Looking for Daniel
Daniel 3
- Like Daniel, his three companions are faithful men to Yah.we and thus excellent examples for us!
- We don’t know anything about Daniel!
- That’s strange because he is one of the most important men of Babylon!
- Nebuchadnezzar is brutal!
- But he can easily change his attitude when something happens!
- Here, Daniel’s three companions are saved by Yah.weh!
- And he gives them a higher position!
- So they are also blessed because of their faithfulness!
- He doesn’t accept anyone’s disobedience but when somebody does it and survives, he can only recognize it!
- Thus he is pragmatic!
- Faithfulness leads you to find and keep the right direct, without going to the left or to the right!
- You just keep straight away!
- It is evidence!
- No evidence, no faithfulness!
- It requires hard work, no lazinessI
Daniel 3
- Like Daniel, his three companions are faithful men to Yah.we and thus excellent examples for us!
- We don’t know anything about Daniel!
- That’s strange because he is one of the most important men of Babylon!
- Nebuchadnezzar is brutal!
- But he can easily change his attitude when something happens!
- Here, Daniel’s three companions are saved by Yah.weh!
- And he gives them a higher position!
- So they are also blessed because of their faithfulness!
- He doesn’t accept anyone’s disobedience but when somebody does it and survives, he can only recognize it!
- Thus he is pragmatic!
- Faithfulness leads you to find and keep the right direct, without going to the left or to the right!
- You just keep straight away!
- It is evidence!
- No evidence, no faithfulness!
- It requires hard work, no lazinessI