Here is something but believe me I can go so deep into the Hebrew text of Scripture that only "Theologians' of accredit :seminaries can go in this matter, and it useless for me to go with laymen. and it is a know fact we cannot go there with layman's. and have back down so far concerning "Theological Studies and Biblical truths' you would not believe. since I have been on "TALKJESUS", with the aid of others to come down and do not remain up that I might put some on my shoulders and stand up that some may glaze and get a peek what lies ahead that which is beyond the Heavens way beyond even what Paul Called The third Heaven, that no man can speak of. so far the common or child of God cannot contain a hint that is in stored for the faithful of GOD. and it is so useless to even try, as Jesus has said to "Nicodemus". "if you do not believe the earthy things I have spoken to you how can you understand THE HEAVENLY. Now back to the Title Thread Topic.
Here is a partial study: of the word "Prophet" not a deep study. partial, concern the word prophet.
THE PROPHET: Proclaimer | Hebrew Word Study | Skip Moen
please do not go beyond what I have posted per se.
Interesting article.
I would offer a prophet / apostle is one in the same office .They, female or male are ones that declare the written will of one not seen . True prophecy is not subject to time But as a living word it gives an account of one there working in the things seen . . . whether it is past, present or future it remains the same , living word. it judges the intents of our new born again hearts .calling us to return to our first love .hearing God and believing him not seen .
An apostle (one sent by God ) can plant the incorruptible born again seed and another sent one can water the seed with the water of the words doctrine of Christ that fall like rain bringing green growth But unless the Father(Abba) of all spirit life pours out his Spirit mankind remains unchanged . . If Christ does not cause the increase then dying leading to death never to rise again is the end of all things
1 Corinthians 3:6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.
The apostles are as nothing teaching us God is not served by the dying flesh of mankind
In that way we are warned to call no man on earth good teaching master One is our Holy Father in heaven He who increases prophecy must cause the increase . . . the dying flesh of mankind profits for zero .