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"The children are our future....".
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SignUp Now!You see people are evil and GOD is good, the only way they can change, they must be "regenerated" "Born from upon" they must become a "New Creature". Not a new way of thinking or doing things, you have to be "Created New in Christ Jesus" Creature, a Creature, a NEW Creature not born of This earth or by the will of mankind, But "Born of GOD" a citizen of HEAVEN, Born. and not by a "confession" or applying with papers for "citizenship". If you are not Born of GOD you are one of THE WICKED ONES And there are no in between. "Jacob or Esau", "Sarah or Hagar" "Isaac or Ishmael", "up or down", "Rebellion or Submitted to GOD",A when judgement and fire comes upon the Earth the wicked will say "what?"
Rev 16:8 And the fourth poured out his bowl upon the sun; and it was given him to scorch men with fire.
16:9 And men were scorched with great heat: and they blasphemed the name of the God who hath the power over these plagues; and they repented not to give him glory.
16:10 And the fifth poured out his bowl upon the throne of the beast; and his kingdom became darkened; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,
16:11 and they blasphemed the God of the heaven for their pains and for their sores; and they repented not of their works.
I wouldn't agree nothing was done.We Christians did little of nothing back in 1972. We were and are too busy waiting for rapture to get us the hell out of here. We are told to occupy IMO occupy does not mean set back and wait for rescue.
People aren't evil.You see people are evil and GOD is good, the only way they can change, they must be "regenerated" "Born from upon" they must become a "New Creature". Not a new way of thinking or doing things, you have to be "Created New in Christ Jesus" Creature, a Creature, a NEW Creature not born of This earth or by the will of mankind, But "Born of GOD" a citizen of HEAVEN, Born. and not by a "confession" or applying with papers for "citizenship". If you are not Born of GOD you are one of THE WICKED ONES And there are no in between. "Jacob or Esau", "Sarah or Hagar" "Isaac or Ishmael", "up or down", "Rebellion or Submitted to GOD",
if they are not Evil, why did he send "JESUS" to die for The Sinners who deserved to go to HELL and receive the "FULL WRATH" of The ALMIGHTY GOD! Who's anger wax HOT everyday against the WICKED! And "Idolatry" is at the Top of The List!People aren't evil.
For that to be true, one would have to attribute that condition to God's doing, according to his planning and will.
if they are not Evil, why did he send "JESUS" to die for The Sinners who deserved to go to HELL and receive the "FULL WRATH" of The ALMIGHTY GOD! Who's anger wax HOT everyday against the WICKED! And "Idolatry" is at the Top of The List!
And so you are also declaring that JESUS is Liar when HE said: "There is none righteous no not a one"
Jesus said:
"Then a certain ruler asked Him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “Why do you call Me good?” Jesus replied No One Is Good except God alone. [ your mama, your daddy, your grandmother, your granddaddy, you sons, your daughters, uncles, cousins, Aunts, Your Pastor too, ain't none of them Good, all of them are evil. trust none of them! "there is only one Who is "GOOD" and that is GOD! He can be Trusted.].
The WORD of GOD says: (Romans 3)BSB
There is No One Righteous
"There is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. ALL have turned away, they have together become Worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.” “Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit.” “The venom of vipers is on their lips.”…
We Thank GOD "For GRACE and MERCY", Good and Righteous people don't need grace and mercy SINNERS do! Wicked people do!
I sorry, but i know there are many "christians" who are "Pelagians" in there christian thought patterns. But i am not one of them such as yourself. But leans more into The "Augustinian". Camp
Let me say this: I have read my bible from Front To back KJV, ASV, RSV, NIV. early Copyrights over a hundred times, from front to back! and some books of the bible over 400 times. each. ....... I know where the errors are at, in the translations, and the added text and know why they have been added! When I say something about the BOOK, it is in The Book,......... If it is my opinion or speculation i will stated that what it is. When i say all people are evil the WORD of GOD has said it. Now how come you don't know this? Oh' i forgot you are a "christian" and they come in all forms.
I been walking with JESUS and fellowshipping with GOD for over 44 years. And I don't have my name on no bodies Church Roll! And I don't speak in "Glossolalia" but i am Gifted in "Languages" by The "Spirit of The Living GOD"! And I ain't no "Dime Store Cowboy" but i have own Horses in my younger days, "a "Gaming Pony', A full Quarter Horse, and A StandardBred. and I know how to ride BareBAck just as good as I can ride in "Western Saddle".
Many might think i am joke, and a fake, but it doesn't matter, they thought and many still do think, that JESUS is and was a FAKE and a devil. And I all ready know there is no good thing in me.
Romans speak clearly on my account as well.
I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my flesh; for I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do. Instead, I keep on doing the evil I do not want to do. And if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.
So this is the principle I have discovered: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law. But I see another law at work in my body, warring against the law of my mind and holding me captive to the law of sin that dwells within me.
What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ our Lord!
So then, with my mind I serve the law of God, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin.
does it really matterI believe you.
It appears you believe it does due to the length of your long posting prior.does it really matter
Is murdering the guy down the street moral or immoral . Is rape moral or immoral, how about embezzlement , or home invasion, child abuse, elder abuse? The laws about this short list are IMO moral laws . Reading your reply i get the idea we should not have such laws on the books.We should know by now that morality isn't universal. Nor are we able to force our will upon others. As we would not want others to force their will upon us.
Is murdering the guy down the street moral or immoral . Is rape moral or immoral, how about embezzlement , or home invasion, child abuse, elder abuse? The laws about this short list are IMO moral laws . Reading your reply i get the idea we should not have such laws on the books.
Abortion seems to have a double standard. If the sin can be hidden from other people it is then ok.
Are you saying having laws is foolish?Imagine how foolishly preoccupied we would be policing the world 's sins. And according to our individual sense of Christian morality.
We are against abortion therefore we don't have one.
Wrong again.Are you saying having laws is foolish?
Do you believe murder is sin?"We believe abortion is a sin. Therefore, no one should be permitted to have an abortion!"
You choose not to answer the adoption question?Do you believe murder is sin?
Please forgive my old eyes i did not see the paragraph.. ..I have not adopted but raised a grandchild for a few years. Not the same but it was something i could do.What is within my control? Proving I'm pro-life by adopting babies that were born to a mother who was pro-choice . And as such chose to have her baby and chose to put them up for adoption.
Actually, the thread discussion pertains to a book.Please forgive my old eyes i did not see the paragraph.. ..I have not adopted but raised a grandchild for a few years. Not the same but it was something i could do.
No the photo caption says "yeah the democrats did not get me "
Now back to the question . Do you believe murder is sin?
I thought laws were being discussed not adoption.