For about two years now I've been flirting with the idea of becoming a Christian. I don't mean actual flirting, it's a figure of speech. I've tried so hard to believe, but I just can't. I can't force myself to believe, no matter how hard I try.
Ephesians 2:8-9: "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not of ourselves; it is the gift of God."
I can't produce my own faith, it must be given from God. And I have no faith.
I have always believed in God, but that is the extent of my faith. I believe there is a God. I've tried to believe in the other stuff, I've prayed to God asking him to open my heart and let him in, but it hasn't worked.
I can't believe the Bible is inerrant. I can't do it. There is no proof outside the Bible that the Bible is 100% truth.
I can't believe in the trinity. It makes no sense to me. People say, "Oh us humans just can't understand the concept" but I feel like that's an excuse when you can't think of a good reason for me to believe in it.
I can't believe Jesus is God. It kind of ties in with not believing in the trinity. Jesus can't be God's son and God at the same time...
I can't believe that Jesus would have had to die for our sins to save us from hell. God is in charge here, so why can't he just let us in to heaven? He's supposed to be loving and forgiving. I get punishing your kids, but hell is an eternal punishment, no father punishes his child for eternity. So why would God need Jesus to die for our sins to let us in to heaven? How come dying on the cross saved us anyhow?
I can't believe that non-believers go to hell. I refuse to believe that God would send good people to hell for not worshiping him. I would rather go to hell than worship a God like that. God loves all his children! You don't send someone you love to hell!
I just need someone to explain all this without using the Bible or prove that the Bible is 100% correct, which I doubt is possible. I really need help and guidance.