PloughBoy "The Revelation Trail" Update:
"The Revelation Trail"
2. 1&2 Thessalonians (KJV)
3. Zechariah
4. Malachi
5. Daniel (KJV)
6. 1 Kings
7. James
8. Hosea
9. Daniel
10. Joel
11. Amos
13. Jonah
14. Micah
15. Nahum
16. Habakkuk
17. Zephaniah
18. Haggai
. Zechariah Chapters 1-7
20. Zechariah Chapters 8-14 (October 14, 2022) 12 noon
21. Malachi Chapters 1-4 (October 14, 2022) by 1:00 afternoon Finish
22. Isaiah Chapters 1-5 (KJV) (October 16, 2022) by 11:30 AM.
23. Leviticus Chapters 1-6 (October 17, 2022) by 10:30 AM. ( it is worth it)
24. leviticus Chapters 7-11 (KJV) (October 18, 2022) by 12:15pm. and I see why a little better concerning "This Oasis" on "The Revelation
25. Leviticus Chapters 12-21 (KJV) ( October 19,2022)
26. Leviticus Chapters 22-27 (KJV) (October 20,2022) 12:15 pm.
27. Isaiah 6-13 Chapters (KJV) (October 21,2022) 11:40 AM.
28. Isaiah 14 Chapter (KJV) (October 25, 2022) 11:00 AM..........Something got my Attention here. So i stop, and amused and it "Occupied" me.
29. Isaiah Chapters 14-30 (NIV 1984 copyright). (October 27, 2022) Although I have read it in (NIV) early copyrights. The word "fords" struck my attention in the (KJV). I heard it many times before, knowing it is somewhat a "archaic"type word. So to be sure. Then I continue reading in the "NIV" 84 copyright. WOW. and I mean WOW, Traveling to Chapter 30. It look like a completely entire new look, and how it ushered in our "time period "occupation" of "Biblical Motif", and it cannot be explain. "The Aerial view is There" like a "Biblical DRONE"
You can add that "Jesus_is_LORD" to your "Biblical terminology" to your own personal biblical vocabulary. "a Biblical Drone's View"
And I thought to myself, He
"GOD" always make things brand new. When I would read His Book, and Plough my way through when it gets "Difficult" and I keep going. I have felt that "WALL" many of times in my life.
I guess he always has been training me. going through "The WALL" or
1. The Wall of Practices in "High School" football practices, everyday of practice, I said; I ain;t coming back out here

I came back. Too much endurance.
2. DAY of the GAME, I played all teams, offense left Pulling Guard, defense Middle line Backer, Kickoff team, Receiving team. I didn't get water, no slice of a orange on the sideline, Never game off the playing field until half time, and when the game was over. I would be mad, and would not let people know it.

I am going to quit! ,,,,,,Monday, I would be right back out there. Repeating the same thing over and over again. every day of Practices, "I am going to quit".
3. Same thing about "karate". the real deal, not this stuff they learn today. Run every other day 3 miles and sprint the last 1/2 mile. And the other days, sometimes fight 5-10 guys, full contact. without a rest between fighting. "Karate", "kung Fu", "Jujutsu", "Judo", Mix up Okinawa Style.
4. My wife used to get mad at me and beat me up, and i would sit there and take it, i would be bleeding. and she could fight like a man!

I would let her wear herself out. that she could not swing no more. And then she wants to make love.........And people thought i was fighting her, she would tell people that I was jumping on her. I never said a word. Until one time in public she jump on me, And people were terrified, and wonder how i could just sit there and take it, until blood could run off my face. We went to a christian counselor, he got scared, and said i can't help y'all. She told him I supposed to know what she wants and know what she is thinking and get it for her!

I can tell you some stories, they thought i was the devil, i said nothing to these christian people. I just listen. In the end they got Terrified!

I didn't say nothing to them and just listen, They don't know that much, and up there "PREACHING" and teaching! And the people lapping it up like water on "Gideons pond". If only many would stay in the "Parameters" that GOD has place you in,

For the devil will temp you to leave those "parameters" you are not gifted for.
For those who are on
"The Revelation TRAIL" as we pass some of these "Towns, Cities and Villages" the TRUTH will be REVEALED, about the creatures that roam on Planet earth. And how GOD deals and will deal with them ALL! Even Those who are in THE GRAVE they Will RAISE. Coming from the Grave.
And my wife is beautiful and nice shape woman and somewhat nice. I told them it was nothing, because you wouldn't have believe me anyhow. If Jesus, Paul and Silas, Stephen, Andrew, James, and ...etc. could take it, so can i.

I told my parents, you better not talk about her in my face.That is my wife. A long time ago. I allowed nobody to talk about my wife. No matter what. And I mean it! I got converted in 1977, and we married in 1972, And AFTER I got CONVERTED She Said, you are not the man I married. I told her i was better, But she liked the other better. And my conversion was like Night turn into DAY!
A total complete change, within in 8 hours. Went to work, came back home and completely a "Different
CREATURE"! that was a total SHOCK to her, it caused "GREAT Trauma" to her by that instant change. I left home a "Saul of Tarsus" in 8 hours came back A "APOSTLE PAUL"!
MY wife was not even "BAPTIZE" nor a member of a church neither was I and she knew quite nothing anything about JESUS, but what came out of her grandmothers mouth! It had to be explain what had happen to me! They told Her I was "
"MIRACULOUS CONVERSION" and no one in our Circle of people, relatives and church people have ever saw or heard of such a thing! My conversion like to made her loose her mind. My time of reading the BIBLE from Sun up to back up back the next day, and many thought it was only a fad,
And I could PREACH like no one you have ever seen, with Out a "SCRIPT" pure BIBLE and not my thoughts! not like this stuff you see today. Take my text, and Run with it, And Sing and before i preached, Some times the ANOINTING would be so strong i would have to stop, and thing about something else and take my mind off of Jesus and GOD, so i could continue speaking. I never stop her from doing what she always did, I never demand her into christianity. She could go any where she please, stay out i would never interfere. never demanded or push marital intimacy, So if someone said i force, they LIE! I don;t ask! if i do and you say do! End of story, you call me, i will not call you. Pastors, minsters and church people will destroy you with "gossip and lies", I know. If they lied on Jesus, they will lie on you, Just like all of the other "BIBLICAL Patriarch" and even "JOESPH" in PRISON for over 12 years and came out a "slave to Pharaoh" on a lie!
Salvation comes with a cost.

Blood, Do you summit?

"love" do you forgive, do you embrace your enemies, those who lie on you, And turn their backs on you when you get sick and have to crawl and call you everything, but a Child of The LIVING GOD. And do you love them by Telling the TRUTH. Or are you a "COMPROMISER" and cover the truth with lies in the name of "JESUS"?
But JESUS showed Me How to make "MUD" with "SPITTLE" Rubbing it into The Dirt in my life and applying it into eyes so that some men may see.
The World English Bible (John 9)
5While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” 6When he had said this, he spat on the ground, made mud with the saliva, anointed the blind man’s eyes with the mud, 7and said to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (which means “Sent”). So he went away, washed, and came back seeing.
You must learn to take the dirt out of your own past life and spit in it and make
"Salve" and rub it into men eyes that they may come and see.
King James Bible (Romans 1)
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith."
And how he is so Good to me, oh how he has blessed my soul!
Answer Me When I Call! "PSALMS 4" BSB
…"Many ask, “Who can show us the good?” Shine the light of Your face upon us, O LORD. You have filled my heart with more joy than when grain and new wine abound. I will lie down and sleep in peace, for You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.…"
He gives me what I need and not what i want! For I do not know what i want. BUT, For He knows, what I want!