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Same-sex attraction, sex, love, lust, pleasure, purpose, and God

Nov 10, 2015
One of the arguments that those who are same sex attracted and practice homosexuality make
to support their desire to have sex with this person is that they "love" the person.

Let's explore, and I invite you to listen attentively, I'll get there eventually.

First I will start with certain actions which are essential for humanity and show a connection
to pleasure or a strong biological feeling that incentivizes that behavior.

For example, we need to breathe air, and we are created that when we are not breathing or suffocating,
there is an intense feeling that warrants an immediate response (such as drowning underwater).
The body makes us aware of this need because it is essential to life. We didn't have to be created this
way, but God knew the importance of linking that feeling to this biological need.

Now let us look at eating. Eating food is no doubt important and needed for the survival of the individual,
and for the most part and for most people, eating is pleasurable. This is why one of the first things signs
that someone is sick (not well, physically or mentally) is that they lose their appetite. If eating was
not very pleasurable people likely wouldn't eat as much or seek out food. But God knew the importance
of linking this feeling to this biological need.

Then we have sex. Sex is said to be one of the most pleasurable if not the most, feeling that we experience
in our body. Now, God knows that it is important for humanity to have children, God even commanded
us to be fruitful and multiply. I believe that God didn't have to make sex pleasurable, but God knew
the importance of linking that feeling to this need for humanity, and the feeling also motivates us
to perform that task.

Next let us look at some of our basic needs which are important but not as essential and not as pleasurable.
For example, it is important to brush your teeth, it is important to take a bath regularly, and it is important
to shave your body(groom); however all of these task of hygiene are not super pleasurable and sometimes
people don't do these things as often as they should because they see it as a task.
Now if God wanted to, he could have made taking a shower, or brushing your teeth, feel just as pleasurable
as eating food or having sex, but God chose not to. These items which are less pleasurable, people don't seem to do or seek out
as much as those things which are more pleasurable.

Ok, I'm finally getting to the main point. When you listen to videos of same sex attracted/ homosexual individuals
talking to Christians, they often argue that they should be able to love anyone.

Now the question is, if the act of sex was not pleasurable, if intercourse (any type) was bland as brushing
your teeth, would homosexuals still seek to pursue that behavior and go against natural order?

My belief is no most would not. I think the lust and desire to experience whatever pleasure they seek in
that behavior is what is drawing them towards that relationship and not love (their are other factors sexual abuse, trauma, absent parents, etc).

I love my grandmother and that meant that I would help her around the house doing chores, those chores were not fun.
I love my parents, that meant that I would work and get good grades to make them proud, studying hard was not fun.
I love my friends and I would work hard to get them good gifts on their birthdays, working hard to do that task was not fun,

My point is when you love someone it often requires sacrifice, and it not necessarily linked to the feeling of lust.
Yet many homosexuals will say, I should have sex with someone of the same sex because I love them.
My response, is what's love got to do with sex?

Once again, if sex had zero pleasure associated with it, such as the various task that we do because we love someone (working hard, sacrifices, etc)
also have zero pleasure associated with it, would homosexuals still seek that lifestyle and all the behaviors associated if there was
no pleasure involved? Would they seek it out because they "love the person". I don't think so because when they are
doing that act, it is not mainly because of love but because of lust.

God choose to make sex pleasurable because God wants us to do it to multiply and create more families. He really really wants
us to. But God wants us to do it in marriage (man and women) because He doesn't want children just being born outside
of families which love and will protect them. Or outside of a mother and father who will give children both what only
a man can give and what only a women can give. And God wants sex in the union of a man and a women to cut down
on those STDs which are connected to homosexual intercourse.
One of the arguments that those who are same sex attracted and practice homosexuality make
to support their desire to have sex with this person is that they "love" the person.

Let's explore, and I invite you to listen attentively, I'll get there eventually.

First I will start with certain actions which are essential for humanity and show a connection
to pleasure or a strong biological feeling that incentivizes that behavior.

For example, we need to breathe air, and we are created that when we are not breathing or suffocating,
there is an intense feeling that warrants an immediate response (such as drowning underwater).
The body makes us aware of this need because it is essential to life. We didn't have to be created this
way, but God knew the importance of linking that feeling to this biological need.

Now let us look at eating. Eating food is no doubt important and needed for the survival of the individual,
and for the most part and for most people, eating is pleasurable. This is why one of the first things signs
that someone is sick (not well, physically or mentally) is that they lose their appetite. If eating was
not very pleasurable people likely wouldn't eat as much or seek out food. But God knew the importance
of linking this feeling to this biological need.

Then we have sex. Sex is said to be one of the most pleasurable if not the most, feeling that we experience
in our body. Now, God knows that it is important for humanity to have children, God even commanded
us to be fruitful and multiply. I believe that God didn't have to make sex pleasurable, but God knew
the importance of linking that feeling to this need for humanity, and the feeling also motivates us
to perform that task.

Next let us look at some of our basic needs which are important but not as essential and not as pleasurable.
For example, it is important to brush your teeth, it is important to take a bath regularly, and it is important
to shave your body(groom); however all of these task of hygiene are not super pleasurable and sometimes
people don't do these things as often as they should because they see it as a task.
Now if God wanted to, he could have made taking a shower, or brushing your teeth, feel just as pleasurable
as eating food or having sex, but God chose not to. These items which are less pleasurable, people don't seem to do or seek out
as much as those things which are more pleasurable.

Ok, I'm finally getting to the main point. When you listen to videos of same sex attracted/ homosexual individuals
talking to Christians, they often argue that they should be able to love anyone.

Now the question is, if the act of sex was not pleasurable, if intercourse (any type) was bland as brushing
your teeth, would homosexuals still seek to pursue that behavior and go against natural order?

My belief is no most would not. I think the lust and desire to experience whatever pleasure they seek in
that behavior is what is drawing them towards that relationship and not love (their are other factors sexual abuse, trauma, absent parents, etc).

I love my grandmother and that meant that I would help her around the house doing chores, those chores were not fun.
I love my parents, that meant that I would work and get good grades to make them proud, studying hard was not fun.
I love my friends and I would work hard to get them good gifts on their birthdays, working hard to do that task was not fun,

My point is when you love someone it often requires sacrifice, and it not necessarily linked to the feeling of lust.
Yet many homosexuals will say, I should have sex with someone of the same sex because I love them.
My response, is what's love got to do with sex?

Once again, if sex had zero pleasure associated with it, such as the various task that we do because we love someone (working hard, sacrifices, etc)
also have zero pleasure associated with it, would homosexuals still seek that lifestyle and all the behaviors associated if there was
no pleasure involved? Would they seek it out because they "love the person". I don't think so because when they are
doing that act, it is not mainly because of love but because of lust.

God choose to make sex pleasurable because God wants us to do it to multiply and create more families. He really really wants
us to. But God wants us to do it in marriage (man and women) because He doesn't want children just being born outside
of families which love and will protect them. Or outside of a mother and father who will give children both what only
a man can give and what only a women can give. And God wants sex in the union of a man and a women to cut down
on those STDs which are connected to homosexual intercourse.
Ok, I agree, now let us go on to a more "Spiritual Maturity" beyond and dwell within the "creatures" that cannot be seen, but can be sense, by the more "Spiritually" Mature in "Christ" who have had their senses exercise more keener knowing that which is "holy and unholy".
And the spiritual forces that we that maybe. And let us give some of the unseen forces names and describe some of their operations of works.

"Cupid" for 1, who has "DARTS". in his satchel. And he fires at will, The Darts: "Lust", "Sparkles", that might hit a targets, Ankles, painted toes, "plump Lips' or "Hips" and light them up, as they may seem as if it was "Angels of Light">>
>>and Strikes the targets eyes, and draws the targets lusts out, "The Arrows Of Enticement" the kind the targets like. the stride, the sway in the walk! Now this is in a Person's heart, But The right "arrow" can draw it out. She or the he, pleases me well" for this is the blood that the arrow leaks out.
Some even call it "My Soul MATE" not knowing a String is attached to the Arrow like unto a "Fiber Cable' a invisible communication network ran by The demons Network of Communications in "SPIRITUAL PLACES". Laugh if You want too, they only have one purpose is to drawn you away From "The TRUE GOD" to make you break "The OATH' to your own "CREATOR" and destroy you by testimony, and destroy many of minds and gain a following because you have displayed it, it is Profitable to dis- obey the very words of "The LIVING GOD"! And can make one happy, A Liar The Arrows of CUPID will make you, and help you to destroy other lives. As if you are the shinning light, but truly you are or have "the Appearance of an "ANGEL of LIGHT:.

So it is with the rest.

World English Bible
The heart is deceitful above all things, and it is exceedingly corrupt: who can know it?
Young's Literal Translation
Crooked is the heart above all things, And it is incurable -- who doth know it?

"But the things which proceed out of the mouth come forth out of the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart come forth evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, railings: these are the things which defile the man and woman; but to eat with un washen hands defileth not the man.:pensive:

[ baby you sure look good, you too sweetie whats you name}:sob: "my name is Legion and we are many" Right "MENE MENE Tekel UpharSIN"":eyes:

"But Each Man Is Tempted, When He Is Drawn Away By His Own Lust, And Enticed. 15Then the lust, when it hath conceived, beareth sin: and the sin, when it is fullgrown, bringeth forth death. 16Be not deceived, my beloved brethren. 17Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom can be no variation, neither shadow that is cast by turning"

A virgin wife comes from above, a virgin husband comes from above, A "born from above" husband is a perfect gift coming from above . a born from above wife is a perfect gift that comes from above!

They did not tell us THE TRUTH. they fed us "substitutes" and Not the truths that would help us along the way.

Instead they wanted to build their own kingdoms on earth, and only made us more corrupted and they fed us lies and took our money, even turning our own household against us.

Hearts are wicked, and minds of The Children of GOD" are to be guided by "The WORD of GOD" and not by the humans word they called love, the human word called love is deceptive and cannot be trusted. They choose persons, concerning stability and lust so called love, prestige, and all other ungodly reasons and senses.
and I am not the expert!

…"But if you harbor bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast in it or deny the truth. Such wisdom does not come from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic.For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every evil practice.…"
The Average church and christians DO NOT BELIEVE this TRUTH! Just Look at them and listen to their SPEECH! Their own mouths betrays them. even on The "SUN's DAY" right from the Podium and thousands upon thousands "AMENS" rings through out The Universe!

He that finds a wife finds a good thing< "BUT A Prudent Wife is From THE LORD"
A unregenerate wife is not from the lord to a regenerated man.
A unregenerate man is not from the LORD to a Regenerated women.

you can go further.

"Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership can righteousness have with wickedness? Or what fellowship does light have with darkness? 15 What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?"

In this day and age it seem that no one can tell A unbeliever from a believer, a child of God from a child of the devil and it seems that the believer and the unbeliever have many things in COMMON! Just WATCH they Parade this sin as If it is The very Will of GOD! and justify their actions By The word of GOD, by places verses to gather to make their claims true.

New King James Version
Houses and riches are an inheritance from fathers, But a prudent wife is from the LORD.

"JESUS-is-LORD" I am in agreement with you! I just turn over the other side of The Koin. a nickel is a nickel no matter what side of The coin it is showing.

PS.>>>>>God did not put "Pleasure in sex so we can enjoy it, He Put Pleasure in SEX to make sure we made Babies and replenish The EARTH! if there is no pleasure you can count on it, there would be no babies any where, the cows the dogs , the bears, the birds, would not make babies and people would not either, Man, always rebel against The Word Of GOD women too! But That Pleasure GOD put in That CREATURES, they are going to have SEX!

PloughBoy, That is why he has Bless the marriage BED, It is Safe having sex with your husband or wife. That is the gift GOD has Given To Married Couples ONLY! The Pleasure without DAMNATION! break it you might in Up in "HELL":eyes:

many have! So if you want sex get married! One time! to dead do you part! The pleasure of SEX is Your gift by getting married and trying to make babies and suffering by being married to a person and all of the hardship the two suffer by being married, The devil and demons are your enemies, trying to tear you two apart. that you might rebel against The Word of GOD!

A wise wife is from the LORD! Not a
corporation wife, that works for her boss, that is not a wise wife form the Lord, that one might be from the devil! Especially if it is about the money!o_O

It is better to dwell in a "Sugar Shack" with a faithful woman than to Reign on The Throne with a Deceitful QUEEN"
God also has something to say about this -
Matthew 19:4 And he answered and said, Have ye not read, that he who created from the beginning made them male and female,
5 and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh?
6 So that they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath yoked together, let not man put asunder.
God also has something to say about this -
Matthew 19:4 And he answered and said, Have ye not read, that he who created from the beginning made them male and female,
5 and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh?
6 So that they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath yoked together, let not man put asunder.
The same sex marriages has also claim God has Drawn them together too. By Love. and in Christ Jesus there is no male or female.

I tell you, everyone has a form of "Hermeneutics" style of their own. No matter what we say, they can re quote it, They have been taught by the Best!>>>>>>

New King James Version
>>>>>>“Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, Lest They Trample Them Under Their Feet, And Turn And Tear You In Pieces. :eyes:

I told people a long time ago, You Do Not train DEVILS, to be Children of GOD!

Jesus Christ"to a sinner, and training A True of Child is two different things you do not train Goats to act like sheep! Like you do not train Girls to act like Boys and you do not train boys to act like Girls!

Common Sense! and people get angry because you tell Them "THE TRUTH" even if it is true, that he acts like a girl, that maybe true but "THE TRUTH" is, no matter what he acts like He is A BOY!

I know this simple thing is harmful talk for christians and non christians to understand.

Training goats to be sheep! Goats running around here, going "Baaaa"!
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Love does not rejoice in sin.
Well how many definition are there are of love in The Hebrew language in the Bible of The Hebrew language, and how many ways is it spelled. How definition are their in The Greek and the Koine Greek languages of the Bible and how are they spelled. How many different definitions of the word love in the Aramaic language and how are they spelled. and how many ways "love is spelled in the English language?

And I do not mean Translating a English translation of a English Bible into a "The Original Text in question in "The Original Copied Manuscript" But translating "The Original Copied Manuscript" of the text in question into the English, in which 99% of christians cannot do, BUT, they can do a false translation from English to Greek and stick out their chest like they are Biblical Scholars but in actuality have you ever heard of "Bozo The Clown", I use to look him on TV when I was a kid, I miss him.

I be back. I got to do some thing
One of the arguments that those who are same sex attracted and practice homosexuality make
to support their desire to have sex with this person is that they "love" the person.

Sex is not love. Love is not sex. They are often confused with each other, and popular phrases like "Let's make love" don't help.
Homosexuality has nothing to do with love. It has a lot to do with Lust and Sex.

I'm a man, married to a woman. I love her.
But there are plenty of men I love. I loved my dad when he was alive. I love my sons. I love men in my church. I love men I have worked with the past.
.. but loving these men doesn't make me a homosexual. Who you love doesn't make you a homosexual.

On the other hand, I once saw a news report on CNN a few years ago. They followed a man around a certain neighborhood in San Francisco.
This man had sex with 34 different people in less than 90 minutes. He didn't even know some of their names, most he had never met before.
He didn't "love" them. He didn't even know them. But he had sex with them.

Now which one is a homosexual, the one who loves men, or the one who has sex with them?
It's true you could do both possibly, but sex is not required to love someone.
God also has something to say about this -
Matthew 19:4 And he answered and said, Have ye not read, that he who created from the beginning made them male and female,
5 and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh?
6 So that they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath yoked together, let not man put asunder.
Amen, indeed.
So "JESUS-is-LORD" I am in agreement with you! I just turn over the other side of The Koin. a nickel is a nickel no matter what side of The coin it is showing.

PS.>>>>>God did not put "Pleasure in sex so we can enjoy it, He Put Pleasure in SEX to make sure we made Babies and replenish The EARTH! if there is no pleasure you can count on it, there would be no babies any where, the cows the dogs , the bears, the birds, would not make babies and people would not either, Man, always rebel against The Word Of GOD women too! But That Pleasure GOD put in That CREATURES, they are going to have SEX!

Amen, having us make babies is very important I agree.
Although God isn't against us enjoying life because enjoy will be enjoyable.

But yes, I agree, the pleasure is definitely a motivator for which people have sex, most definitely.
Sex is not love. Love is not sex. They are often confused with each other, and popular phrases like "Let's make love" don't help.
Homosexuality has nothing to do with love. It has a lot to do with Lust and Sex.

I'm a man, married to a woman. I love her.
But there are plenty of men I love. I loved my dad when he was alive. I love my sons. I love men in my church. I love men I have worked with the past.
.. but loving these men doesn't make me a homosexual. Who you love doesn't make you a homosexual.

On the other hand, I once saw a news report on CNN a few years ago. They followed a man around a certain neighborhood in San Francisco.
This man had sex with 34 different people in less than 90 minutes. He didn't even know some of their names, most he had never met before.
He didn't "love" them. He didn't even know them. But he had sex with them.

Now which one is a homosexual, the one who loves men, or the one who has sex with them?
It's true you could do both possibly, but sex is not required to love someone.
I agree 100%, amen. Let us continue to share this truth to knows hungry for the truth.

Yes, many are not hungry for the truth. Most are not. But a few are, and may they hear as we continue

to share the truth in love.
Amen, having us make babies is very important I agree.
Although God isn't against us enjoying life because enjoy will be enjoyable.

But yes, I agree, the pleasure is definitely a motivator for which people have sex, most definitely.
Really, God did not make a suffering planet so you can enjoy the planet suffering, the animals suffers everyday, The earth endures pain everyday, The plants the trees suffers everyday The rivers and the oceans suffers every day, the ants suffers every day the flowers suffers everyday All creations is suffering.
So how can you enjoy this as a child of God, to all of this suffering, have you ever looked at a tree and saw the disease and the bugs attacking it. The leaves crying out for the cold and the heat, the branches burning in pain because of fires, the plants in the woods in the forest suffering for lack of water, rain drops, the fish dying in rivers because thy cannot get enough oxygen, The Male bears killing their young sons, so they cannot survive. The male stallions also killing the weak coats or filly's because they cannot keep up with the herd. may I go on concerning your enjoyments of watching the planet suffering.
Am I sensing a hint of strange behavior. enjoy the suffering of other.

I am wondering how can you stand it in this Body, because when the power of the Anointing comes on very strong, This body of mines can hardly take it. I have to try to slow it down and sometimes it takes all my strength from me and I have to lay down, but the sleep is restful. The Anointing is to STRONG for a human body.

and this:

18For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed to us-ward. 19For the earnest expectation of the creation waiteth for the revealing of the sons of God. 20For the creation was subjected to vanity, not of its own will, but by reason of him who subjected it, in hope 21that the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the liberty of the glory of the children of God. 22For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. 23And not only so, But Ourselves Also, who have the first-fruits of the Spirit, Even We Ourselves Groan Within Ourselves, waiting for our adoption, to wit , the redemption of our body.

I need a new body for THIS New CREATURE in me! No room in this body and the Glory is Bright! I can feel it Glowing like it is going "Nuclear", "SUPERNOVA"! Hurry up get me a body for a heavenly creature, that will withstand the heat and can contain something hotter than a Thousand SUNS and counting! :sob: Talking about A BURST of LIGHT that will light up The Universe! and warm half of The Galaxies on this side of the SUN, to room temperature.! If you think that this body can contain death and hold it down, Watch!:eyes:

PloughBoy, I am "talking about "The Manifestation of THE GLORY of GOD" talking about a light on a Hill. The translators might had made a mistake,This will not be a Ant with a "flashlight" on a ant hill!

PloughBoy, just having fun with in the learnings. Now that is what I call enjoying "Eternal Life" nothing on Planet earth can serve that on a plate, even of A Plate Of Gold! Can Match That! Disney World Cannot Give You , A Ride Like That. and it did not cost you a dime.:pensive: you cannot Buy it.
Really, God did not make a suffering planet so you can enjoy the planet suffering, the animals suffers everyday, The earth endures pain everyday, The plants the trees suffers everyday The rivers and the oceans suffers every day, the ants suffers every day the flowers suffers everyday All creations is suffering.
So how can you enjoy this as a child of God, to all of this suffering, have you ever looked at a tree and saw the disease and the bugs attacking it. The leaves crying out for the cold and the heat, the branches burning in pain because of fires, the plants in the woods in the forest suffering for lack of water, rain drops, the fish dying in rivers because thy cannot get enough oxygen, The Male bears killing their young sons, so they cannot survive. The male stallions also killing the weak coats or filly's because they cannot keep up with the herd. may I go on concerning your enjoyments of watching the planet suffering.
Am I sensing a hint of strange behavior. enjoy the suffering of other.

I am wondering how can you stand it in this Body, because when the power of the Anointing comes on very strong, This body of mines can hardly take it. I have to try to slow it down and sometimes it takes all my strength from me and I have to lay down, but the sleep is restful. The Anointing is to STRONG for a human body.

and this:

18For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed to us-ward. 19For the earnest expectation of the creation waiteth for the revealing of the sons of God. 20For the creation was subjected to vanity, not of its own will, but by reason of him who subjected it, in hope 21that the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the liberty of the glory of the children of God. 22For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. 23And not only so, But Ourselves Also, who have the first-fruits of the Spirit, Even We Ourselves Groan Within Ourselves, waiting for our adoption, to wit , the redemption of our body.

I need a new body for THIS New CREATURE in me! No room in this body and the Glory is Bright! I can feel it Glowing like it is going "Nuclear", "SUPERNOVA"! Hurry up get me a body for a heavenly creature, that will withstand the heat and can contain something hotter than a Thousand SUNS and counting! :sob: Talking about A BURST of LIGHT that will light up The Universe! and warm half of The Galaxies on this side of the SUN, to room temperature.! If you think that this body can contain death and hold it down, Watch!:eyes:

PloughBoy, I am "talking about "The Manifestation of THE GLORY of GOD" talking about a light on a Hill. The translators might had made a mistake,This will not be a Ant with a "flashlight" on a ant hill!

PloughBoy, just having fun with in the learnings. Now that is what I call enjoying "Eternal Life" nothing on Planet earth can serve that on a plate, even of A Plate Of Gold! Can Match That! Disney World Cannot Give You , A Ride Like That. and it did not cost you a dime.:pensive: you cannot Buy it.
Amen, having us make babies is very important I agree.
Although God isn't against us enjoying life because enjoy will be enjoyable.

But yes, I agree, the pleasure is definitely a motivator for which people have sex, most definitely.
Typo, meant to say ------------------"Because Heaven will be enjoyable."
Amen, having us make babies is very important I agree.
Although God isn't against us enjoying life because enjoy will be enjoyable.

But yes, I agree, the pleasure is definitely a motivator for which people have sex, most definitely.
Horses and dogs and cats "Cows and Bulls and Ants and Crickets, do have a motivation. Have ever seen A Rabbit mating? And a "Praying Mantis" take the risks. Knowing she will "Bite his Head off! or have ever Seen a "STUD" mate? that had not mated in a few years? :eyes: One of those Big Strong Horses! "Stomping" on the ground the earth shaking, Blowing "SNOT" "Nostril Wide Open" He 'Neighs" so strong and deep' you can feel it in your chest! His Muscles start piping out, he looks like "King Kong"! I Have never seen big muscles like that in my life! in his neck and back! Scare you almost to death!
18For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed to us-ward. 19For the earnest expectation of the creation waiteth for the revealing of the sons of God. 20For the creation was subjected to vanity, not of its own will, but by reason of him who subjected it, in hope 21that the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the liberty of the glory of the children of God. 22For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. 23And not only so, But Ourselves Also, who have the first-fruits of the Spirit, Even We Ourselves Groan Within Ourselves, waiting for our adoption, to wit , the redemption of our body.

Amen great verse.
Horses and dogs and cats "Cows and Bulls and Ants and Crickets, do have a motivation. Have ever seen A Rabbit mating? And a "Praying Mantis" take the risks. Knowing she will "Bite his Head off! or have ever Seen a "STUD" mate? that had not mated in a few years? :eyes: One of those Big Strong Horses! "Stomping" on the ground the earth shaking, Blowing "SNOT" "Nostril Wide Open" He 'Neighs" so strong and deep' you can feel it in your chest! His Muscles start piping out, he looks like "King Kong"! I Have never seen big muscles like that in my life! in his neck and back! Scare you almost to death!
Typo, meant to say ----------------- -"Because Heaven will be enjoyable."
A person can be attracted to many people and not act on those attractions in a sexual way. And there are lots of ways to Show love in a non-sexual way. And egg and ***** together are required to make a baby . Marriage is between a man and woman and sexual intimacy is only to be within Marriage. So No single people are to be enjoying sexual intimacy.
Homosexuality is not a sin against your fellow man. I call it an apocalyptic sin. As it is a sin against God, one that upsets Him directly and forces Him to bring change for the sake of the righteous and children.

One day when we all in heaven, we will see that the days of today mimic those in Noah's day and Sodom's. Living purely by the lust of their flesh 1 John 2:16. No Godliness, whatsoever.
"But stolen waters are sweet" and many do not know this. But until they has tasted the waters, and the pull become great with aid of powerful demonic Forces as if they were the arrows of "Cupid' waters they have never tasted before.

"Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant." sweeter than the water at home, it will be. The devil will make sure of That.
A person can be attracted to many people and not act on those attractions in a sexual way. And there are lots of ways to Show love in a non-sexual way. And egg and ***** together are required to make a baby . Marriage is between a man and woman and sexual intimacy is only to be within Marriage. So No single people are to be enjoying sexual intimacy.

I have often wondered about fornication. In the OT one would receive 100 lashes for it. Today, I feel God is still displeased by it, but I do believe He has a lot of extra understanding for many in it. We are living in a different era. I do not believe that all in fornication are living in evil. It is simply not a 'best case scenario'. I am not referring to those that date and dump someone every 1-6 months.