Gladly, for which?
Magnets are sticking to thousands worldwide. There are too many compilations to post. Here are but a couple -->
The COVID VACCINE Magnet Challenge Reporter On The Street Links and
ULTIMATE Covid Vaccine Magnet Stuck To Arm At Injection Site Compilation
The magnetism that the experimental biological gene therapy aka the “vax” is causing, is not in the shot. There is no material available in such a small amount that can be injected and cause what we are seeing. The magnetism is being caused by the vax re-programming your DNA (and it has to be exactly that; they are lying if they say otherwise). The vax re-programs people to have a literal iron spike/antenna be part of the normal internal structure of many, if not all, cells eventually. There are several places to get a look at the antenna formation; here is one -->
Covid-19 Test Swabs Contain DARPA Hydrogel (EMF Conductive), Lithium, Destroys Pineal Gland & Creates Blood Clots; Slovak Republic Study
The end purpose is to get enough of these iron spikes into people - spread throughout their bodies - to ensure there are lots of them in the brain that will be there to pick up control signals. The rest are probably waste. All the studies were done on this. They know the vax is devastating and that it has to attack the blood for the iron and people are dying from the blood damage caused by having the body programmed to mine the blood for iron to build the iron spikes. Anemic people will die (this is behind the push to eliminate red meat and anti-malarial drugs). Healthy people whose blood reacts by clotting will die. Only those who have lots of iron plus a reduced tendency to clot will make it.
The mysterious behaviors of the attractive fields created by these iron particles may be caused by an entirely new allotropic form of iron we have never seen before out in the general public, until it was assembled that way by cells. If that is not what is causing such weird attractions of even metals that are normally non-magnetic, then the attraction is being caused by some sort of weird Borg tech being assembled by the body after that genetic modification they at least told us about in an oblique way. Perhaps they want transmit/receive to be a normal part of us. It is hard to say. Anyone's guess. We have to decode the lie.
THE SHEDDERS ARE EVERYWHERE. Here is a suspicion I am having: The spike protein the vax is forcing everyone who gets the shot to make, is spreading out of control to the un-vaccinated, right when the people who caused this lied and told everyone they could take their masks off and/or stop being careful. It has to be something at that level of bad.
It was all a huge PsyOp to dupe people into unwittingly accepting something they otherwise never would have. IT IS ALL A HOAX. People need to wake up to that. If magnets are sticking to the vax site, it is ALL A HOAX. They never told you their shot would do that, did they? Do you think they did not know that? ARE WE STUPID?
AAAAND they are going to skate on this, saying the shot was "experimental.” Like jello it was!!!! They knew exactly what they were doing.
As I said earlier (and worried about), the effect is spreading to the whole body. I will repeat: There is no way a shot that is 1 ML in volume could cause this from what is in the shot itself. People's bodies are being mined for iron and it is being assembled by the cells in a way that is causing this. And even aluminum sticks.
I want to say something more clearly than before with regard to this -
Your body is being made to produce something that is a tech we were never allowed to have. This is a stolen and hidden tech. And now I will explain this in an un-trollable way:
Trolls immediately stated that it was a frequency, and induction was causing non-magnetic materials to stick, which can be explained via tech we already have. Now, though it is true that there are indeed inductive systems that can use induction to draw non-magnetic metals to them, the problem is that these systems have to be tuned to react precisely with what they are supposed to attract.
How about some perfectly clear layman terms?
Your cell phone produces a frequency while transmitting, and NOTHING STICKS TO IT. Nothing sticks because the cell phone is not tuned to anything around it, for anything to stick that is not magnetic. Its alloys, size, shape, thickness - EVERYTHING has to match before it can be inductively attracted , and then, that which is doing the attraction has to hit the EXACT frequency, wave shape and duty cycle to draw whatever was specially made for it to be attracted.
There is therefore, without any possible alternative explanation, tech at play with that vax that we were never allowed to have, but probably had all along, probably since Tesla. We do know that we each possess a specific “resonant DNA frequency,” and that it is more unique to the individual than one’s fingerprints. And they have been data-banking our DNA for decades via blood donations and samples, urine and fecal samples, prick pricking the heel of newborns at hospitals, blood typing, cheek swabs, etc.. So if they know one’s unique DNA frequency, the possibilities (given the wireless RF bath we’re immersed in 24/7) for affecting our physiology etc. are obvious.
I have always suspected that is what has been going on, but the vax confirms it. There really is an "all new" tech at play with that vax. If random pieces of metal are sticking to people who got that shot, it proves, in no uncertain terms, that we got robbed of our best tech, and having it show up in a kill shot sure is a hideous way to find out.
But there's more to this story -
5G frequencies are high enough to couple with those tiny iron spikes the vax causes your cells to build. And I mean they'll couple PERFECTLY. So I'll tell you a different scenario that could happen -
Your 5G phone is likely to ping the magnetic particles in your body and map your body out. There's enough processor power available in 5G phones for them to map where the particles are in you. And it will know what particles are in your brain and what brain functions those particles can control. And then it will own you. It will be able to place everything from
thoughts, to your heart rate, and forcing body movements - the whole 9 yards, but there's even worse that will be possible -
Let's say you are one tough cookie and are able to overcome what you are being forced to feel, think, and do. Remember the phased array antenna these 5G phones have? You know - the part of the phone that can send off a beam so confined that it is referred to as a pencil beam? Let's say you cannot be forced to "behave.” What's going to happen if they decide to off you because of it? With all those iron particles in your brain cells, it will be possible for a 5G phone to send out a 100-watt or more pencil beam to specific particles in a small part of the brain, heat that area up, and burn it to death.
SORRY, I AM AN IDIOT, because cell phones don't have that kind of power, RIGHT?
Well, in the published specs, they obviously do not. But has any manufacturer openly talked about ANY of the back doors they are forced to put into tech items? We all know they are there, and occasionally hackers find them; that's what exploits and viruses are all about - I'll just say it straight:
Once you are dealing with the kinds of frequencies 5G operates at, the sky is the limit for the power levels a small device, operating on a super powerful high delivery lithium ion battery, can put out. There is literally no limit. My guess is 100 watts would be easy to do. The actual number is probably higher. And with that, they could simply cut your brain in half if that signal had anything to interact with. And after the vax, it definitely does.
Let's put this straight: There are no natural remedies for the corona shot. The shot inflicts genetic damage. That is how it functions. You are not going to fix that with a brew of wormwood and elderberry (or whatever else con artists dream up).
Hoaxers will jump on the bandwagon to profit from any calamity, and that is happening with the corona shot. I'll say what might fix the problem the vax makes, straight up -
In some people - those who are either very robust or did not get hit too hard for some other reason - their own genetic correcting mechanisms will eventually correct the shot out of their systems, and eventually, due to this, they will not be magnetic anymore. The magnetism is the result of genetic modifications telling the cells to do something they were never designed to do and, in some cases, some people will have adequate repair mechanisms to fix what the shot does, at least partially. Maintaining a healthy immune system is now an absolute necessity.
An example of another type of DNA damage your cells can fix is EMR (electromagnetic radiation). Your cells get damaged by radiation ALL THE TIME, every minute of every day of your life - and your body has DNA repair mechanisms that stitch the DNA back together when it gets damaged. Radiation damage is not usually permanent. If it does not go overboard, you eventually get over it. We live in a radioactive universe, get bombarded with ionizing radiation all the time, and our bodies were designed to cope with it to an extent. There are some regions of Iran where natural radiation is 250 millisieverts per year and the people living in those zones
do not turn into mushrooms. They are fine.
However, the nanotech injection causes the cells to produce nano-antenna arrays, which are intended to receive external EMR, which adds insult to injury in the EMR damage department.
The reason why they wanted a continuous string of booster shots was to circumvent having people self-heal and getting over it. Many people will not self-heal, and I would not get the shot expecting I would. But if people's DNA is always checking for errors and fixing itself, lots of people are going to be able to self-repair with no intervention at all. This will give the con artists plenty of fodder to "prove their cure worked" when it did nothing at all.
There will always be permanent damage from a shot that deliberately attacks your DNA, but if you get over it "enough," the shot will not do the job they intended for it to do (WHICH IS INFERTILITY/STERILITY LEADING TO DEPOPULATION). After quite a while, those who got only one jab might at least sort of be OK.
I drifted off topic. Here is the point: NO ONE is going to come up with a remedy for this shot. Save your grief and money. Don't send anyone a dime. If you are ever going to get over it, it will happen automatically. And if you are lucky, especially if you did not go in for the second shot, you might eventually pull out of it. But the more shots you get, the less of a reference your body will have for returning back to normal. Whether or not you can ever recover will depend only upon how badly the shot damaged your DNA to begin with and how well your body copes with it.
Regardless of what they say, THIS IS A DNA SHOT.
Don't expect some con artist's miracle "natural cure" to fix this. You CANNOT change the operating system of a computer by spilling Pepsi on it!!!
So they lied (not that we did not already know); cells DO write RNA (the vax) into DNA.
I have said this on occasion all along. It is not an RNA vax, it is a DNA vax because that's the only way iron spikes can grow in cells that were never made to make them. The DNA has to be physically altered enough to change what the cell actually is, to cause anything like that to happen. You can well bet they knew this all along, and all along they fully intended to cause permanent changes to the human genome with the corona vax.
Many are experiencing a "...a noisome and grievous sore..." -->
Revelation 16:2 (KJV) Grievous Sore/ Mark Of The Beast
It has happened. And it will take the next generation to show the mods (what few manage to be born, as depopulation through infertility is their goal).
There are 10 years left for the "centennial" or "igen" generation. I suggest cutting that generation short and proceeding immediately to something like "Generation app" because that's what your body is after the shot. Perhaps you'll even need to pay licensing fees to have kids, because you'll be spawning another incident of the vax maker's patented synthetic gene "program." Way back in 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court said so -->
US Supreme Court Strikes Down Gene Patents but Allows Patenting of Synthetic DNA
Those who have received a synthetic mRNA covid injection have been genetically modified and thus the patent owner now has authority.
You say Jesus is your Saviour and Lord? It's time to walk the talk. We are in deep doo-doo.