Looking for Job
Job 13:10,11
- It is premonitory!
- Job knows God well!
- It tells about his special relationship with him!
- But they don’t care!
- Pride!
- Self-satisfaction!
- They are not afraid!
- They can be lucky that God put their destiny in Job’s hands!
- He could have struck them more severely!
- The religious leaders act the same way!
- The Hebrews acted the same way!
- Mankind has always acted the same way!
- They have always paid the price!
- But it is nothing compared to what is coming!
- And no one will save them this time!
Job 13:10,11
- It is premonitory!
- Job knows God well!
- It tells about his special relationship with him!
- But they don’t care!
- Pride!
- Self-satisfaction!
- They are not afraid!
- They can be lucky that God put their destiny in Job’s hands!
- He could have struck them more severely!
- The religious leaders act the same way!
- The Hebrews acted the same way!
- Mankind has always acted the same way!
- They have always paid the price!
- But it is nothing compared to what is coming!
- And no one will save them this time!