So what is your reasoning that they are lying? Are they the aggressors in your mind, are they the ones who launch daily attacks against their own citizens daily from behind enemy lines? Did they conquer and take Palestine away from its rightful owners after WW2? Not sure why you believe they are the evil ones over there.
Psalm 118:9: “It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes.”
Psalm 146:3: “Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.”
As a general rule, we should give no other human being our blind support or allegiance (loyalty, fidelity, adherence), nor should we believe everything they tell us just because they say they are such and such. In other words, just because a politician claims to be a Christian does not mean we should get on board with him and give him our unfettered support, devotion, loyalty and absolute trust. Or, just because a pastor claims to be God’s servant, it does not mean we should trust him 100% with unquestioning allegiance. The Bible warns us much against putting our trust in humans, and against becoming followers of man. It teaches us to test everything, to hate evil, and to hold on to the good. It warns us much against falling prey to deception. So, just because someone is a Jew or just because the nation of Israel used to be God’s chosen people, it does not mean we should trust them, support them blindly, and give them our allegiance. Yet, this applies to all human beings.
Yet, do the scriptures teach that we should, in some cases, give our support (give backing, sponsorship) to other human beings? Yes! I believe it does. From what I read in scripture, this support, though, is to be given to those who are followers of Jesus Christ, who are faithful to their calling, who are walking not after the flesh, but after the Spirit, and who are faithful ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We should support them in their ministry, because they are doing the work of God. And, we should stand with them when they are being persecuted for righteousness’ sake. Yet, it never tells us to give our support to champion the cause of the ungodly, yet we are to obey those in authority over us within biblical bounds, i.e. without compromising our faith and convictions. And, we are to love others as God loves us, who gave of himself for us that we might be saved. We are also to love our enemies – pray for them, do good to them, and bless (not curse) them.
Ok, concerning the nation of Israel, the physical nation of Israel is not God’s children, though there may be a small minority of believers in Jesus Christ living within the nation (See: Ro. 9:6b-8). In other words, they are not God’s wayward people, because they have been cut off from the vine due to unbelief (See: Ro. 11). God does not have two groups of children – Jew and Gentile. He has one. On the cross he put to death the hostility between Jew and Gentile and he made one man out of the two, via faith in Jesus Christ (See: Eph. 2:14-18). The promises given to Abraham concerning his seed was in reference to Jesus Christ, the promised seed of Abraham; the promised Messiah (See: Gal. 3:10, 16). If we belong to Christ, then we are Abraham’s seed. There is no longer Jew and Gentile, for we are all one through faith in Jesus Christ (See: Gal. 3:26-29).
The physical nation of Israel, represented by Jerusalem, is now of Hagar, the slave woman, because Jerusalem is still in slavery with her children. She (the nation of Israel) is the same as the Arabs. The Jerusalem that is from above is of the free woman, and she is our mother. Only those who believe in Jesus Christ are the children of promise. We are the ones born of the Spirit, and we are the ones being persecuted by those who are still in slavery with their children, which includes the Jews. Who killed Jesus? The Jews. So, we are not supposed to follow the way of the Jews or to give them our support (See: Gal. 4:22-31). Then, we read in 1 Jn. 2:22 that whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ is a liar, and is the antichrist – denying the Father and the Son. We are not to support the antichrist! The Jewish nation denies that Jesus is the Christ.
Yet, even though the Jewish nation are our enemies, as far as the gospel is concerned, they are loved by God, and a remnant of them will be saved one day (Ro. 11), and we are to believe God for that, pray for them, love them, and share with them the gospel of salvation.
In the Old Testament up through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins, the Jews were God’s chosen people. They were his nation, which was a physical nation. The holy city was the physical city of Jerusalem. The presence of God was in the Ark of the Covenant, which dwelt within a physical temple in the Holy of Holies (the inner sanctuary). The people had to make physical sacrifices to God of animals and such, and they had to go through human priests who made the appeal to God for the forgiveness of their sins.
Yet, when Jesus Christ died, the veil that stood between the presence of God and human beings was ripped in two. Through Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins he made the way for us, mere humans, to come into God’s holy presence through faith in Jesus Christ. Now, followers of Jesus Christ are God’s chosen people, his royal priesthood and
his holy nation (See: 1 Pet. 2:9). The holy city is now the heavenly Jerusalem, the body of Christ. God’s holy presence lives in the hearts and lives of those who put their faith in Jesus Christ. We are his sanctuary, his temple. We now worship him in spirit and in truth, regardless of the location or even day of the week. Jesus Christ is our high priest. He is our mediator between us and God the Father, and he is the one who provides forgiveness of sins. He paid the price so we no longer have to make animal sacrifices. Instead, we are to be living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, which is our reasonable service of worship of him.