Forwhat will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeitshis soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?(Matthew 16:26)
To begin with soul here is a bad translation, it should readspirit. Jesus told me this scripture like this; ‘For what will it profit a person if that person gains the whole worldand loses their spirit? Or what shall a person give in return for their life?
It’s a big difference to the scripture in my bible, howeverused in the words Jesus told me it makes sense. The problem here for me is noone wants to hear what Jesus told me. They only want to hear what is in thebible, but there are so many versions so the next question is what version dothey want to hear?
Jesus told me “My words are Spirit and Life”. Jesus also told me and this is a tad heavy “Raymond, thinkupon this, the creator, our Father made the universe and the earth in the holydays, rivers, trees, mountains, oceans, all manner of things without error.When he made man, man laid on the ground lifeless, why? The Father could do allthings in a seconds thought, yet man laid lifeless. It was not until the Fatherbreathed his Spirit into man, did man live. Do you not think we are showing youin this story that if man remains in flesh he is dead, it’s only in Spirit thatman lives, because Spirit is Life and flesh is death”. It was here Jesus went on to say to me “For what will itprofit a person if that person gains the whole world and loses their spirit? Orwhat shall a person give in return for their life”.
I asked Jesus a simple question based on what we weretalking about. I said ‘Lord, forgive my ignorance, but I have come to know byour talks we have, that your word is for the living and that the dead are deadalready. How can one lose their spirit if they gain great things in the world?The Lord said to me “Raymond, I know where you’re going with this, it isimportant that you understand this simple truth, anything you put before theFather or the Spirit of God is losing their spirit and the spirit is life. Youcannot put anything before the Father, even your family. You must put theFather first in all things just as I have told you before. Men of flesh makemany things their gods, such as wealth, position, passion, lust and greed tomention a few. Men even put their wisdom before God, their religions, theirunderstandings, their ideas hence their religious ideas become gods unto themand the real wisdom of Spirit from the Father is set aside. Hence the scriptureMatthew 7:21-23 will come to pass. It is why I say to the world ‘if you haveears hear the Spirit message’. Ifyou set your mind on the flesh it will mean death, you must all set your mindson the Spirit, and the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set onthe flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; that lawbeing Spirit, no indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot pleaseGod and are workers of lawlessness, a lacking in Spirit and you now know theSpirit is life. Do not take your eyes of the stories we read the stories I toldyou, the ten virgins and the oil, the rich man and the camel going through the eyeof the needle. Your riches are all things you put before the Father in Spirit.As I said so long ago, in the last days false religions will rise and deceive many,this has come to pass and you live amongst it now. It is not my word they keep,but the words of men according to men and at a price.
I said to the Lord, ‘Lord, I cannot saythese things to others, to them their understandings are your truths, if I saythese things they will mock me yet again.
The Lord said to me “Raymond, if they mock you let them do notenter into debate with them, my message is only for those that have ears tohear, a heart ready for the Lord. All men have free will to follow their ownway in life, the choices they make have consequences; good and bad alike. Let allmen follow their own heart, the heart that comes home to me is the heart thathas a desire for life and life is Spirit. A heart based in human flesh will notfind his way in the Spirit indeed it cannot, therefore each man’s work will betested by fire, what will be the condition of your labors, ashes or life?
Does it help you Raymond if I told you, Peter wasmocked, put down about his education or lack off, by the religious leaders ofthe time. Yet Peter knew and had wisdom far beyond the religious leaders of thetimes. Peter heard in Spirit as you do, this very thing we do every day,talking and growing, learning in Spirit ‘The Way’. It matters not that you failin writing or reading, it matters not that you know or don’t know all there isto know regarding religious ways, what matters most is talking in Spirit andhearing in Spirit, this is ‘The Way’ and many in the world passed would giveall they had to have what you have in me. So do not let them get you down, lookto me and do not expect them to favor you. Your time is little and then I willcome, and I will declare to them who it is that hears my voice.
Raymond, I did not come to bring peace to the world, buta sword of truth to set men upon their feet, to strengthen their hearts towardsthe Father and to grow in Spirit wisdom via the Holy Spirit making men readyfor life everlasting. If I ask you to speak what I tell you, you must speak it,yes it will be against what many believe because many are following man madewisdom and religious ideas based on flesh, this they need to know even to thepoint of getting them to think for themselves again. For man is still suckingmilk instead of eating solid food. All babies need milk to feed on the bible isthat milk, your churches, your Christian sects is that milk. But the time mustcome when you become an adult and feeding on milk comes to an end, as an adultyou need the solid food that comes down from heaven via the Holy Spirit, it’swhy I sent Him to you. Raymond speak, some will hear and understand, some willnot, neither worry about the one that hears nor the ones that do not, your taskis to speak only what I tell you. Raymond, remember what I told you many yearsago, ‘if today you hear his voice harden not your hearts’ many read this as wedid, but few believe it few soften their hearts to me. The hearts of many havegrown cold and become hard as steel bent towards the ideas of men rather thanthe Spirit of God.
Focus on my word and speak what I whisper in your ear,do not enter into debates with them, this leads to arguments and is of thedevil. Speak only and move on as you have very little time left, the world iscoming to the finish line and many are not running the race according to therules set for them.
There are many following human religionand fallen for the snare of the devil in doing so. Tell them ‘why do you callme 'Lord, Lord,' and not do what I tell you? I have given commands and you donot follow them? You explain them away using human wisdom, ideas of men. Hasthis generation become so deaf to my words that they only hear the sounds oftheir own thoughts? Have they created a love affair with their own wisdoms andthe glory they receive from others? You are meant to be the salt of the earth,but you have no flavor left in you, how do you restore the flavor? The darknessis all around you and your lamps are low in oil, if now you go to fill yourlamps I would have come and gone and you will miss out, how do you see in thedarkness without oil in your lamps? But even now I send out to you messengerswhom you wish to stone and cast out, are not your sins enough that you wouldheap more upon your shoulders. Humble your hearts, find the desire to serve merather than the desire to serve men. For your time is all but coming to an end;the storm cometh and you are not ready, your houses are built on sand and itsfall is going to be great. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all will beadded unto you. Do not seek the kingdom of man, for man did not pay the pricefor you he just charges you to hear what is given freely.
To begin with soul here is a bad translation, it should readspirit. Jesus told me this scripture like this; ‘For what will it profit a person if that person gains the whole worldand loses their spirit? Or what shall a person give in return for their life?
It’s a big difference to the scripture in my bible, howeverused in the words Jesus told me it makes sense. The problem here for me is noone wants to hear what Jesus told me. They only want to hear what is in thebible, but there are so many versions so the next question is what version dothey want to hear?
Jesus told me “My words are Spirit and Life”. Jesus also told me and this is a tad heavy “Raymond, thinkupon this, the creator, our Father made the universe and the earth in the holydays, rivers, trees, mountains, oceans, all manner of things without error.When he made man, man laid on the ground lifeless, why? The Father could do allthings in a seconds thought, yet man laid lifeless. It was not until the Fatherbreathed his Spirit into man, did man live. Do you not think we are showing youin this story that if man remains in flesh he is dead, it’s only in Spirit thatman lives, because Spirit is Life and flesh is death”. It was here Jesus went on to say to me “For what will itprofit a person if that person gains the whole world and loses their spirit? Orwhat shall a person give in return for their life”.
I asked Jesus a simple question based on what we weretalking about. I said ‘Lord, forgive my ignorance, but I have come to know byour talks we have, that your word is for the living and that the dead are deadalready. How can one lose their spirit if they gain great things in the world?The Lord said to me “Raymond, I know where you’re going with this, it isimportant that you understand this simple truth, anything you put before theFather or the Spirit of God is losing their spirit and the spirit is life. Youcannot put anything before the Father, even your family. You must put theFather first in all things just as I have told you before. Men of flesh makemany things their gods, such as wealth, position, passion, lust and greed tomention a few. Men even put their wisdom before God, their religions, theirunderstandings, their ideas hence their religious ideas become gods unto themand the real wisdom of Spirit from the Father is set aside. Hence the scriptureMatthew 7:21-23 will come to pass. It is why I say to the world ‘if you haveears hear the Spirit message’. Ifyou set your mind on the flesh it will mean death, you must all set your mindson the Spirit, and the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set onthe flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; that lawbeing Spirit, no indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot pleaseGod and are workers of lawlessness, a lacking in Spirit and you now know theSpirit is life. Do not take your eyes of the stories we read the stories I toldyou, the ten virgins and the oil, the rich man and the camel going through the eyeof the needle. Your riches are all things you put before the Father in Spirit.As I said so long ago, in the last days false religions will rise and deceive many,this has come to pass and you live amongst it now. It is not my word they keep,but the words of men according to men and at a price.
I said to the Lord, ‘Lord, I cannot saythese things to others, to them their understandings are your truths, if I saythese things they will mock me yet again.
The Lord said to me “Raymond, if they mock you let them do notenter into debate with them, my message is only for those that have ears tohear, a heart ready for the Lord. All men have free will to follow their ownway in life, the choices they make have consequences; good and bad alike. Let allmen follow their own heart, the heart that comes home to me is the heart thathas a desire for life and life is Spirit. A heart based in human flesh will notfind his way in the Spirit indeed it cannot, therefore each man’s work will betested by fire, what will be the condition of your labors, ashes or life?
Does it help you Raymond if I told you, Peter wasmocked, put down about his education or lack off, by the religious leaders ofthe time. Yet Peter knew and had wisdom far beyond the religious leaders of thetimes. Peter heard in Spirit as you do, this very thing we do every day,talking and growing, learning in Spirit ‘The Way’. It matters not that you failin writing or reading, it matters not that you know or don’t know all there isto know regarding religious ways, what matters most is talking in Spirit andhearing in Spirit, this is ‘The Way’ and many in the world passed would giveall they had to have what you have in me. So do not let them get you down, lookto me and do not expect them to favor you. Your time is little and then I willcome, and I will declare to them who it is that hears my voice.
Raymond, I did not come to bring peace to the world, buta sword of truth to set men upon their feet, to strengthen their hearts towardsthe Father and to grow in Spirit wisdom via the Holy Spirit making men readyfor life everlasting. If I ask you to speak what I tell you, you must speak it,yes it will be against what many believe because many are following man madewisdom and religious ideas based on flesh, this they need to know even to thepoint of getting them to think for themselves again. For man is still suckingmilk instead of eating solid food. All babies need milk to feed on the bible isthat milk, your churches, your Christian sects is that milk. But the time mustcome when you become an adult and feeding on milk comes to an end, as an adultyou need the solid food that comes down from heaven via the Holy Spirit, it’swhy I sent Him to you. Raymond speak, some will hear and understand, some willnot, neither worry about the one that hears nor the ones that do not, your taskis to speak only what I tell you. Raymond, remember what I told you many yearsago, ‘if today you hear his voice harden not your hearts’ many read this as wedid, but few believe it few soften their hearts to me. The hearts of many havegrown cold and become hard as steel bent towards the ideas of men rather thanthe Spirit of God.
Focus on my word and speak what I whisper in your ear,do not enter into debates with them, this leads to arguments and is of thedevil. Speak only and move on as you have very little time left, the world iscoming to the finish line and many are not running the race according to therules set for them.
There are many following human religionand fallen for the snare of the devil in doing so. Tell them ‘why do you callme 'Lord, Lord,' and not do what I tell you? I have given commands and you donot follow them? You explain them away using human wisdom, ideas of men. Hasthis generation become so deaf to my words that they only hear the sounds oftheir own thoughts? Have they created a love affair with their own wisdoms andthe glory they receive from others? You are meant to be the salt of the earth,but you have no flavor left in you, how do you restore the flavor? The darknessis all around you and your lamps are low in oil, if now you go to fill yourlamps I would have come and gone and you will miss out, how do you see in thedarkness without oil in your lamps? But even now I send out to you messengerswhom you wish to stone and cast out, are not your sins enough that you wouldheap more upon your shoulders. Humble your hearts, find the desire to serve merather than the desire to serve men. For your time is all but coming to an end;the storm cometh and you are not ready, your houses are built on sand and itsfall is going to be great. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all will beadded unto you. Do not seek the kingdom of man, for man did not pay the pricefor you he just charges you to hear what is given freely.