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Like Cinderella, My Prince will come


Jan 7, 2005
Many of you know who I am, and how I do things. Many of you do not know. I have never been on a date, had a boyfriend, or anything. I am only 17 and some say I have all the time in the world, but going to high school is a different story when your the only girl you know who hasn't had her first kiss.

To me, Purity is the most special thing a girl can give to her husband. When a girl dates someone, she falls in love. Then after he has her heart, she basically belongs to him. (In most cases). If they break up, it tears a little piece of her heart off. Now she doesn't have a full heart.

She finds another boyfriend, and he sweeps her off her feet, but only lingers long enough to get what he wants, then he's out. That tears yet another piece of her heart away.

Eventually, after many hopeless attempts with guys and giving them her heart, when she finally does meat the right man, she has nothing to give him. Her heart has been broken into pieces too many times.

Now I'm not saying there is no hope for those people and their marrages, I am saying, keep yourself pure that way you can give your heart, your full heart, to your husband or wife on your wedding day.
That would be the most precious gift to recieve that special day.

God Bless
Sis in Christ :love:
Yes, Cinderella girl,

Your prince will come. The purity of your spirit will draw the compatible mate of like purity. The importance of all this is spiritual connection.
Marriage between husband and wife can image the marriage of the Lord and the Church, and our walk with the Lord is described as preparing as a Bride for the Lord as Husband.

Sexual union is spiritual union and unions outside the marriage bond draw sprits from hell to tempt entrance and plague our feelings and thoughts with further extra-marital affairs that bind us to that spirit even more. What we bind in this world remains bound and what we loosen remains loosened.

The Book of Revelation warns about fornication in the churches and this is spiritual fornication that compromises our marriage with the Lord as the preparing Bride.
In the spiritual world, this becomes actualized as fornications in hell.

Inrobar, in your state of purity, you do not have the evil spirits that plague the unrepentant fornicator and adulterer.

peace and trust
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You are so right . You should protect you're heart ! For out of it comes the issues of life . Do not allow bad issues in and good issues will come out . Brother Mike

Praise God for your purity! Yes, We are all princesses and as Princesses, we should diligently pray and wait for our Princes. I'm 18... made a decision not to date after my freshman year in High School, and I've been praying for My Prince for 2 years now, that he may also remain pure for me but mainly for the King. Romans 12:1-2 is my theme passage on relationships, that is what my prayer is for my future relationship with my Prince... for it to be according to His perfect will!

God bless you my dear!
I felt refreshed in a way reading this post helps make me feel like maybe my wife will have waited patiently for me.
Hey. do you know that that is like WOW to me i mean yes true enough i have been through that me myself i have only had 4 Girl Frends but it does not really count because i have been out with the same one 3 different times. but i think that in my case it did work the other way around on of those times. but this time we are gogin out it will be true and honest i feel....

well in God's Love i send you be at peace the time will coem for you and every one else!!
Amen to that, inrobar! i've been there. it's really a pressure to be unlike everybody else, but it's all worth it.

be patient. God works in ways more than you could imagine.

just wait and see.....

GOD BLESS! :love:
lnrobar that's awesome to hear! I've never heard of anyone as close to purity as what you just explained. Keep it up! GOD has someone special for you sister
I have to say that it is awesome to finally find other people out there that feel the same way i do. I have had people ask me why i don't have a boyfriend or anything, and when i tell them that i dont date, they just look at me like i'm an absolute crazy person. Keep praying and following God, and He will give you your mate. There is no one else who knows you like God does and only He can pick the perfect mate for you. God bless you girl!!!
Haha lady, you think the exact same way I do. xP I'm 18 and I haven't ever gotten a boyfriend yet either. I believe that with me, purity is also a rather big issue. We must keep it until the day God gives us our significant other.

I suppose sometimes it's hard, but God knows the desires of your heart. He didn't give you that longing just to torture you. So yeah, all we need to have is patience. Prayer too. Oh, and here's something a lil bit encouraging.[edited by moderator no links with out permission] <--This is a Christian Korean site (just select the English version) that has different kinds of flash animations. Very cute...and for this...I suggest you watch "Passion". ^-^
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lnrobar said:
Many of you know who I am, and how I do things. Many of you do not know. I have never been on a date, had a boyfriend, or anything. I am only 17 and some say I have all the time in the world, but going to high school is a different story when your the only girl you know who hasn't had her first kiss.

To me, Purity is the most special thing a girl can give to her husband. When a girl dates someone, she falls in love. Then after he has her heart, she basically belongs to him. (In most cases). If they break up, it tears a little piece of her heart off. Now she doesn't have a full heart.

She finds another boyfriend, and he sweeps her off her feet, but only lingers long enough to get what he wants, then he's out. That tears yet another piece of her heart away.

Eventually, after many hopeless attempts with guys and giving them her heart, when she finally does meat the right man, she has nothing to give him. Her heart has been broken into pieces too many times.

Now I'm not saying there is no hope for those people and their marrages, I am saying, keep yourself pure that way you can give your heart, your full heart, to your husband or wife on your wedding day.
That would be the most precious gift to recieve that special day.

God Bless
Sis in Christ :love:
Inrobar: You are right when you say that purity is the most important thing a girl can give to her soulmate husband. I've been married a long time (38 yrs). I still remember the first time is saw the girl that became my wife. She was innocent. That was obvious from the get-go. Thats what attracted me to her; plus the fact that she was (and still is) very pretty.

When you talked about dating, you seemed to think that romance has to bloom with every boy you date. It seems to me that that puts unnecessary pressure on you. Dates are supposed to be fun events. True romance will blossom when the right guy comes along.

Too many girls "fall in love" quickly because the guy is "cool" or "cute", only to find out later that she is only a sex object to him.

On the first date, the boy needs to be told (tactfully) that you treasure your virginity and that there will be no sex until you are married. So what, you don't hear from him again!
If he never asks you out again, that's o.k. He's not the one for you. No matter what country you live in, there are plenty of boys around. There's no reason to rush things.

Philippians 4:5ff says : ", Do not be anxious about anything (including having a boy friend). But in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
quote spiritledEd......
"Too many girls "fall in love" quickly because the guy is "cool" or "cute", only to find out later that she is only a sex object to him."..........

I find some of the things said in the posts in this thread very offensive.
Generalizations that probably cannot be backed up with fact.

Sounds like us single guys are just sex maniacs and not individuals who are relationship with Jesus.

I had dinner with 3 guys on Saturday night. One a jet engineer, he has not dated any female for 5 years. 1 guy who broke up with his girlfriend a year ago and has been on no dates since then.
The other who is a surgeon has been to busy to date for 8 years. I have not been on a date for a long time. All these guys would like to get married.
A group of 4 ladies rang and invited us to go and join them for that evening.
Well we didn't rush off try to have sex with them.
We stayed on doing what we were doing. Fellowshipping with each other.

All of my friends want to date, get married. Loneliness is not a good thing.
We are looking for a partner who wants to be our companion. To share the journey of life. We are tired of coming home to a empty home. Loneliness is not good. We would like to be able to do the shopping with the person that we love. To do things around the garden and the home on weekends with that someone special. To not have to go on a holiday by ourselves.

A female told me last week that she was taught that sex was the main thing that a male wanted in a relationship. I just laughed. I don't think that she has tasted loneliness. I don't think she has had to come to a empty house day in day out. Or endure a weekend by herself, silence, loneliness.
If she or who- ever taught her that "silliness" had ever tasted long periods of loneliness they would realize that sex is only a minor part of a relationship.

A married christain lady rang one of the guys on the weekend, she wants to have sex with him. He was offended. He was angered by her approach.

Please have some consideration for single people before you write posts that are generalizations. thank you.
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Whoa, Awesome--I'm just understanding what a date actually means.


I'm one of those super-fagile girls who nearly crumble at the thought of dating. Oh, [blush blush] but just recently I was asked out on a date. And you know what I did...............C'MON JUST GUESS! I refused.

Yeah, I'm 19 years old and yet I still nearly faint at the thought of a date. Yeah, the time will come when I'm ready. I'm a big fan of purity.
Kaze did you even read the thead? It was not about fairy tales... I find you comment rather unfriendly. If I am taking it wrong I am sorry but I think you need to explain further. Joyfuly ~ Jlu
SpiritLedEd said:
When you talked about dating, you seemed to think that romance has to bloom with every boy you date. It seems to me that that puts unnecessary pressure on you. Dates are supposed to be fun events. True romance will blossom when the right guy comes along.

No honestly that is not what I meant. I don't think of people dating in the romance terms. I think of it in any term. You can still give any piece of your heart to someone without "romance". Like for example people's "First Love", they tell the other something about them that no one knew. They told them because they trusted that person. If that person were to end that relationship, they would leave knowing that secret, and breaking a bondage of trust. So that is a piece of one's heart right there.

Not all relationships are based on romance. Most are but not all. I honestly don't have that kind of pressure on me. I do have pressure on me,(unnecessary) but not in thinking relationships are built on the foundation of romance. I am far past that.

I have come to realize that even though I am 18, never been on a date in my life, God is writing my "love story" and while I'm waiting for the final copy, he's placed a wonderful friend in my life. And many other great people. I'm not worried about the outcome. It's all in God's hands.

God Bless you
Sis in Christ:love:
I am speechless so to speak. When I young this type of attitude was no where to be found. I think the Lord has ordained you and all the others like you to help others your own age and so many more. I know that I have been affected by your commitment. He is strong in you, you can do all things. Never, never, never, give up your convictions or your goal to stay pure. Take it from someone who was on the other end of things. It hurts us to our very soul to sell ourselves short. Stay pure and endure. .......jmh137
For anyone who can do this, especially in this day and age has nothing but respect from me, I fall short of this and regret some things. I think people have to remember some guys are under ALOT of pressure from 15 onwards moreso than girls, I'd like to meet a girl with that attitude at least.