Dear Sister,
It's not surprising that this is happening. We live in an ever-darkening world. Where there is deception galore that goes on, both in and out of the physical church!

It tells me something about you that it touches your spirit so. The tender heart of the believer that knows the love of the Lord and hurts for those who don't. Are more frequently found in women then in men. So, they have a tendency to be affected more by the behaviors you are seeing then men would. Most men, expect it, and so are not disappointed when they come face to face with it. Oh, there are tender spirited men out there, who at night on bended knees will let it out to our Heavenly Father, but in general will keep it to themselves. Seeking fellowship in men's groups with others who have gone through like experiences.
You remind me of my wife. She could never find fellowship with other ladies in the different churches we have attended. My heart would go out to her because of this, since wherever Church we found ourselves in I would find myself able to find someone to talk too. At the very least to share my love of the Lord with.
I guess you coming to Talk Jesus was for a reason!!! Just remember that even in the darkening world we are living in, we're not never alone!!!! So, as difficult as it can be, try to be like Paul who wrote to the church in Philippi. And this from a man in Prison, and meant it too, that he repeated it twice!!!
Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Philippians 4:4 NKJV
So, I'm not going to let anyone take my joy away from me, and you shouldn't either!!! We have too much to look forward to and being with our Lord & Savior I would put at the top of the list!!!
Oh, by the way. I was stationed in Altus in the early 70's for a couple of years. I once told my wife I didn't even want to fly over the state even. Too afraid it might crash and I'd be stuck there!!

Of course that was before I received the Lord as my Savior!! \o/
Anyway, got to go. God bless, and you'll be in my prayers that you might find a God fearing, Word Loving, and tender fellowshipping Church/Body of Christ to receive/give to!
You have Brothers & Sisters in Christ Jesus here at Talk Jesus who I pray will also fellowship with you!
With the Love of Christ Jesus.