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Like Cinderella, My Prince will come

Man, even just reading the starting post in this thread has really encouraged me! Not to turn this to be about me at all - it's just that I was thinking of all the young women I know personally who call themselves Christians but who don't seem to be bearing any fruit. I'm not trying to be cynical, really. I know that there are Godly young people today who are striving hard to follow God & to live pure, chaste lives - I'm 36, never been married, & still honouring God with this part of my life.

To Inrobar & others in her position, please keep up the chastity & purity! You really are honouring God & yourselves & your future mates with your Godliness. Remaining a virgin 'til you're married is so worth it, from what I've seen! Every woman I know who waited 'til they were married said that they were so very, very happy that they had waited (I don't feel comfortable talking to men about such things), & many who haven't waited have told me that they wished they were where I was. Oh, not necessarily 36 & still single; rather, virgins when they married.

I have had boyfriends, and, thankful, all but one were totally respectful of me, having made the same decision, or at least were living in renewed purity (one had given his virginity away before he was a Christian & had committed himself to purity 'til marriage). The one who didn't respect me soon learned that I was serious & wasn't giving in. He dumped me, but I wasn't sorry.

Keep seeking God as the Source of your wholeness & joy - it's more satisfying than any human relationship could ever be.
Wow, it is awesome to still see God touching people through this post! God is so amazing, and the amazing thing is He will NEVER change!

I love you all, and I hope anyone who reads this will be blessed. It has been a while I know, but you all are never out of my prayers.
Still single and loving every minute of it! I belong to Jesus completely now. He is taking me places that I'm not even sure about, but if it is of God, I have nothing to fear.
So keep strong and pure!

Love always,
Sis in Christ
Hello..i need some advice..Theres this boy his name is Lior i reallly like and he is jewish and israeli..i am falling in love with him..but i have a few problems..my dad will disown me if i date somebody out side of my race ((im white)), he says in the bible races should stick with their own races..and my other problem is that since Lior is jewish he doesnt believe In Jesus, and i dont want God to be mad at me..I always seem to fall in love with Jewish boys..Can somebody please help me out? i really appreciate it..thanks..
brokenin2, thanks so much for sharing your quandary with us! It must be a heartbreaking time for you.

I can't relate to a father telling his daughter to stick with "her own kind" as my dad's got no prejudice like that. However, I can understand my dad being all for me sticking with believers. I can understand you being afraid of angering your father. More importantly, though, is how to honour God here. Is God the One you want to please above all? In His Word it says to not be unequally yoked with unbelievers (I apologise - I can't remember that passage's reference at this time; anyone else have it? I'm not near a Bible right now & I don't have time to go to Bible Gateway to look it up). That could be in all sorts of areas in life, but here, I think, it's relevant as far as our relationships, especially with potential marriage partners.

Dating or courtship, however you do things socially in that area, should be done with the mindset that the person you're with is a potential marriage partner. Do you want to marry a Jew who doesn't believe in Jesus? A Messianic Jew is fine - they're Jews who recognise Jesus as their Messiah - but one who doesn't recognise our Saviour for Who He is will not be in agreement with you as a Christian, and that's no way to start off married life.

I can totally understand being attracted to someone regardless of faith, but it's what you do with that attraction that matters.

Above all else, you have to consider who it is you want to please & what you want to do for eternity. Do you want to please God or Lior above all else? Do you want a partner who's like minded in faith & belief, or do you want the hardship that comes with being yoked with an unbeliever? I saw my mom struggle for the first eleven years of my life 'til my dad became a Christian, & I don't want to see you go through that hardship. Please think long & hard about this & don't forget to pray.

May you come to the right decision & know that I'm praying for you. Please keep us all posted here!
hey...thanks for the advice! i appreciate it alot! i will take it in too consideration, I think about this everyday..i pray alot too but thanks soo much!

Wow, you've got a couple of serious issues here; the most serious being that you have a very legalistic, domineering father who threatens to disown you if you marry a Jew and yet you say you are always "falling in love" with Jewish boys.

Yes, Scripture does speak against a believer marrying a non-believer because of the danger of the non-believer turning the believer's heart away from Jesus Christ (See Dt 7:3).
However, I think your biggest issue is your passive-aggressive rebellious attitude toward your father. and his domineering ways

When my children were growing up, I was very domineering and both my children rebelled against me. My daughter's rebellion was out in the open, but my son took the passive-aggressive route; quiet on the outside, but doing everything he could to get back at me subversively.

I believe that your gravitating toward Jewish young men is a passive-aggressive attempt to fight against your father and establish your independence while somehow avoiding his wrath.

You need to get some professional Christian counseling before you get married to anyone. Your issues with your father will damage your relationship with any man, be he Christian or non-Christian, because your father has been the #1 male role model in your life and he has not been a good one, it seems.

brokenin2 said:
hey...thanks for the advice! i appreciate it alot! i will take it in too consideration, I think about this everyday..i pray alot too but thanks soo much!

You're very welcome! I'll keep praying. If you want to let off some steam or something, please feel free to PM me & I'll be there for you.
I dated only 2 guys in high school, a total of about 6 dates. Neither of whom was extremely "special" to me.

Don't worry. There is one special person on this earth that God made just for you. When God is ready to bring this special person into your life, then He will.

Just hang in there and know you are not alone.

I did not meet my husband until I was 24.
Wow! Its been forever since I've last been on here, and even longer since I wrote this! It's amazing to read all the replys and hear the opinions of all my brothers and sisters! I really love you guys!

Well, since then (back when I wrote this), I'm still single. 19 years old, and I'm still single, and like I said before, it may not seem like a big deal to some of the older folks on here, but it is for me! I have never once been told that I am pretty by a boy or even had a boy crush on me or anything, and yea it gets lonely, but I realize that even though I may be lonely, I still have God, and that's what He wants to use this lonely time for. To be with Him! Yeah, I'm still waiting for that special someone, and dont want to be alone for Christmas, but hey what's a girl supposed to do?

ah, well, anyways, be blessed!
Sis in Christ
:love: Lnrobar:love:
Inrobar: Is there a Christian singles group active in the church you attend? If not, certainly there are young single people there, organized or not.

Have you searched for young single Christians?

Inrobar: Is there a Christian singles group active in the church you attend? If not, certainly there are young single people there, organized or not.

Have you searched for young single Christians?


Actually I haven't looked really. I honestly am not ready to be in any kind of relationship. I know I want to be, but I know it's not what God has for me at this moment. It's hard not to do what you want to do, and to do what God wants which isnt what I want to do.

Me myslef wants someone, but God says no, so I have to be obediant.

Sis in Christ
Christian Singles groups are supposed to be for social activities only. They are not dating services. They just provide social venues for singles to hang out, go to movies as a group, etc. just for fun.

Christian Singles groups are supposed to be for social activities only. They are not dating services. They just provide social venues for singles to hang out, go to movies as a group, etc. just for fun.


I understand what you are saying, but I don't want to get into a group that is specifically for single people because I don't want any doors to open or any temptations to "court" anyone to arise. Even though we would be as a group and just all friends. The thoughts are still there, and I don't want that. God's getting ready to make a big move in my life, I getting ready to go back to be with Lou Engle and "The Call" movement, and I just don't have time to "get to know" new people. That would be great in all but still.

IDK, I just have this strange feeling that I already know who I'm supposed to be with, so it would be pointless to join a singles group. Reguardless the friendships, it's still a singles group and it still means they are single people looking for "someone", and I'm not into that kind of thing!

So, but I totally understand what you are saying, and I hope you understand what I am saying.

Sis in Christ
i haven't read all the replies(they are SO MANY!!, and that's great) but i want to say that i agree with the main idea, i'm 16, never dated, not because i haven't been asked to, but because of all these reasons you have all mentioned before.
i am so happy to find peple that have the same standerds as i do!!that Rocks:shade: !

well, in fact God Rocks!
God bless each and every one of you!
i haven't read all the replies(they are SO MANY!!, and that's great) but i want to say that i agree with the main idea, i'm 16, never dated, not because i haven't been asked to, but because of all these reasons you have all mentioned before.
i am so happy to find peple that have the same standerds as i do!!that Rocks:shade: !

well, in fact God Rocks!
God bless each and every one of you!

Hey, good for you! Stand true in what God tells you and you will never go wrong!

God Bless
Sis in Christ
Darling You Are One Of A Kind, You Need To Stay That Way, For As They Say Your Prince Will Come, He Will Be Special At That. These Days It Is So Hard To Find Pure And Virgin People Like You. It Will Pay Off And You Shall Be Rewarded.
May God Bless
This is so precious today. "Keep yourself pure" is bible. Hallelujah. Forgive me.

But I appreciate your desire to present your self pure, to the man you will love and marry. Romance is such a wonderful thing. I pray you will know romance, that the boy will have to win your hearts.

Such a wonderful, and precious thing.
Darling You Are One Of A Kind, You Need To Stay That Way, For As They Say Your Prince Will Come, He Will Be Special At That. These Days It Is So Hard To Find Pure And Virgin People Like You. It Will Pay Off And You Shall Be Rewarded.
May God Bless

Thank you, but it isn't a reward that I am looking for. I just want to be obediant to God. To sacrifice my fleshly desires for His desires! I want to be obediant to the fullest extent! To be obediant to the point where it hurts! Not only fleshly, but my heart! I want to do WHATEVER it takes! I long to be obediant! I don't want anyone to be in the way of my flesh to distract me of letting God recieve of what He is worthy!

My focus is on America, and Abortion, and the Homosexual agenda, and this Nation and the Muslims. I need to be devoted to that and the vision of God's heart before I give myself to anyone! I want to contend to God's heart and rise up this new generation that will be taking back by force what the enemy has stolen!
We need to let our love for the father be what drives us towards His will, and not our own fleshly desires!