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looking for Jesus according to John

Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 8:

Jesus tells the Pharisees they are Abraham’s offspring but they are seeking to kill him, because his word makes no progress among them!

- Jesus teaches about Yah.weh whereas the religious leaders teach man’s tradition!

- We must be careful about what we learn: the way leading to Yah.weh or man’s tradition which goes nowhere!

- Jesus tells us not to be blind followers!

- Some may prefer John, some may prefer another Gospel! In fact, there are four Gospels and each one enhances certain points! I would give the image of the hand: it has five fingers, some may be more useful than others, when someone loses one, he realizes it is better to have five fingers and losing one is a great miss!

- The majority often forgets one essential point: Yah.weh gave us the whole Bible that is 66 books!

- There is no other book with such diversity, with so many prophets who show us the way to Yah.weh!

- Those who reduce the Bible to a small portion will never understand the Bible!

- Each book is a key leading to Yah.weh!

- We can learn from the good and the bad examples!

- We must keep going away from the bad examples and keep following the good ones!

- This continuity is essential not only to get closer to Yah.weh but to develop a strong relationship to him!

- No continuity no Yah.weh nothing: just emptiness!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 8:

Jesus tells them Yah.weh is not their Father because they don’t love him!

- But he comes from Yah.weh!

- And he has come because Yah.weh sent him!

- So why don’t they understand him?

- Because they can’t listen to his word!

- Because they come from their father the devil!

- And they want to do his will!

- He started as a murderer and against the truth!

- He is a liar and the father of the lie!

- On the contrary, Jesus says the truth and they don’t believe him!

- Truth vs lie!

- Yah.weh vs the devil!

- The religious leaders don’t really care about Yah.weh and about the truth!

- We can’t look for our own interests and Yah.weh’s interests: we need to make a choice!

- They can’t understand Jesus because he speaks the truth!

- Which example do we want to follow?

- The choice we make is essential and we must be careful doing it!

- We can’t accuse others because of our own responsibilities!

- Making a choice!

- And keeping this choice!

- Actively!

- And we need knowledge!

- And personal study!

- Everything must be clear and precise in our mind!

- Remember in the bible there is no difference between dreams and visions!

- The human beings who describe them do it with extreme precision!

- We are dealing with extreme knowledge!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 8:

- Jesus tells them that the one who is from Yah.weh listens to his sayings!

- Thus they don’t listen to him because they are not from Yah.weh!

- Once again Yah.weh’s Word vs man’s tradition!

- Both are not complementary: we have to make a choice!

- How is it possible to listen and follow those who believe in man’s tradition instead of Yah.weh’s Word?

- Is the difference not so evident?

- And if it is not, it means that we don’t study enough!

- We must be careful: it is a question of life or death!

- We must get away from appearances and keep digging, otherwise we will stay at the surface!

- There is a big difference between activity and inactivity!

- We must never forget: the leader of this world is the devil!

- He does everything for his own interests!

- He knows he is going to be destroyed!

- Thus he wants to bring with him the maximum people!

- He doesn’t want people to be saved!

- And till now he was quite successful!

- But it is also a way to separate people!

- It is necessary to clean the earth!

- There is no room for trash in the next paradise!

- First cleaning pretty soon then a second one after the 1,000 years!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 9:

- Some Pharisees say that Jesus is not a man from Yah.weh because he does not observe the sabbath!

- Others wonder how a man who is a sinner can perform such signs!

- As a consequence there is a division among them!

- It is always a dilemma: even if they know they are wrong, they are used to looking for their own interests!

- It is difficult to change when you have been doing something for a long time!

- Humility vs pride!

- Life vs Death!

- Man is used to acting badly!

- He is used to killing himself!

- Thus it is difficult to completely change your attitude!

- He is used to not paying attention to what Yah.weh has always said!

- It is nothing new!

- They have the Bible!

- Everything is written!

- They have the story of the Hebrews!

- They can see Yah.weh’s extreme patience!

- But even Yah.weh’s patience has a limit!

- When it’s too late, it’s too late!

- We are not in a video game!

- When you are going to die, you are going to die!

- When you are an adult, you are not a child!

- You must make up your mind!

- And you must keep it!

- If you can’t do it, there is absolutely no problem!

- You will die!

- End of the story!

- Those who want to dream, they will have to wake up!

- If we don’t listen to Yah.weh’s warnings, no problem!

- Others will listen and get into the next promised land!

- It is as simple as that!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 9:

His parents say so because they fear the Jews have decided to expel from the synagogue anyone acknowledging Jesus as Christ!

- The religious leaders have power and they use it or better said abuse it to threaten ordinary people!

- They don’t care about the truth or better said they tell about their own truth which is the opposite of Yah.weh’s truth because it serves their own interests!

- Thus how can they serve ordinary people’s interests?

- They don’t want people to know the truth!

- They like darkness and work in darkness!

- Jesus always warns us against them!

- We must open our eyes and ears!

- It is a question of life or death!

- Jesus always told his disciples to observe and listen carefully!

- It is quite usual among men to stop doing it!

- They start sleeping peacefully!

- But they need to be awoken!

- You must be careful about the right and the wrong people!

- The right people do the right things!

- The wrong people do the wrong things!

- Whatever direction they choose, they keep it!

- We must do the same!

- And better than keeping it, we must engrave it into our minds and hearts!

- Somewhere nobody can take it!

- Somewhere we can’t lose it!

- Somewhere we can’t forget it!

- Thus when the time comes, we will have it and we will save our lives!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 9:

The man says how it is possible that they don’t know where he is from whereas he opened his eyes!

- Thus he can only be from Yah.weh!

- The Pharisees answer him he was born in sin thus he can’t teach us!

- So they throw him out!

- The former blind man tricks the religious leaders at their own game!

- Of course, it is against their own interests!

- Thus they deny the obvious!

- But it is a dangerous game because it shows their real nature!

- And it is not from Yah.weh!

- It is how the so-called people of power do!

- They think they know better when they know nothing!

- That’s why we are where we are and why we are going faster and faster!

- But it has to be so!

- That’s why it is necessary to be as active as possible!

- We must get ready or not if we don’t care!

- But it is always better to get ready!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 9:

Jesus explains that he has come so those not seeing might see and those seeing might become blind!

- Some of the Pharisees ask him if they are blind!

- Jesus answers saying that if they were blind, they would have no sin!

- They say they see so their sin remains!

- Jesus is clear, the religious leaders are blind because of their attitude and their pride (we can say the same of kings)!

- They don’t want to listen!

- They prefer to defend their own interest!

- They are condemned!

- No way to escape their judgment!

- Their guilt is doubled because they mislead the people who follow them!

- So many bad examples!

- They are deaf and blind!

- They will never understand!

- It is a condition of mind and heart!

- It is necessary to learn how to do it!

- It is not natural!

- Moreover, in this world, being deaf and blind is a protection against superficiality!

- Thus depending on the time, we must learn how to see and hear with more accuracy, or close our eyes and ears!

- Flexibility is required!

- Learn the appropriate times to use our senses with more efficiency!

- But we must not waste them for nothing!

- And in this world there are plenty of opportunities!

- The more we use them for nothing, the more we lose them!

- That’s why we must be extremely cautious!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 10:

Jesus speaks about the one not entering into the sheepfold through the door but climbing in by another way is a thief and a plunderer!

- Jesus compares the religious leaders to thieves and plunderers!

- When we remember that they are only looking for their own interests, it makes sense!

- So many people died or became slaves because of them when Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans!

- How many will follow the same end because of them when Yah.weh puts an end to this world?

- We must always remember that quality is more important than quantity!

- See how this world is dying!

- There is garbage all around the earth!

- Which means more trouble when they put satellites into orbit!

- It is completely ridiculous!

- And it is the same with everything!

- Mountains of garbage everywhere!

- There is no limit to human stupidity!

- Man only knows how to destroy everything!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 10:

- Jesus says that the one who enters through the door is the shepherd of the sheep!

- The doorkeeper opens to him and his sheep listen to his voice!

- He calls them by name and leads them out!

- He goes ahead of them and they follow him, because they know his voice!

- They won’t follow a stranger because they don’t know his voice!

- Jesus is the shepherd, the religious leaders are the strangers!

- The sheep follow him, listen to him!

- He knows the name of each one!

- He leads them out!

- But they will by no means follow a stranger!

- On the contrary they flee from him

- Because they don’t want to get into trouble!

- Do we know the voice of the shepherd?

- Today there is a lot of noise everywhere!

- And the world is too busy to distract our attention from the shepherd’s voice!

- Remember the devil is the leader of this world!

- And he knows how limited his time is!

- So he is very busy!

- And he gets busier and busier as his time is reducing drastically!

- Man usually has no idea!

- He doesn’t usually care!

- Only when he knows he is going to die soon because of a disease!

- But the majority doesn’t care about the coming tsunami which will strike the whole earth!

- As usual!

- Bad choice!

- But he always realizes when it is too late!

- That’s how human beings usually do!

- So all is well in the best of all possible worlds!

- Or is it the contrary?

- Let’s see when it is too late!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 10:

- Jesus tells about the hired man who is not a shepherd and to whom the sheep do not belong!

- When he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and flees!

- Then the wolf snatches them and scatters them!

- THE SHEPHERD vs no shepherd at all!





- It is difficult to be more clear!

- Do you need the real SHEPHERD or the HIRED MAN!

- Do you see the vision?

- It is so bright, so incredibly clear!

- There is only one shepherd and a multitude of hired men good to nothing!

- That’s why we have to look for him by ourselves!

- It is only a question of life and death!

- But this time it is not only life and death but eternal life and death!

- It is forever!

- it is no game with several lives!

- This time we are not going to wake up!

- Do we still really value life?

- Do we still know how to fight for life?

- Or are we just going to die because we don’t know how to fight for it?