Looking for Job
Job 21:27- 34
- According to Job’s experience, the wicked one thrives !
- Thus the men who are speaking to him are wrong !
- He knows exactly what they want to do!
- They fight him!
- They are against him!
- They are not helpful at all !
- Thus they should keep silent !
- They are envious!
- They probably rejoice of his situation!
- But sometimes someone’s presence is better than words !
- Dogs don’t speak but their presence can do a lot !
- But empty words don’t bring comfort !
- Job keeps fighting!
- His fighting spirit is incredible!
- He gets his strength from Yah.weh!
- Because he let him teach him!
- Because he let his teaching penetrate him deep inside!
- Without stopping!
Job 21:27- 34
- According to Job’s experience, the wicked one thrives !
- Thus the men who are speaking to him are wrong !
- He knows exactly what they want to do!
- They fight him!
- They are against him!
- They are not helpful at all !
- Thus they should keep silent !
- They are envious!
- They probably rejoice of his situation!
- But sometimes someone’s presence is better than words !
- Dogs don’t speak but their presence can do a lot !
- But empty words don’t bring comfort !
- Job keeps fighting!
- His fighting spirit is incredible!
- He gets his strength from Yah.weh!
- Because he let him teach him!
- Because he let his teaching penetrate him deep inside!
- Without stopping!