The biggest difference between Calvinism, and Armianism, this usually goes back to "once saved - always saved".
It's true, works to do save us. On that statement we agree. Arminians believe we have to maintain our salvation.
You gave me the car for free. But I still have to put gas and oil in it from time to time. The car does me no good if I never drive it.
Your statement "our faith is seen by our works" implies that works have to be done in order for anyone to "see" a persons faith.
Yes it is true "Arminians" has describe you must work for your salvation, [you must keep pedaling your bicycling or you go to hell" and "IF thou believe on the Lord Jesus thou MIGHT get saved" so if you cannot keep up with the pace you will lose it"
Calvinism, says salvation is given and not earn, it is a gift, and God will keep His promise, He will bring you to birth. He will accomplish your salvation unto the end. and Nothing can pluck you out of my hand, for I Am stronger than all. "For I Am The LORD GOD ALmighty" For You was bought with a price, with The blood of My SON. You do not belong unto yourself, you are purchased, And "Sealed" air tight and Nothing can break that Seal, because It has been SEALED by My SPIRIT. And Me AND MY Spirit are ONE and we are always in agreement. My Son blood is so POWERFUL, it has the POWER to Redeem the Whole World. No matter How far it has to run. It will accomplish the mission I sent it to do. It will accomplish My will and not the will of a man. My Will Superedes all Wills and I Am not bound by LAWS I Created LAWS. I have no Boundaries! I do as I pleases for I AM GOD. The "TETRAGRAMMATON"!
Note: that is "True Calvinism" summary" and not the short version of a mere "5 points" that The "Synod of Dordrecht" in defense of The 5 points presented by " THe Remonststrance 1619" lead by
Simon Episcopius. "The Armianian controversy"
Jacobus Arminius had long been dead before these issue had come up.
I do and have a copy in my library and read the "The Remonststrance of 1619" and know how the 5 points came into defense of "The Bible" against the 5 points of the presentation of the scjhooled of thoughts lead by a past student of "Jacobus Arminiuis" who is "Simon Episcopuis". I have study also "Jacobus Armininius" and How he praise the work of "JohnCalvin" and that he recommended the Commentary work of John Calvin on the Bible is the best and recommended it to all , who wanted to a true student of the BIBLE.
So I tell you all why, A lot of leaders do not want students to know John Calvin, is because He takes the teaching of the Bible out of their hands, And Put the Teaching of the Bible into The Hands of God the Father guided by the very SIPIRT of GOD! They hate John Calvin for that! JOHN Calvin point you to the BIBLE and not to a man teacher> Once you are saved YOU Have your treacher! God will not fell you, Trust HIM! Put you trust in GOD and Not A Man!
And this world Hates Him for it! Most of of The Institutional Church hates him for this, especially the RCC.
Stop Listening unto the Lies of Men! Seek God for yourself! Mankind is evil! It is a reason why GOD Will destroy Mankind as we know it, Think, why would GOD do Such A thing! just because a man just will not believe in His Son. God will cast him into the lake of Fire forever. just for not believing in God.
THINK! Most Christian have not the simplest understand what happen unto mankind in that Garden. Mankind will find out, when the "Restrainer" has been taken out of the way! They will find out what a real beast is. And we got all of these true christians half reading their Bibles and not going on unto Sanctification and Hoilness. Then our brothers and sisters in Christ through out the centuries has attacked and murdered one another who have called those to move on unto Sanctification and hoilness , claiming it cannot be done. but in the same breath claiming "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strenghtens me" a lot of "Christians are asleep in the light" and they do not have the clearest sight, of what i am saying. They are so many that are "wells without water"! and they call the righteous evil. Apostle Paul was Plague by many, in the church outside of the Church'.
(1 Cor.15).
32If after the manner of men I fought with beasts at Ephesus, what doth it profit me? If the dead are not raised, let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die.
33Be not deceived: Evil companionships corrupt good morals.
34Awake to soberness righteously, and sin not; for some have no knowledge of God: I speak this to move you to shame.
Many here will be saying: what is he taking about: why will they say that; Because the veil is still on them. and when they received the "Holy Spirit" they ran off a nd I said; I know, i know, i know. and because, It was our leaders who did this to us. I have always feared this garment. I fear this verse.
GOD'S WORD® Translation
"How horrible it will be for you, scribes and Pharisees! You hypocrites! You cross land and sea to recruit a single follower, and when you do, you make that person twice as fit for hell as you are.:
I declare I am not a "Teacher of the bible"' I have been ask to speak a many of times and lecture. by request. and I have not taken on this "honor' for myself and if I have ,I "repent' and ask God to forgive me of my wickedness right now. I do consider my self a pointer to Read the Bible for yourself. and ask God to teach you the truth and not me. i am just a mere mortal. full of errors. i know I will be judge for every empty word that i have spoken, i know i have warn men of the wrath that is to come, i know i have given testimony of the events of my conversion, and have claim i had nothing to do with it, but i have given all the glory to GOD, for this is also recorded in the "Books". I give God the Father all credit. even by own belief in His Son i take no credit for it. this is recorded as well, by my own words. And also witness by the "Holy Ghost" of God. And that the only thing i can bring to GOD is my sins and "Hope". For God knows my Hope.
We Do have the Holy Spirit teaching us as we read Scripture. But that doesn't negate the fact of believers receiving various spiritual gifts upon salvation. And one of those gifts is that of being able To explain Scripture in a clearer way than others can. That's Also a reason to be listening carefully to what is being explained. If a teacher is presenting Scripture in error, then they need to be approached about it -- in good taste. . Or in an adult group -- a man Should be able to question the teacher -- for clarification -- that's a good way To learn.
I'd have to disagree with your conclusion.