Critics, skeptics, and those of small faith need to stop judging others’ spiritual experiences through the lens of their own understanding or lack thereof.
Believers are to correct and discern by the scriptures. That is how you can judge people's experiences as well as the phenomenon they exalt.
Bro. I was the biggest skeptic ever regarding tongues.
Not to toot my own horn, but I hold a couple Masters Degrees in History that have required me to do a great deal of research which, in turn required me to be very accurate in source-checking and in documentation.
That doesn't mean you know everything in history, correct? Then I suggest you use your skill in research and study the existence of pagan's supernatural tongue which is gibberish nonsense that had existed way before Pentecost came with the real God's gift of tongues which is of other men's lips for God to speak unto the people.
I was also raised in a Calvinistic-Reformed church environment where the teachers and pastors were purely cessationist in their doctrines and proudly touted their knowledge of God’s Word and what they could “prove” or “disprove” through it. They denied tongues for the same reason you do….based on their pride, their unyielded spirit, and lack of faith in what they could not see or prove with this rational senses.
Not really. I am not a cessationist since I believe the Lord is still ministering through the Holy Spirit per those gifts, and one of them is discerning of spirits, if you recall.
The problem here is it has been prophesied that many shall depart from faith in giving heed to seducing spirits & doctrines of devils, having their conscience seared as if with a hot iron. 1 Timothy 4:1 This is regarding any one that teaches one can receive the Holy Spirit again apart from salvation thus departing from the simplicity of the gospel in preaching another gospel as in receiving Jesus Christ again and in this case, receiving another baptism with the Holy Ghost in order to get that tongue which never comes with interpretation for why it is "assumed" to be for private use when in truth, it is not of Him at all. What is the hypocrisy that many believers will sear their conscience by? That even though they believe they have the Holy Spirit in them since salvation at the calling of the gospel when they had first believed, they believe they can receive the holy Spirit again after a sign, thus committing spiritual adultery. Matthew 12:39
Will God copy cat Satan's supernatural tongue? No, and yet Satan's tongues was gibberish nonsense BEFORE Pentecost per Isaiah 8:19 for why the real God's gift of tongues will not be like that. See?
So do the research on pagan's supernatural tongue and explain how sinners that were involved in that before Pentecost can repent and know they have departed from those spirits if Christians speak the same way? Indeed, how can Churches know if that sinner has repented if he continues to speak the same way as they do for why they assume tongues are for private use?
So they sought out whatever scripture they could stretch and manipulate and tied together whatever parts of the Bible defended their narrative and simply ignored what is plainly there in scripture. What many believers were plainly experiencing for themselves.
So, being brought up in this doctrine, for me, if it wasn’t grounded in scripture….I wasn’t buying it. I didn’t trust others “experiences” in light of what MY understanding of scripture was.
Long story short, all of that changed when I finally….FULLY…yielded. Yielded my heart, my spirit…..and yes… tongue. Can I explain it scientifically…logically? No. And I don’t need to.
Can I support it BIBLICALLY? Of course.
And can I testify to its authenticity? ABSOLUTELY! ….both as an eye witness and as one who has experienced it personally. (In the circles of extra-biblical research, that’s what we refer to as a primary source by the way.. )
And how did you yield? Like opening yourself up to receiving spirits? New age methodology? Khundalini? When did Peter or Paul ever prepped any sinner about receiving the Holy Spirit when all they did was preached Jesus Christ & Him crucified for how the promise of the Spirit would come at their salvation. Look at when Peter preached to the gentiles for the first time.
Acts 10:43 To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins. 44 While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word.
Peter never mentioned the promise of the Holy Spirit to be at their salvation moment and yet this happened because this was promised for all those that believed in Him.
Granted, there are other places in scripture where there was a necessity for the laying on of hands, like in Acts 8th chapter, but only because of the circumstances for why they were not quite right with the Lord in coming to & believing in Him when they were following Philip out of fanfare to behold the miracles happening per their errant point of view by Philip. Even Simon was still in that mentality when he saw Peter & John laying on of hands as if seemingly they were giving the Holy Ghost when in fact they were not but Simon sought to buy this power from them so he could do it too.
My point here is saved believers are led astray into seeking salvation by a sign when they were already saved when they had first believed. Now because of this apostasy, they are exalted above other believers that did not have another drink of the One Spirit as they are the actual ones that divide the body of Christ by that other calling hence another gospel.
I ask you to prove that pagan's supernatural tongues in the world before Pentecost is not that tongues you all insists is for private use as gained by an extra phenomenon when seeking it or yielding to it.