life in Jesus, what do you mean "if people are born homosexual then why do bisexuals exist?" homosexual is not the only other sexuality out there, there are people who are straight, homosexual, pansexual, bisexual, transgendered, genderqueer, asexual, etc.
You are correct, homosexuality is not the only other ‘sexuality’ out there.
Straight or Heterosexual is sexual activity with the opposite sex.
Homosexual is sexual activity with the same sex
Bisexual is sexual activity in same as well as opposite sex
Transgender….. Depending on if they were a man who had an amputation and then has homosexual relations with a man with the façade of being a woman or has a heterosexual relations with a woman (though without the appendage.) with the appearance of homosexuality. Or vise versa if speaking of a woman who had an appendage attached.
Genderqueer or gender benders (first known use in 1980) or cross dressers (first known use in 1911) (couldn’t find when ‘genderqueer’ was first used but it will probably change tomorrow anyway.) Are those who like wearing clothes of the opposite sex and they can be heterosexual or homosexual or anything in between.
And of course there is pansexual best described by queers united – “pansexuals have the capability of attraction to others regardless of their gender identity or biological sex. A pansexual could be open to someone who is male, female, transgender, intersex, or agendered/genderqueer.” – Queers United, Diversity Lesson 101: Pansexuality In other words, most anything will excite them sexually
Then there is “Asexual” which is no sex or cloning. Dr. Richard Seed (such an apropos name) makes the premise that ‘cloning will put us at one with god.”
[ in a speech by Dr. Balaji Sadasivan.]
I believe there was someone else who thought he could be one with God also a very long time ago.
Definition of sexuality:
: the quality or state of being sexual:
a: the condition of having sex
b: sexual activity
c: expression of sexual receptivity or interest especially when excessive
Now, getting into a few of your ‘etc’ 's we have”
Adultery is sexual activity with anyone other than a spouse.
Fornication is consensual sexual activity between two unmarried people.
Pedophiles is sexual activity with children in either homosexual relations or heterosexual.
Rapists is sexual activity with male, female, children, babies or anyone they can control.
Sodomy is sexual activity include willing and unwilling partners.
Bestiality is sexual relations between human beings and lower animals
You are correct, homosexuality is NOT the only other sexuality out there. I’m just wondering when the pedophile can finally come ‘out of the closet’ with their ‘orientation'.
The saddest part is the homosexual who believes the crap that has been shoved down our throats for too long by the media, government, schools, and now evens the churches; when all any of us have to do is look to God for cleansing, healing and compassion through Christ.