I am subscribed to the BGEA magazine newsletter called Decision. I highly recommend every subscribe, its free. Anyway, the last issue on the back cover had an article about some preacher (note: I am at Starbucks on my laptop, so I do not have this issue next time, I will try to remember the main point of the story anyway). The preacher was giving a speech to thousands of people. He allowed people to ask him questions, he would answer with Scripture. He noticed his time running out so he allowed one more attendee to ask a question. He noticed a young handicapped boy wanting to ask a question. The preacher was kindly granting this to the young handicapped child. The young boy was struggling to get his questions out, but the preacher kindly assured him to take his time. The preacher made clear he would not end the sermon until the boy's question was asked and answered. The boy finally was able to speak through and asked:
"If GOD is real, 'why me' [this regarding his handicap]?"
The preacher answered:
"Young man, if you were fit, would you have come to hear me tonight"?
The handicapped child shook his head.
Preacher says:
"Perhaps this is GOD's way of trying to get you to see His love for you"
That's as close as I can remember the article, but good enough to make a point.