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Roseburg OR College Shooting

I just ask that we could pray for the families and loved ones of the victims of the Umpqua community in Roseburg Oregon.
college shooting. I have been through that town a few times. I doubt I know any of the victims but
it seems this country has seen it's share of high school and college related shootings lately.

I would just ask for peace, and healing of hearts. I pray that this would cause people to look at their lives and their priorities. None of us are promised tomorrow. I pray that opportunity would come out of tis for lives to be changed. For people to think about what happens after this life and seek God.
Staff Member
Sadly, it is being reported that witnesses are saying that the gunman went around asking individuals what their religion was. If they said Christian. He would then shoot them.

Praying for all the families even the one whose son this shooter belonged to.

Waiting for our Lord's Return!