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Looking for Paul

55) Looking for Paul

Acts 19

- In Ephesus, Paul asked the disciples if they had received holy spirit!

- But they had no idea what it was!

- Because they were baptized in John’s baptism!

- Then they got baptized in the name of Jesus!

- Then Paul laid his hands on them!

- And after that they received holy spirit and they started speaking in foreign languages and prophesying!

- Then he spoke with boldness in the synagogue for three months!

- But some Jews started to speak injuriously as usual!

- Then Paul went to the school auditorium of Tyrannus and he kept speaking there!

- God kept performing extraordinary powerful works through the hands of Paul!

- Thus cloths and aprons he had touched could cure people!

- Some Jews tried to cast out demons by the name of Jesus but it didn’t work , they had to flee, the demons saying they knew Jesus and Paul but not them!

- And many became believers and burnt their expensive books on magical arts before everybody!

- But men using religion to make profit opposed the disciples and took some to the theater and there was a lot of confusion!

- Paul wanted to go there to defend himself but the disciples refused!

- Then the city recorder quieted the crowd!

- And the assembly was dismissed!

- Apparently Paul did a really good job with the other disciples and the city became full of disciples in such a way that the men who made business through religion were afraid of losing their business!

- In fact, everywhere where Paul went, the number of disciples increased to a large extent!
56) Looking for Paul

Acts 20

- As the Jews tried to kill him again, Paul had to change his way!

- Instead of sailing for Syria, he returned through Macedonia!

- In Troas, Paul made a long speech to the disciples at night!

- A young disciple fell asleep and fell down from the third story and was picked up dead!

- Paul resurrected him saying: “Stop making a commotion, for he is alive”!

- It’s interesting because Paul had the same attitude in front of death as Jesus that is death is like being asleep!

- What is more important is to be written in the book of life (Revelation 3:5, 13:8, 17:8, 20:12-15)!

- He spoke to the elders from Ephesus: “You well know how I conducted myself among you from the first day I stepped into the province of Asia, slaving for the Lord with all humility and with tears and trials that befell me by the plots of the Jews, while I did not hold back from telling you any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching you publicly and from house to house.

- There Paul is clear about his mission for the Lord (humility, tears and trials)!

- He knew that imprisonment and tribulations were waiting for him in Jerusalem!

- But he wanted to achieve his mission for the Lord!

- He told them it was the last time they would see each other!

- And he said again: “I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among you and will not treat the flock with tenderness, and from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves.”

- It couldn’t be more clear!

- Thus Paul told them to KEEP AWAKE!
57) Looking for Paul not published

Acts 21

- Paul was told that he would be bound by the Jews in Jerusalem!

- And they would give him into the hands of people of the nations!

- In Jerusalem the Jews tried to kill Paul but the Roman commander rescued him and took him into custody!

- And Paul asked the commander for the permission to speak to the crowd!

- As usual, Paul was always ready to defend himself and to give testimony about Jesus!

- He was never afraid of dying!

- And nobody could stop him!

- When he had to go away, he would start again to teach people in other cities!
58) Looking for Paul

Acts 22

- Paul told his story to the people!

- And as usual he bore witness of Jesus!

- So they wanted to kill him!

- Then the commander wanted to interrogate him under scourging!

- But then Paul asked him: “Is it lawful for you to scourge a Roman who has not been condemned?”!

- Then he stopped and released Paul!

- And he assembled the chief priests and the Sanhedrin and Paul to know exactly why Paul was being accused by the Jews!

- Someone who did everything properly!

- Not like the Jews!

- Paul knew how to behave and spoke to get results as usual!
59) Looking for Paul

Acts 23

- Paul divided the Pharisees and the Sadducees by telling he was accused according to the resurrection!

- So a great uproar broke out!

- And the commander feared for paul’s security so he took him to the soldiers’ quarters!

- At night the Lord stood by him and said: “take courage! For just as you have been giving a thorough witness about me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness in Rome.”

- Thus in every aspect of his life, Paul would serve Jesus’ interests!

- And it would be the same when he pronounced a word!

- For his protection, Paul was sent to the Governor Felix with a letter by the commander!

- The Governor was prepared to listen to him before his accusers!

- And the Jews tried everything to kill him but they couldn’t do it because it was against Jesus’ interests who wanted him to go to Rome to give testimony about him!

- Thus Paul got into many troubles but he survived to be able to fill his mission!

- And it was an incredible mission indeed!

- Many became believers through his teaching!
60) Looking for Paul

Acts 24

- After hearing Paul and his accusers, Felix decided to wait for the arrival of the commander!

- Thus Paul was kept under arrest but given some freedom!

- Felix would listen to Paul from time to time expecting to get some money from him!

- CORRUPTION once again has always been a virus destroying big powers and empires!

- But it wouldn’t stop Paul to keep bearing testimony about Jesus!
61) Looking for Paul

Acts 25

- The new governor was to arrive!

- He refused Paul to be sent to Jerusalem!

- He wanted to hear personally Paul and his accusers in Caesarea!

- Then Paul appealed to Caesar according to Jesus’ will!

- King Agrippa went to visit Festus!

- Then Agrippa wanted to hear Paul!

- But Festus didn’t know what to write about Paul because he had no real accusations!

- Thus Paul is always ready to speak to any kind of people, simple ones or important one, it is the same for him!

- But he was also able to adapt to whom he was speaking!
62) Looking for Paul

Acts 26

- Thus Paul spoke about the resurrection of the dead!

- Paul had the patience to repeat again and again his personal history and telling about all the events he went through!

- Both King Agrippa and Governor Festus recognized that Paul had done nothing wrong!

- But as he appealed to Caesar, he had to go to Rome before Caesar!

- Once again Paul did a great job!

- And he knew exactly what to say to Festus and king Agrippa and being always respectful!
63) Looking for Paul

Acts 27

- During the trip to Rome, Paul told the army officer to stay at the harbor more time otherwise the ship and many lives would be lost!

- But they didn’t listen to him!

- But they went through a big storm!

- They lost hope to survive!

- But Paul told the men to take courage as they would only lose the ship but they had to cast ashore on some island!

- Then later Paul said that everybody had to stay on board otherwise everybody would die!

- And he told them to eat to take strength!

- After that they threw everything overboard!

- The soldiers wanted to kill all the prisoners so they couldn’t escape!

- But the army officer wanted to protect Paul so he prevented them from doing it!

- Once again Paul was right because he was told in the vision!

- At first, the army officer didn’t listen to Paul but when he saw he was right, then he did accordingly how Paul told him!

- That what we call an intelligent man!

- But the majority is not like him!
64) Looking for Paul

Acts 28

- In Malta, Paul did some miracles and many put faith in his teaching!

- He cured the father of the principal man of the island and many other people!

- And the people brought many gifts to them!

- When finally they entered Rome, Paul was permitted to stay by himself with the soldier guarding him.

- In the synagogue, he taught the people!

- Then he spent two years in Rome and he would taught anyone who came to visit him!

- Thus Paul spent all his time till his death teaching the people about Jesus and about God’s kingdom!
65) Jesus and Paul

Acts 9

- Jesus appeared to Saul! (1)

- As a consequence, Saul stopped persecuting Jesus’ disciples!

- Then he started working for Jesus
66) The holy spirit and Paul

Acts 13

- As they were ministering to God and fasting, the holy spirit (1) said: “Set aside for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Then after fasting and praying, they laid their hands on them and sent them off!

- Barnabas and Saul were chosen by
the holy spirit (2)!

- So these men, sent out by
the holy spirit (3), went down to Seleucia, and from there they sailed away to Cyprus!

- Then Saul, also called Paul, becoming filled with holy spirit (4), looked at him intently and said: “O man full of every sort of fraud and every sort of villainy, you son of the Devil, you enemy of everything righteous, will you not quit distorting the right ways of God? Look! God’s hand is upon you, and you will be blind, not seeing the sunlight for a time.”!

- So they shook the dust off their feet against them and went to Iconium. And the disciples continued to be filled with joy and holy spirit (5)!

- Moreover, they traveled through Phrygia and the country of Galatia, because they were forbidden by the holy spirit(6) to speak the word in the province of Asia.
67) Jesus and Paul

Acts 13

- Further, when they came down to Mysia, they made efforts to go into Bithynia, but the spirit of Jesus (2) did not permit them. So they passed by Mysia and came down to Troas.

- And during the night a vision appeared to Paul - a Macedonian man was standing there urging him and saying: “Step over into Macedonia and help us.” As soon as he had seen the vision, we tried to go into Macedonia, drawing the conclusion that God had summoned us to declare the good news to them.
68) Jesus and Paul

Acts 18

- Moreover, the Lord (3) said to Paul in a vision by night: “Do not be afraid, but keep on speaking and do not keep silent, for I am with you and no man will assault you to harm you; for I have many people in this city.”
69) The holy spirit and Paul

Acts 19

- And when Paul laid his hands on them, the holy spirit (7) came upon them, and they began speaking in foreign languages and prophesying. There were about 12 men in all.
70) God and Paul

Acts 19

- And God kept performing extraordinary powerful works through the hands of Paul, so that even cloths and aprons that had touched his body were carried to the sick, and the diseases left them, and the wicked spirits came out.
71) The holy spirit and Paul

Acts 21

- After coming in sight of the island of Cyprus, we left it behind on the left side and sailed on to Syria and landed at Tyre, where the ship was to unload its cargo. We searched for and found the disciples and remained there for seven days. But through the spirit 8) they repeatedly told Paul not to set foot in Jerusalem.

- But after we had stayed there for quite a number of days, a prophet named Agabus came down from Judea. And he came to us and took Paul’s belt and tied his own feet and hands and said: “Thus says the holy spirit(9), ‘The man to whom this belt belongs will be bound like this by the Jews in Jerusalem, and they will give him into the hands of people of the nations.’” Now when we heard this, both we and those who were there began begging him not to go up to Jerusalem. Then Paul answered: “What are you doing by weeping and trying to weaken my resolve? Rest assured, I am ready not only to be bound but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.” When he would not be dissuaded, we stopped objecting and said: “Let the will of God take place.”
72) Jesus and Paul

Acts 23

- But the following night the Lord (4) stood by him and said: “Take courage! For just as you have been giving a thorough witness about me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness in Rome.”
73) An angel of God and Paul

Acts 27

- Still, I now urge you to take courage, for not one of you will be lost, only the ship will. This night an angel of the God to whom I belong and to whom I render sacred service stood by me and said: ‘Have no fear, Paul. You must stand before Caesar, and look! God has granted to you all those sailing with you.’ So take courage, men, for I believe God that it will be exactly as I was told. However, we must be cast ashore on some island.”
74) The holy spirit and Paul

- In most cases Paul deals with the holy spirit!

- It seems to be normal as Jesus told the disciples he would send them an helper the holy spirit!

- Through it they were able to do many things!

- It was a kind of starter or motivator as Jesus was physically not here anymore!

- Nevertheless, on some occasions, Jesus appears personally to Paul to choose him and to strengthen him!