Emotional outbursts and feelings fluctuates, always.
We need more preachers and teachers, filled with the Holy Spirit to keep and guide YHVH's flock, you said we don't need preachers, the Scriptures says otherwise
You are not the only one that knows about gangsters, prostitution, the outcast, disenfranchised sitting on the outer peripheral areas in the cities since they are an "eyesore" for tourism.
Isa 42:3 A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth
The name "Servant" is applied by Isaiah to the Messiah, to the entire nation of Israel, to the godly remnant of the people (Isa_43:10), and to Cyrus. Usually the context makes clear which one is intended. In verses 1-4 it is clearly the Lord Jesus—upheld and chosen by God and endued with the Holy Spirit. He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles, will not be a rabble-rouser, will not crush true penitence or quench a spark of faith, will not fail nor be discouraged till He has established His righteous Kingdom.
I am not here to quench that spark of faith you have
@Twistie, I simply love your sense of humor and yada/know what you are going through, I am not your enemy sister...Lol!