days of the week.
Romans 7:7 Paul says," What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God Forbid. Nay, I had not known sin but by the law; for I had not know lust except the law had said, thou shalt not covet." Vs 12 "Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.: Vs. 14 says "For we know that the law is spiritual; but I am carnal, sold under sin". If indeed the law had been done away with, he should have declared it too indeed be carnal, as were the temp. laws of Moses, which were nailed to the cross. But he clarified his statement by saying they are Spiritual. In fact he used the words "we know", as a means to underscore the fact.
Acts 20:27, Paul said," For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God." Now it should be noted that there is no record in all of Paul's writing that he ever instructed the people "not" to observe God's Sabbath which Christ made at creation or to inaugurate some other day in it's place. In none of his writings did he ever mention any change of the Sabbath; which to my understanding, would make such a change, not a part of Gods counsel; but rather a tradition of mankind.
The Apostle had given the people all the counsel of God, that God had Given him. Paul never committed anything "against" the customs of God or His people, (Acts. 28:17). The Sabbath was a law which they first observed, but as history observes, the Jews had problems with keeping.
So when did the official change take place, and who did it? That's easy, and you need look no farther than the Catholic Church. They gladly take the credit for changing the day of worship from Sat. to Sun., and they have written extensively on it. They alone claim the Sole right for the change, and also claim that this right was bestowed upon them by their first Pope, the Apostle Peter as conferred to Him By Christ. Of course there is not Biblical record as such, but then the Catholics have never adhered to "So la Scriptora". Their records state that Official total world church changeover was made in the year A.D 364 through the Council of Laodicea under the watchful tutelage of the Emperor Constantine. There were some earlier Sabbath Sunday changes, but they were sporadic and limited. Even Constantine made an earlier law to the same effect in A.D 321; And it is of interest to note that Bishop Eusebius in 270-338, worked closely with Constantine, and made these remarks. "All things whatsoever that it was duty to do on the Sabbath, these We have transferred to the Lord's Day". The day which is called Sunday. If you want to read more, the Catholic Encyclopedia can be found on line, and if I were permitted to post a link here I would; but the rules of this forum state I cannot. So do a Google search, if you are interested, but be aware this is a massive site, be prepared to do some reading.
There are always some who like to use texts the appear on the surface to justify the day or worship change. Col. 2:16'17 is one that gets a fair amount of airing. There are many different types of Sabbaths in the Bible, and if one is not careful, they can get mixed up and placed where they don't belong. The 7th day Sabbath is part of the 10 Commandments, the yearly Sabbaths relate specifically to the history of Israel. Col. 2:16,17 specifically states," Let no one judge you regarding sabbath days which are a Shadow of things to come. Heb. 10:1 connects the law of shadows with animal sacrifice. Ezek. 45:17 uses the same expressions in the exact same order as Col. 2:16,17, and connects it all with the ceremonial systems of feasts and sacrifices( meat offerings, drink offerings, feasts, new moons, and Sabbaths to make reconciliation for the house of Israel). Lev. 23:5-32 discusses the ceremonial Sabbaths, and there were a lot of them. These annual Sabbaths were intimately connected to events foreshadowing Christ's death and His Second Coming. They were designed by God to be the shadows or pointers to the coming Messiah. Lev. 23:37 uses the same language of Col. 2: 16,17 to describe the ceremonial Sabbaths. Vs. 38 distinguishes the ceremonial Sabbaths from the 7th day Sabbath by using the expression,"Beside the sabbaths of the Lord." Since Christ has come, the sabbaths of the ceremonial law have found their fulfillment in Him. The 7Th day Sabbath continues to lead us back to the Creator God who made us. And it will be a distinguishing sign of relationship to him; read Ezek. 20: 12,20, another old test./covenant "future" statement, then also read Rev. 14:12. Now there is a new covenant verse, at the very end of the Bible.
Then there is Rom. 14:5, a favorite Sunday worshiper text; "One esteems on day above another, another esteems every day alike. Let every man be persuaded in His own mind." And the question that always follows is." Really , what difference does a day make?" Vs. 5, and 6 say nothing about either worship on the Sabbath. They simply talk about regarding a day. To say this particular day is the Sabbath is an unwarranted assumption. Rom. 14:1 sets the time for the entire passage indicating that the discussion focuses on "doubt and disputations", or disputes on doubtful matters. Is the Seventh day Sabbath set apart by God at creation(Gen. 2:1-3) and placed within the heart of the 10 commandment law written by God, a doubtful matter? Not by this writer. If it were, then the entire 10 should be placed in doubt as well. The key is found in verse 6 which states, "He that regards the day regards it unto the Lord, and he that regaredth not the day regards it not to the Lord. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord for he giveth God thanks, and he that eateth not to the Lord, he eateth not for he giveth God Thanks". The issue revolved around fast days, and old ceremonial sabbath days, the Jews wanted to impress upon the gentiles the old Mosaic laws, and Paul was telling them that those were no longer important.
Personally, I get a kick out of the argument that the day doesn't matter, when every Sunday Christian knows that it does. If the wisdom of this argument were followed, then Sunday worshipers would be worshiping on Monday or Tuesday, or any other day. Really though, it's just another way to make an argument, because everyone knows that the argument will always center on Sunday, and Sunday alone.
Then there are the 1st day passages and in Acts 20:7, Matt.28:1, Mark 16:1,2,9 ,Luke 24:1, John 20: 1,19 ,1Cor. 16:1,2; Where's the change from Sat. to Sun., especially with Acts 20:7, as the New English Bible confirms this as a Saturday night meeting, with Paul traveling on Sunday. If Paul considered Sunday sacred in honor of the resurrection, why would he spend the entire day traveling and not worshiping?
Speaking for myself, the 7th day Sabbath is a done deal; as I know most of you who read this are also sold on Sunday worship. As for Galatians 3:1-29, what was being discussed here was not the 10 commandments, but the Abrahamic/Mosaic laws; the Ceremonial, civil and health laws. These were done away with at the cross, as is the record of your's and mine sins, truly this is good news. Study this out in it's original Greek; And for those who believe that faith is all that is need. I would refer you to the book of James 1:19-27, chpt. 2: 14-26, study this carefully. Notice vs. 14 of chpt. 2 where is says,"What does it profit , my brethren when some one says he has faith but does not Have works, can faith save him"? And there are more jewels in this book to be harvested.
I have much more to say on this topic, but will leave that for another time. Until then, May the love of Jesus live in you personally, both to will and to do of His good pleasure!