Hello everyone,
I hope this doesn't come across badly but I wanted to alert people about a tactic that is being used to convert Christians to Mormonism. When they come to your door and you ask them, "Do you believe that God the Father was once a man", they either deny it or look suprised thereby insinuating that that is not what they believe. This happened to me many years ago when they came to my door. In fact, they brought it up and denied it to my face. I was shocked and actually thought that I had been lied to regarding their beliefs. I then went to the Bible Book Store and purchased some books and found out that what they said was a lie. I confronted them with the evidence and one of them admitted to me, "It's truth that people are not ready to hear". Since then I have said to many lds missionaries "I heard that you believe that God the Father was once a man" and I always get the same reaction only to have them admit it to me later. What bothers me the most is that Christians are caught off guard by these tactics because they do not expect for someone, who claims to represent God, to intentionally lie to them. It seems the Mormon church is the only church that cannot survive unless they lie. They have a huge advantage in one way because we Christians follow Scripture and do not lie to people. They have somehow justified it (google the words "lying for the Lord").
It's unfortunate that Christians do not make it a priority to warn each other about these kind of things. We should look after each other instead of allowing people to trick our fellow brothers and sisters into following a cult. This is where my post here becomes a little controversial. I was posting on the yahoo political pages, where they have comments on the bottom, a series of messages about Mitt Romney's beliefs regarding the Mormon faith. I used the one's that would have a voters interest so I specifically targeted the race issue. Now I know that Romney represents the Christian's values more so than Obama. This is the one year I cannot vote because if Romney wins, it will mean that the only Republican's option for the next 8 years will be Romeny. To each their own, I don't have a problem if a Christian votes for Romney. But I believe that there is an opportunity available to us to get the word out so that when the lds missionaries come to a person's door, they are not fooled. And I believe that there could only be a small window of opportunity to get this done if Obama wins the election. I have made a series of messages that can be copy pasted onto political threads such as yahoo, msn, aol, etc. And I wanted to invite anyone that would like to do so to go ahead and copy/paste these messages (you can alter them as you wish to suit your personality) on to various political venues online.
Here are some of my messages:
Right now, MORMONISM is facedwith a HUGE DILEMMMA. Because they are going to have a very hard timehiding their view on the "Curse of Cain" doctrine. Theycan't just simply deny it because it's in their "scriptures"and was spoken by their prophets. For example: Moses 7:22 “...andthey were a mixture of all the seed of Adam save it was the seed ofCain, for the seed of Cain were black, and had not place among them.”Their own prophet Brigham Young said "“The Lord put a markupon [Cain], which is the flat nose and the black skin." -Journal of Discourses 7:290-91 (9 Oct. 1859) This is the reason whyblack people were not allowed to be in the priesthood until June 9,1978 when they allegedly received a "revelation" from Godthat the ban was over. And they do not want people to know this. Sothey will do whatever dance they can do to cover it up. Because ifthey admit it publicly, no one will even consider becoming a convert.You can expect Mitt Romney to dodge as many of these questions aspossible. Also consider what was said about the Native Americans inthe Book of Mormon: II Nephi 5:21 "And he had caused the cursingto come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of theiriniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, andthey had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, andexceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticingunto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to comeupon them." - Here we see God cursing people with a dark skinbecause of their sin AND to keep them from being attractive to whitepeople. That is as racist as it gets. Can they deny their ownscriptures and prophets? We will see. I expect more of a dance thananything else in order to draw attention away from the facts.
One Mormon did try to saythat the dark skin wasn't considered the curse but just theseparation from God was the curse. But Alma 3:6 (book of mormon)says: "And the skins of the Lamanites were dark, according tothe mark which was set upon their fathers, which was a curse uponthem because of their transgression and their rebellion against theirbrethren, who consisted of Nephi, Jacob, and Joseph, and Sam, whowere just and holy men." So it is clear that the mark of a darkskin was considered a curse.
Mitt Romney believes racist“scriptures” (mormon scriptures)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:
HE BELIEVES AFRICANAMERICANS ARE BLACK BECAUSE THEY WERE CURSED BY GOD. It's called the"Curse of Cain" Notice what their scriptures say: "And. . . they were a mixture of all the seed of Adam save it was theseed of Cain, for the seed of Cain were black, and had not placeamong them (Moses 7:22)." And: ". . . there was a blacknesscame upon all the children of Canaan, that they were despised amongall people . . . (Moses 7:8)." This is their "scriptures". It is what they hold as a source of authority. It is what Romneybelieves RIGHT NOW and he is being really quiet because he does notwant the public to know. The fact is, the mormon church believesthat African Americans are black because they are descendents ofCain, who killed his brother and then God put a mark on him. It isthe mormon church that teaches that this mark is a black skin. Thereare other places where mormon "scriptures" speak of Godpunishing white people with a dark colored skin. II Nephi 5:21 "Andhe had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sorecursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardenedtheir hearts against him, and they had become like unto a flint;wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome,that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did causea skin of blackness to come upon them." This was a two-foldpurpose. First, it was to punish them for their sins. And second,it was to make them ugly to white people. There are MANY MANY MOREracist "scriptures" in the Book of Mormon and other places. Please copy/paste this to others so they will know. Include it inan e-mail or facebook or something like that. Thanks!!
BTW, it wasn't until June 1978 that theMormon church allowed African Americans into the priesthood when theyallegedly received a "revelation" from God that the ban hadfinally been lifted.
This is what Mitt Romney IS TRYING TO HIDE regarding hisbelief about AFRICAN AMERICANS. His “scriptures” and“prophets” say that Cain, who suposedly is the ancestor orAfrican Americans, received a black skin because he had sinnedagainst God so God cursed him to look that way. It wasn't until June9, 1978 that the mormon church supposedly received a revelation fromGod that African Americans were allowed into the priesthood. JosephSmith identified Afican Americans as the descedents of Ham, son ofNoah. “wherein were present specimens of all the families of theearth; Shem, Ham and Japheth; … quite a respectable number of negrodescendants of Ham ..." (History of the Church, 1:190). Hamsupposedly preserved this curse by marrying a black wife. Abraham1:21-27 "Now this king of Egypt was a descendant from the loinsof Ham, and was a partaker of the blood of the Canaanites by birth.From this descent sprang all the Egyptians, and thus the blood of theCanaanites was preserved in the land....Now, Pharaoh being of thatlineage by which he could not have the right of Priesthood,” Another reference in mormon scripture is: Moses 7:22 “...and theywere a mixture of all the seed of Adam save it was the seed of Cain,for the seed of Cain were black, and had not place among them.” Tim Russert asked Romney “But it was wrong for your faith toexclude them for as long as it did?” but he dodged the question. If Romney said it was, he would have to say that his “scriptures”and his prophets are wrong.
Mitt Romney follows a guy who married 33-34 women/little girls.Joseph Smith promised the father of Helen Mar Kimball (14yo)"exaltation" (highest form of heaven in mormonism) for hiswhole family if his daughter were to marry him. With the pressure ofher whole family's afterlife on her shoulders, she agreed to marrythe 37yo. So he took her! He took that little girl who out of thegoodness of her heart was thinking that she was helping her family.Here is the proof if there is anyone who has a hard time believingit: Google "[edited by dannibear: need permission to post links]" and there is a bookavailable called “In Sacred Loneliness” by Todd Compton. In fact, Smith married two 14 year olds in the same year. He also married other women, some of whom were already married to men were Mormons themselves.
(I know that this sounds a little harsh but I think it gets the message across more clearly.
I can't trust Romney becauselike most Mormons, he will most likely lie if you ask him the rightquestions about his religion. I have done this many times withMormons. I ask them, “Isn't it true that in Mormonism you believethat God the Father was once a man?” Once you ask them, they willdo either two things. They will either say, “No we don't” orthey will pretend to look puzzled as if th1ey don't believe it. Atleast it does with the guys that ride around on the bikes. Seriously, it works every time. Ask it just like that and you willsee. Now the issue isn't whether it's true or not or even whetherthey believe it or not or it's importance. The issue is whether theywill lie about it when asked. One time, after I had confronted themabout lying to me, one of them said, “It's truth that people arenot ready to hear”
"Here, then, is eternallife – to know the only wise and true God; and you have got tolearn how to be gods yourselves." (Joseph Smith, Jr. – JofD,Vol. 2 p. 345)
“Godhimself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sitsenthroned in yonder heavens!” - JosephSmith's King Follet Sermon[/SIZE]
(Asprinted in History of the Church, Vol. 6, p. 302-317)
I don't know if anyone would be interested in doing this but I wanted to give people the chance. It would be nice for people to give it a try. If they like it, that would be great. Please pray about this and see if God is leading you to do this. It has been very rewarding for me. Just a simple copy/paste can do a world of good for someone. I have had many people appreciate the posts above. This can educate Christians that normally would not take the time to find out on their own. And they in turn might even help someone else. I hope I did not cross any boundries with this post. I hope this is okay with the mods.
May God richly bless you whether you decide to do this or not.
I hope this doesn't come across badly but I wanted to alert people about a tactic that is being used to convert Christians to Mormonism. When they come to your door and you ask them, "Do you believe that God the Father was once a man", they either deny it or look suprised thereby insinuating that that is not what they believe. This happened to me many years ago when they came to my door. In fact, they brought it up and denied it to my face. I was shocked and actually thought that I had been lied to regarding their beliefs. I then went to the Bible Book Store and purchased some books and found out that what they said was a lie. I confronted them with the evidence and one of them admitted to me, "It's truth that people are not ready to hear". Since then I have said to many lds missionaries "I heard that you believe that God the Father was once a man" and I always get the same reaction only to have them admit it to me later. What bothers me the most is that Christians are caught off guard by these tactics because they do not expect for someone, who claims to represent God, to intentionally lie to them. It seems the Mormon church is the only church that cannot survive unless they lie. They have a huge advantage in one way because we Christians follow Scripture and do not lie to people. They have somehow justified it (google the words "lying for the Lord").
It's unfortunate that Christians do not make it a priority to warn each other about these kind of things. We should look after each other instead of allowing people to trick our fellow brothers and sisters into following a cult. This is where my post here becomes a little controversial. I was posting on the yahoo political pages, where they have comments on the bottom, a series of messages about Mitt Romney's beliefs regarding the Mormon faith. I used the one's that would have a voters interest so I specifically targeted the race issue. Now I know that Romney represents the Christian's values more so than Obama. This is the one year I cannot vote because if Romney wins, it will mean that the only Republican's option for the next 8 years will be Romeny. To each their own, I don't have a problem if a Christian votes for Romney. But I believe that there is an opportunity available to us to get the word out so that when the lds missionaries come to a person's door, they are not fooled. And I believe that there could only be a small window of opportunity to get this done if Obama wins the election. I have made a series of messages that can be copy pasted onto political threads such as yahoo, msn, aol, etc. And I wanted to invite anyone that would like to do so to go ahead and copy/paste these messages (you can alter them as you wish to suit your personality) on to various political venues online.
Here are some of my messages:
Right now, MORMONISM is facedwith a HUGE DILEMMMA. Because they are going to have a very hard timehiding their view on the "Curse of Cain" doctrine. Theycan't just simply deny it because it's in their "scriptures"and was spoken by their prophets. For example: Moses 7:22 “...andthey were a mixture of all the seed of Adam save it was the seed ofCain, for the seed of Cain were black, and had not place among them.”Their own prophet Brigham Young said "“The Lord put a markupon [Cain], which is the flat nose and the black skin." -Journal of Discourses 7:290-91 (9 Oct. 1859) This is the reason whyblack people were not allowed to be in the priesthood until June 9,1978 when they allegedly received a "revelation" from Godthat the ban was over. And they do not want people to know this. Sothey will do whatever dance they can do to cover it up. Because ifthey admit it publicly, no one will even consider becoming a convert.You can expect Mitt Romney to dodge as many of these questions aspossible. Also consider what was said about the Native Americans inthe Book of Mormon: II Nephi 5:21 "And he had caused the cursingto come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of theiriniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, andthey had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, andexceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticingunto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to comeupon them." - Here we see God cursing people with a dark skinbecause of their sin AND to keep them from being attractive to whitepeople. That is as racist as it gets. Can they deny their ownscriptures and prophets? We will see. I expect more of a dance thananything else in order to draw attention away from the facts.
One Mormon did try to saythat the dark skin wasn't considered the curse but just theseparation from God was the curse. But Alma 3:6 (book of mormon)says: "And the skins of the Lamanites were dark, according tothe mark which was set upon their fathers, which was a curse uponthem because of their transgression and their rebellion against theirbrethren, who consisted of Nephi, Jacob, and Joseph, and Sam, whowere just and holy men." So it is clear that the mark of a darkskin was considered a curse.
Mitt Romney believes racist“scriptures” (mormon scriptures)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:
HE BELIEVES AFRICANAMERICANS ARE BLACK BECAUSE THEY WERE CURSED BY GOD. It's called the"Curse of Cain" Notice what their scriptures say: "And. . . they were a mixture of all the seed of Adam save it was theseed of Cain, for the seed of Cain were black, and had not placeamong them (Moses 7:22)." And: ". . . there was a blacknesscame upon all the children of Canaan, that they were despised amongall people . . . (Moses 7:8)." This is their "scriptures". It is what they hold as a source of authority. It is what Romneybelieves RIGHT NOW and he is being really quiet because he does notwant the public to know. The fact is, the mormon church believesthat African Americans are black because they are descendents ofCain, who killed his brother and then God put a mark on him. It isthe mormon church that teaches that this mark is a black skin. Thereare other places where mormon "scriptures" speak of Godpunishing white people with a dark colored skin. II Nephi 5:21 "Andhe had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sorecursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardenedtheir hearts against him, and they had become like unto a flint;wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome,that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did causea skin of blackness to come upon them." This was a two-foldpurpose. First, it was to punish them for their sins. And second,it was to make them ugly to white people. There are MANY MANY MOREracist "scriptures" in the Book of Mormon and other places. Please copy/paste this to others so they will know. Include it inan e-mail or facebook or something like that. Thanks!!
BTW, it wasn't until June 1978 that theMormon church allowed African Americans into the priesthood when theyallegedly received a "revelation" from God that the ban hadfinally been lifted.
This is what Mitt Romney IS TRYING TO HIDE regarding hisbelief about AFRICAN AMERICANS. His “scriptures” and“prophets” say that Cain, who suposedly is the ancestor orAfrican Americans, received a black skin because he had sinnedagainst God so God cursed him to look that way. It wasn't until June9, 1978 that the mormon church supposedly received a revelation fromGod that African Americans were allowed into the priesthood. JosephSmith identified Afican Americans as the descedents of Ham, son ofNoah. “wherein were present specimens of all the families of theearth; Shem, Ham and Japheth; … quite a respectable number of negrodescendants of Ham ..." (History of the Church, 1:190). Hamsupposedly preserved this curse by marrying a black wife. Abraham1:21-27 "Now this king of Egypt was a descendant from the loinsof Ham, and was a partaker of the blood of the Canaanites by birth.From this descent sprang all the Egyptians, and thus the blood of theCanaanites was preserved in the land....Now, Pharaoh being of thatlineage by which he could not have the right of Priesthood,” Another reference in mormon scripture is: Moses 7:22 “...and theywere a mixture of all the seed of Adam save it was the seed of Cain,for the seed of Cain were black, and had not place among them.” Tim Russert asked Romney “But it was wrong for your faith toexclude them for as long as it did?” but he dodged the question. If Romney said it was, he would have to say that his “scriptures”and his prophets are wrong.
Mitt Romney follows a guy who married 33-34 women/little girls.Joseph Smith promised the father of Helen Mar Kimball (14yo)"exaltation" (highest form of heaven in mormonism) for hiswhole family if his daughter were to marry him. With the pressure ofher whole family's afterlife on her shoulders, she agreed to marrythe 37yo. So he took her! He took that little girl who out of thegoodness of her heart was thinking that she was helping her family.Here is the proof if there is anyone who has a hard time believingit: Google "[edited by dannibear: need permission to post links]" and there is a bookavailable called “In Sacred Loneliness” by Todd Compton. In fact, Smith married two 14 year olds in the same year. He also married other women, some of whom were already married to men were Mormons themselves.
(I know that this sounds a little harsh but I think it gets the message across more clearly.
I can't trust Romney becauselike most Mormons, he will most likely lie if you ask him the rightquestions about his religion. I have done this many times withMormons. I ask them, “Isn't it true that in Mormonism you believethat God the Father was once a man?” Once you ask them, they willdo either two things. They will either say, “No we don't” orthey will pretend to look puzzled as if th1ey don't believe it. Atleast it does with the guys that ride around on the bikes. Seriously, it works every time. Ask it just like that and you willsee. Now the issue isn't whether it's true or not or even whetherthey believe it or not or it's importance. The issue is whether theywill lie about it when asked. One time, after I had confronted themabout lying to me, one of them said, “It's truth that people arenot ready to hear”
"Here, then, is eternallife – to know the only wise and true God; and you have got tolearn how to be gods yourselves." (Joseph Smith, Jr. – JofD,Vol. 2 p. 345)
“Godhimself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sitsenthroned in yonder heavens!” - JosephSmith's King Follet Sermon[/SIZE]
(Asprinted in History of the Church, Vol. 6, p. 302-317)
I don't know if anyone would be interested in doing this but I wanted to give people the chance. It would be nice for people to give it a try. If they like it, that would be great. Please pray about this and see if God is leading you to do this. It has been very rewarding for me. Just a simple copy/paste can do a world of good for someone. I have had many people appreciate the posts above. This can educate Christians that normally would not take the time to find out on their own. And they in turn might even help someone else. I hope I did not cross any boundries with this post. I hope this is okay with the mods.
May God richly bless you whether you decide to do this or not.
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