After the cross, the Christian church grew, but with that growth was great persecution from the "jews", and those that accepted the faith were shunned, no work, no trading, no selling, in the hopes they would give up the faith or leave. The people who had money or property would often sell it and use that to buy food to live on. It was not like that everywhere, just where the jews lived and had influence on the culture. Or in the places where many grew rich on selling false gods of wood or worked metal. They didn't live the communal life because it was the preferred way of living, otherwise that requirement would have been in the commandments that Moses brought down from the mountain. As to women working, women have always worked, but the roles that were considered accepted for men and women changed from culture to culture and with time as well. Women do tend to be more nurturing and usually better at raising kids, but not always. Men are typically stronger, better able to do jobs that require more strength, and again, but not always. You can still be godly and serve God either way, but if a women marries a man, and is a believer, she needs to honor her husband and serve him as best she can, but not if serving him interferes with doing God's will. If you have the Holy Spirit within you and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, you will "KNOW" when such occurrence's come about.