I have counselled young girls a few years ago in an online ministry I was involved in. The number one thing that girls these days are looking for is their soulmate. (and the same for guys too) God created this in humans so this is a very Godly thing. However, the key of finding your soulmate isn't prowling the messageboards, myspace pages, local churches or whatever one's search is.
I encouraged these young ladies to make sure that God is their first love. I have heard the saying that a woman's heart should be so lost in God that man has to seek HIM to find her.
My advice to finding your "soulmate" is to make sure that all your requirements that you have for the person you want to join the covenent with is right with you first. If you ask God to help make yourself right for the right person that HE desires for you to have, then can He bring someone to you. (and we all know God doesn't make mistakes yet we do...)
Too many people have "requirements" or "what I want in a soulmate" and end up being single forever. God created us individuals, yet provided a way for two people to become one. If you premeditate what your wife or husband will (and should) be like, then you will not (and shouldn't) find that someone.
If we make sure that we are Godly wife material or Godly husband material and wait on the Lord, then when the person who has been making themselves right for you, God will help you cross paths.
This in my opinion is doing the same thing we do when making other decisions in your life. We pray over the situation, we research God's word on the situation and we prepare our heart for God's will in our life. Then we can receive.