vangard is spot on.
I went back and re-read this thread. There are a few quotes I’d like to comment on.
My wife and I have an addictions ministry. Part of my gift, my calling, involves being able to see the spirit of sorcery in the countenances of those who are addicted. The addiction may involve drugs, both OTC (over-the-counter) and recreational; alcohol; nicotine; caffeine; etc. The spirit of sorcery, or
pharmakeia, from which we get our medical words
pharmacy and
pharmaceutical, may involve drugs, but not always. Its primary characteristic is
Jesus Christ has appeared to me and also to two of my children. And Satan has appeared to me.
Video games. Scripture tells us: I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes; and take heed what ye hear.
There is no other legitimate purpose for any human action than the advancement of the Kingdom of God. For example, Patriotism (advancing the interests of a political coalition) is wrong; Humanism (advancing your own personal interests) is wrong; Satanism (advancing demonic interests) is wrong. Since all action runs to some purpose, if the purpose is not the building of God's Kingdom, then it is to build a rival Kingdom. There is no neutrality. There is one truth; everything else is a lie.
So, where do video games fit into that?
I used to play video games a lot and I had to destroy that one. It is indeed very evil....
Persona3 was still wrapped and stayed like that for a few weeks. I'd like to warn whoever will read this: this is a very dangerous game. Even if this might sound ridiculous to certain people, they don't see it because it's a spiritual matter. It's comparable to Oui-ja boards and spiritism. If you're a true believer and if you have spiritual discernment, you would certainly not let your children play with stuff like that.
I had 2 nightmares in a row (I can count maybe 5 nightmares in total in my whole life - I'm almost 50 - so it's very unusual)....
I realized I was dead and that I was't in heaven (the name Tantalus symbolically refers to hell and also to human sacrifices in mythology).
The strange thing about this is: when I had that nightmare, I hadn't played the game yet and it was still unwrapped!!! It's only when I started to play that I recognized the wrought iron elevator of the dark world Tantalus and the pale blue light... the Holy Spirit also warned me not to play it. I still had the time to see many things in the game that say a lot about the author's purpose...
Yes, since EVERY ACTION runs to some purpose, again, what is the PURPOSE of video games?
I also had a similar experience with a video. I viewed one video, then bought the sequel, watched it and that night, I had one of the strongest demonic visitations I had ever experienced up to that point in my life. I took that video outside of the house and left it there.
Every sacrifice will seem insignificant when we meet Jesus
Yes. In truth, God’s word says that OBEDIENCE is better than sacrifice.
We believers have to stop being so clueless, because there are certain things we will see literally everywhere. How can we not know about this basic stuff??
Satan’s game plan has always been one of DECEPTION.
I wish a website like this one could help to make a difference? ...
We overcome Satan by the blood of Jesus Christ and the word of our testimony, and we don’t care that others might not “like” us for it, indeed, that they might even kill us for it (John 16:2).
So I’m giving my testimony on this and I don’t care about the consequences. All praise and glory and honour to the King of kings!
If there is a section on the website for getting informed about these religions, then I'm sure it will help a lot of people. If we fall for the really obvious, then what hope is there when we encounter stuff that is actually clever and not obviously dangerous?
The enemy is the most
subtle beast of the field (Genesis).
A lot of Christians really don't believe in demons.
Because evangelical Christianity is asleep on this.
When I say that, I mean they don't think that a person's lifestyle, certain objects, symbols. music, dances, literature, TV shows etc can attract demons into an environment. But the reality is, demons exist, witchcraft is real and demons don't stay in one place. They move around, they walk beside us on the street and in our yards, they are in all the buildings we visit and they are in people we talk to. For a believer to be ignorant of these things is asking for trouble.
Absolutely and completely true.
they just don't see the spiritual warfare and the demonic activities! ...and it's right in front of their eyes!!!
The god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not. (Note that Satan knows a lot about the mind. He’s had thousands of years to study it.). Satan is the god of this world; his kingdom has mapped out the function of the human brain. They know how to target their mind-bending package...
This is mainly because of the false teachings they received.
Yes. The body of Christ is hemorrhaging because they have failed to remove false teachings when they first appeared in their midst.
To me, they're like soldiers walking on a mined field. Even if you try to explain or even share your own true experiences, they won't listen because they've been theologically brainwashed by false doctors. They rationalize (and/or symbolize) everything that sounds "supernatural" in the Scriptures, including miracles. The root of their problem is, in fact, incredulity. I certainly won't follow them...
Soldiers, yes. This is spiritual warfare (Ephesians chap. 6). Dress for success!
Sometimes I didn't like when my dad would take things away like my Harry Potter books I got from school for winning a contest. But I am glad he did now, I actually thank him for that a lot. You have gotta be the mother and take them away, he will find something else he enjoys just as much. I thought when my Harry Potter books were gone I would be so bored but then I found dancing and a passion and love that's been amazing. So, keep the faith and be his mother, that's what god wants you to do.
The Harry Potter books are manuals of witchcraft for young people. The book contains actual names of devils. Now get this: one or more devils are assigned to follow each and every Potter book that one willingly brings into his home.