God - our perfect match-maker
Read Proverbs 2:7-27; Ecclesiastes 11:9-10, 2Timothy 2:22; Colossians 3:5, Romans 12:1-12; 1John 2:15-17, 2corinthians 6:1-4, 14-18
Dating – The habit of letting two young folks or older folks out together to try each other. It is a custom imported from the world into the Christianity because it never happened in the Bible days. The theory of try first and get acquainted is a strange fire, “sweetheart meeting” to bring boys of 14 and 16 and 17 who are not dry enough behind their ears, and have not finished their schooling yet have their girlfriends (Sin partners) which they take to “drive – ins “ and park by themselves ….. and imagine what will happen when you put two fires together and expose them to passion and youthful lust !!! Then parents cry and weep when they find so many of the present day marriages are not lasting! Why? Because these boys and girls are so used to having so many affairs with different girls that they go back to the old life easily. And marriage is no more taught as holy sacred union that cannot be broken for life, as the scripture declares!
God is a God of orderliness, when a young man has established himself in a profession and began to earn enough money whereby he can feed himself and a wife, then he should start praying that the Lord will guide to God’s choice for him to be a helpmate and establish a home and raise Godly seed. At that time, through prayer and waiting on God, He will surely guide him to the right one he has prepare for him to accomplish God’s great plan in their life.
God children should not run around like dogs and cats… date this one and hug the other, kissing, and flirting to gratify the lusts of the flesh! as this is all sinful and whoredom in the eyes of the Lord. We are called unto holiness whether we are single or married.
Parents, how are you dressing your girls? In a way to attract Boys? Why do you want her to attract boys before you want her to get married! For a pleasure? Fun (immorality)? Who told you that your girl will never get married if you don’t allow her like other girls, who dress up in lustful attire to seduce boys and men? That is a bunch of lies of the devil. “God has promised Not to withhold any good things from those that walk uprightly” (Psalm 84:11}. ReadDeuteronomy22:13-21.
Ladies’ (Girls) security and assurance of a permanent marriage is in her virginity till the she marries? In the Middle East, in Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, and Syria, just as the Bible teaches…when parents give their girl to be married, both parents of the two parties stay outside awake, the same night they come together and a handkerchief is given to the man that when he enters to sleep with his wife, he will use the handkerchief to wipe the blood when her virginity is broken and that handkerchief is given immediately to the parents of the girl, who are very proud of it because they gave a virgin to be married and not that has been played with before; and the handkerchief is called “token of her virginity”.
This is why family life is preserved in those countries more than in the so-called advanced nations. where so much liberty is given that leads them into corruption. Now, the advanced nations has turned to be more barbarians, morally and physically than the savages! Looking at the rate of rape and killing and murder including abortions, we have in the advanced nations and the divorce is greater today than the marriage rate, you seldom here of even one divorce in the Middle East . Read Ezekiel 43:8-9; Hosea 4:11-14; Ephesians 5:5-8; Hebrews 13:4. No Whoremonger or unclean person…hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no man deceive you with vain words; if you have to walk all alone for a time, God will lead to your own bone of the bone, and flesh of your flesh that want to be holy and have real JOY and happiness and not the dregs of the cup of sin and darkness that brings disappointments.
So what goes on in dating and all the flirting and inordinate affections and hugging is uncleanness andwhoredom and all that do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God . Ephesians 5:5. Girls who dress immodestly and stir lust in boys or men will be judged by God unchanging law. For God did not create man just for sex gratification but for His own glory, to show forth the praise of God in all things we do (Isaiah 43:21).
Akinbowale Isaac Adewumi.