First off before I get started, I’m going to tell you up front that what I’m about to present to you is heavily biased. It must be or is required to be biased. Why? Because it will present counter balance against the bias found in Dr. Struthers post.
The main problem with the porn blame game analyses is that it places a huge burden on men, while leaving women blameless and shameless. This creates a gynocentric bias found Dr. Struthers point of view.
I have no problem agreeing that porn makes an impact in the brain. But what If I told you that porn in of itself is not really the problem. What If I told you its merely a symptom of a bigger problem? You’d think I was crazy, right? What if that bigger problem were to be resolved and porn would just be reduced to a cultural insignificance? Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?
Well the sad thing is, I’m going to tell you the root problem and you won’t believe it. You won’t believe it because decades of cultural indoctrination. And as long as you, even as a Christian, subscribe to the decades of cultural indoctrination taught to you in public schools and in the colleges and universities of the country, then war on porn will never be won intellectually through discussion, debate and persuasion using Christian principles and values. Porn will continue to grow and fester in America.
Why is it that if you were to walk inside any large church that the majority of the single women in the single’s class are single mothers?
Why is it that at a minimum that one third or more wives sitting the pews of large churches of America are silently having an affair behind their husband’s back?
Why is it that divorce rate among Christians is hardly any different than the world?
Why is it in general women seek divorce more so than men?
Why is it in the dating world, 80% of so-called available women are fornicating with 20% of the so-called available men?
Why? Because women are empowered.
Satan has once again offered the woman a new fruit to eat. It’s the fruit of the goddess. Eat it and you will become an empowered goddess and live a life equal to men. You will be and do everything that men can and is.
The root cause is feminism. It empowers women to rebel against God. What does that mean? It means allowing female hypergamy to go off the charts to unhealthy levels, denying men the opportunity to date and marry. Denying men marriage, a wife, family, children. In other words, Satan has hijacked and corrupted female hypergamy.
Let’s us not forget, that God created Eve to be an end unto Adam. Let us not forget that women are subordinate to men in the spiritual hierarchy that God set forth.
But Satan says otherwise. (From Satan’s point of view) Eat the fruit of the goddess and I will empower you to be more than just a wife, a mother and homemaker. You will become wealthy creating pornographic films. You will be the center of attention on live web cams. I will liberate you with fornication and polyamory and will become a sexual goddess and every man’s desire. You will be further liberated an absolved from any personal responsibility as I teach sacrificing your unborn child to me through abortion.
I’ll set you equal with men and in turn I will destroy men. I will make women undesirable turning them into men. I will make men lonely. I will make men sexually frustrated, especially those Christian men whose hearts genuinely really want to obey God. They’ll be the most frustrated and vexed with inter conflict as I show them all the porn that will substitute for a what should be his wife. I will offer the new idols, made of rubber, metal and plastic, the sex toys, which will further substitute God’s procreation with false gods.
I'll put women in places of power, where women will meddle and tamper with the responsibilities and affairs of men. I will have these women in power and establish the welfare state in government substituting men’s ability to be providers, thus further corrupting her female hypergamy.
I will further divide men and women, creating yet another philosophical idea like Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) so men’s frustration will have men abandoning women due to women’s sexual immorality. I will empower the smart men among them with new ideas in technology with artificial intelligence and robotics, that machines will become so sophisticated that no one will be able distinguish these machines between a real woman and the robotic admonition. I will use this technology and usher in a new era of decadence replacing visual porn where men can create and participate their own fantasies for self as if he were with what should be his wife.
I will destroy humankind. But to do that, I have to go through women first no different than I approached Eve in the Garden of Eden. And therein is my lie. I will give to western culture the lie called feminism, the lie of the goddess, the lie of empowerment, the perfect weapon undoing God’s marriage, family, heterosexual relations and children. I will embed this lie into the very fabric of American education system and manifest it as truth in American culture to the point that women will no longer know who they really are or who they are supposed to be. The lie will become truth.
The lie will be so much the truth the few people who will discern the lie and if they speak out against feminism, the lie, they will be looked down upon and ostracized and be labeled is misogynist. It’s a neat package that will keep porn growing and thriving until America is in the ash heap of history.
Satan be gone! Back to my point of view:
Okay so let’s address the next issue, the most abused scripture in the bible: Mathew 5: 28
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
This scripture is used like a large paint brush. Its dipped in paint and everyone gets paint on them. Let’s cut that paint brush down to size.
Let’s first start with desire, so called lust. First you need to understand that God created you. That means God created sexual desire in you, therefore to desire a woman is not sinful, if the desire is in the correct context. It’s all about context.
Let’s review that again. God created you. In you is the ability to have sexual desire. Therefore, having sexual desire is not sinful. What God has created is good. However, take a good a thing and apply it in an incorrect context, and sin will occur.
What is the proper context that the sexual desire God created in you may manifest itself without sin?
If you are a single man and you look upon a single woman with desire, for example, you imagine being intimate with her, that’s not sin. That’s normal. That desire is supposed to motivate you, approach her and court her for marriage. Its important to understand that in the courtship you don’t fornicate with her. You are courting her, in other words you look at her, had a sexual thought, composed yourself, introduced yourself to her and began courting her. This is completely normal. No sin involved. The desire gets you moving. That’s way God made it.
If you are single man and you look upon a married woman with desire, for example, you imagine being intimate with her, the married woman, then in your heart like Jesus has said you have committed adultery.
Think about it, the word adultery requires the woman to be married. So, its implied right off the bat that the scripture is addressing looking at married women. Duh!
So, the scripture says whoever, that means a single man or married man. In my arguments I’m championing and fighting for the single man. So, my example applies to single men. If you are married man and married to submissive and obedient Godly woman, you will have no reason to desire any other or additional woman single or married. In fact, you won’t have an atom of a thought to be with another woman because if the woman is Godly (i.e. submissive and obedient, the opposite of feminism) there’s no motivation to seek out a substitute.
Again, notice the context in which the desire is applied. There are two contexts: Single man desires single woman and single man desire married woman. As you can see, the sexual desire that God designed in you in not inherently evil. It depends which context you chose to manifest it via your freewill.
The next time you hear someone like the author Stephen Arterburn make the argument in this book, “Every young man’s battle”, a thesis for gynocentric bias, that your desire for a single woman is lust and sinful, then ask yourself one question: How many times did Stephen sin with women in his heart before he married his wife as a single man courting women? Let’s ask another question: How does Stephen walk on water having dated the woman he married without any desire whatsoever? As you can see the argument in Mathew 5: 28 is absolutely ridiculous putting undo blame and unnecessary guilt on single men.
Let’s move on:
Here’s the problem. Women have become the goddess that Satan has offered. Women are in rebellion. A vast majority of single men are no longer dating due to women’s sexual immorality. This is the paradox of the Christian male.
He can’t get married. He wants to marry but he can’t. The proverb 31 woman is true, because its God’s word, but the actual woman is extinct. She doesn’t exist anymore. She’s too busy making pornographic films and liberating herself in front of web cam. What’s he supposed to do? God created his hormones and their raging, but there’s no longer proper context (i.e. marriage) in which those hormones can manifest the correct sexual act in which God designed them. There’s, nowhere go. Oh wait! There’s porn. There’s a place to go. A substitute.
Is porn an addiction? No. Why? Because porn is not the root problem, its symptom of a deeper problem. Resolve the deeper problem and porn becomes culturally insignificant. Porn is substitute, not an addiction.
The chemical reactions in your brain while consuming as discussed by Dr. Struthers is true. However, its not as damaging as he and/or many others would scare you into believing.
What happening is, you are training yourself. You aren’t permanently reprograming yourself. Its all based on training from your reward-pleasure mechanics in your brain. If you pleasure yourself, it feels good, the brain rewards dopamine and you continue. Its training. And Remember, you are consuming porn not because you are addicted but because it’s a substitute, because corrupted female hypergamy no longer sees you as a viable potential mate or husband. You are what women call, an INCEL (involuntarily celibate) Although there really is no such thing as an INCEL because Briffault’s law proves it but nonetheless Satan is going belittle you and ostracize from the mouth of a woman.
Replace the substitute with a wife, retrain with your wife and you are back to normal. Don’t buy into arguments you are permanently damaged. Its nonsense. The so-called experts with the PhD’s need their validation with all the years they invested in their education. So, they create their conventional wisdom and come out with studies that build their frames or narratives. You get scared and feel helpless. They reinforce the guilt and you feel ashamed. They receive the validation they want and some wealth out of it, leaving you as an emotional sexually frustrated basket case. Forget them.
The problem is like I said, you won’t likely be able to get married. Women have bought Satan’s lie and therein leaves you in the paradox. Satan owns female hypergamy.
If you are Christian or even a man who believes in God but your relationship with God could be stronger and you consume porn, it’s not because you want to consume porn. In fact, you hate it. Porn is merely a means to end seeking relief. Corrupted female hypergamy is denying you that relief in the context of marriage.
Porn is the false idol substitute that exists because real women are in rebellion against God. This is why MGTOW exists and growing by leaps and bounds every year with tens of thousands of men of all ages, joining their ranks making a commitment to stay single and abandon sex. If you’re not a Christian and adopted MGTOW then using porn is no big deal. You could care less about pleasing God. If you are a Christian, then you’re in philosophical spiritual paradox torn between wanting to please God vs. your body requiring God’s marriage with a woman, the woman that no longer exists.
Okay Let’s move on:
Is Masturbation a sin? Yes.
But, but, but the bible doesn’t use the work masturbation nor does it expungedlicitly address it.
Sure, it does. You just are not discerning it. Let me help you.
Genesis: 1: 28
And God blessed them. And God said to them, “
Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and yadda, yadda.
What does this mean? Its means human life is pretty much dominated with procreation. Procreation is sex and sex must be conducted under God’s context. God’s context for sex is between man and woman, in marriage. Masturbation doesn’t fit the context. Masturbation is the not product of God’s sex blueprint. As can you see God’s directive is implicit. God shows you, “Hey this my design. Sex is between man and woman”, as opposed to a substitute between you and your right hand. So how do spell relief? M-A-R-R-I-A-G-E!
Let’s look at this from Satan’s point of view. Here we go:
I hate God. I hate human beings. I will do everything I can and ensure humankind will never be fruitful and never multiply and surely never subdue the earth. I will provide every kind of substitute that replaces sex between man and woman and thwart God. I will design strange ideas okaying these substitutes and justify it as being healthy. I will absolutely make women be hesitant and be reluctant to take a husband. I will steal and corrupt the woman’s female hypergamy.
Satan be gone! Okay back in my skin.
What this means is that you are supposed to marry. You are not supposed to remain single. I bet that surprises you, doesn’t it? Imagine the idea that thwarts God’s design as normal thinking, like, yes you can be single and masturbate. Its okay. No, it’s not. You can’t be fruitful and multiply if you are single and masturbating, thus putting in you sin and in a state disobedience.
But again, looks jump back into Satan’s point of view. Hey, its okay. You need to time to explore and find yourself. Develop a career. See the world. You know, experience life. Look at all these wonderful things you will missing out on. Please allow me to distract you so that you can disobey God.
Satan be gone! Okay back in my skin.
God created you. God created you, a sexualized being. I say that in pure context assuming that your sexual conduct goes in line with God’s design. As a highly sexualized being, your hormones will rage. There’s absolutely nothing you can do about that. It’s God design to get you moving into marriage and obey his edict be fruitful and multiply. Its really that simple. Anything that counters God’s desire, be fruitful and multiply is of Satan.
Let’s list Satan’s activity schedule that mankind engages in on daily basis thwarting God: Fornication, Adultery, Divorce and Feminism ( i.e. female goddess empowerment, female created pornography, female rebellion against God’s authority and authority hierarchy, abortion, women’s rights, the welfare state, homosexuality another symptom of feminism and the gynocentric dominated culture).
I’d like to offer you more reading on topic at this website:
Its titled Christians and Masturbation: Seven Perspectives. It’s an interesting read and its also a disturbing read because you realize that these people are Christian intellectuals and some of them are ingrained with the goddess lie, in particular Tara Owens, who describes a young woman in her 20’s experiencing female masturbation as a celebration of a woman discovering her body. I don’t say this to condemn Tara, because she herself does marry and eventually falls in line with God’s design having a husband. This point is, Satan’s lie on the topic, is insidious and finds it way compromising even into the circles of Christian intellectuals.
If find yourself thinking that I’m full of it, then I challenge you. Put yourself in the role of Satan. Pretend you are Satan. There is one rule however in the exercise. You can’t use actions that are overt and obvious, because like in real life, if Satan were to outright slaughter mankind, it would polarize humanity toward God. So, whatever you choose it has to be implemented through deception. A lie will become truth. As Satan it’s your goal to thwart God figuring out how a lie must become truth, using every imaginable act, every imaginable thought and everything and anything that can get a human being not be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth without overt and obvious action. Do this exercise and it will make aware of Satan’s lies. Once you see the lies then you can discern where compromise to God is taking place. Again, its simple exercise. If God expects something of you, then ask yourself, what does Satan expect and do against you personally or against mankind and thwarts God?
Let’s move on.
There’s so much to discuss here because the gynocentric culture is built on feminism and is producing porn. It’s the vast number of countless women who star in porn. Very men are co participants in porn, yet so many men consume it. That's an odd dichotomy, isn’t it? It’s like death machine set to wipe men (males) off the face of the earth.
Have you heard of Satan’s lie called the beta male and the alpha male? This lie is usually mixed in with the theory of evolution, another lie. This is another satanic lie fed to a woman’s imagination that manifests itself in their corrupted female hypergamy. Truth be told, all men are created by God in his image. God doesn’t create an alpha male and a beta male. God creates men in his image. God creates men with the command be fruitful and multiply. Not some men, but all men to be fruitful and multiple, all men God that has created.
The next time you court a variety of women and they turn you down repeatedly, it’s not because you are beta male making mistakes as the pick-up artist would have you believe. Its because Satan has hijacked and corrupted her female hypergamy.
Satan owns women. They belong to him. Women sold out to feminism to be the goddess, to be more than just a wife, a mother and homemaker. This is why you are being repeatedly turned down. It’s not you. This is part of the paradox you are in as Christian man wondering why God has yet to provide you wife. Or if you are dating, and you aren’t thinking with little-head and aren’t putting the almighty ****** on a pedestal, that you discover that women aren’t really Godly at all, even if they attend church.
And for the men who are a constantly fed their daily dose of fornication with an endless supply of willing women, the Holy Grail of pick up, so to speak, its all in a woman’s imagination spun with Satan’s lies that this man, Chad, as opposed this other man, Jimmy, has higher status or that somehow Chad makes her feel better than Jimmy or that somehow Chad is better than Jimmy in bed. It’s all a lie, an illusion in a woman’s head. Now it doesn’t change the fact that it really happens in real life because of Satan’s ownership over women and it doesn’t soothe your sexual frustration, but what you have to come to realize it that… Well, it’s just earth, the sinful garbage dump of universe. It’s just the flesh. Who cares? Because one day, all this on earth is going to be gone and the only thing that will matter is where you are standing before God.
Set your focus on God regardless how sexually frustrated you are and remind yourself the flesh really doesn’t matter, because again, one day its all going to be gone, the pain, the loneliness, the lack of intimacy, the anger, the sense that something not fair or right. Let it all go because in the end it really doesn’t matter. Focus on God. Focus on where you will be where there is no pain and loneliness. You will be the one looking down one day at women and Chad, gnashing their teeth while you are in peace with God in heaven.
I’d rather be sexually frustrated Christian, masturbating to porn and hating doing so and humbling myself, trembling and kneeling before God begging for mercy and compassion than a so-called alpha male who gets unlimited access to fornication without so much as a regret or remorse. Think about that! You wont likely ever get married because women don’t really want marriage. Women really don’t have a clue what marriage really is and what God expects of them in that capacity. Women initiate divorce more often than men. Think about that!
So, the next time you read an expert’s shame-a-male opinion hit piece heavily lace with gynocentric bias, come to my heavily biased post and get some balance.
Don’t forget to pray to God.
And don’t bemoan God in prayer over why you don’t have a wife or that God must provide you a wife. Instead, as men collectively pray to God that he liberates women from Satan’s snares and lies, so that in the end, getting wife is no different than water seeking the path of least resistance.
Don’t forget to thank God.
Don’t forget to always choose God, no matter how much you have sinned.
Don’t forget to tell God you love him, no matter how much you have sinned.
Have a great day.