A great many people have asked this question,is smoking sin? Without judging this one way or another,one thing about smoking that we all know it is!! It is a bad witness. Can you think of Jesus talking to his disciples with a cig in his mouth?
And did we ever hear once in the Bible where any of the disciples did the same?? If you were invited to a meeting,about how to become rich,what would do to a man who came out to you,to talk to you in rags? Would you listen to this man?? LOL
I do not think any of us would,for to be something, we must first act like something. Smoking is a bad witness,now to some in a bar talking about Jesus,this may not sound to bad,I mean most smoke in bars,and Jesus would have no trouble going into one to preach his Word,but the preception of seeing a person smoking, talking about Jesus,does also not seem as if the person doing the talking has much knowledge of what he or she looks like talking about such a Holy God.
A Jesus who wants us to be free from our flesh, and from its desires. No I do not think many would take this person very seriously do you? To me, it is not that smoking is bad for you,although we do know it sure is not good for you either,but what appearence does one have speaking of Jesus smoking a cig? I think you get the point.blessing!
I guess another way of stating the question is...is the desires of our flesh a sin?