The Spirit in me agrees
mecartz said:
SpiritLedEd has summarised it all. Wives should look to their husbands to be the leaders in their homes. There cannot be two leaders in a boat. It will sink!
The Bible already says that the husband must love his wife. There is a spirit of love and there is a spirit of submission. Most marriages today fail because of a lack of either or both of the two. The Bible is very clear on who should give what. If we cannot submit/love to man/woman who we see, can we really love/submit to the Lord whom we do not see?
Spare the rod and spoil the child- plain and simple. The fact that people abuse the rod does not mean we should throw away the rod. That would be like throwing away the baby and the birth water (excuse me). Humanity is 'getting wiser' than her creator.
The husband can sometimes be wrong, this doesn’t mean that he should no longer be submitted to on other issues. At such times, like 4giveNhope4u did, he should be prayerfully corrected in submission.
Submission is real and is a demand from God, not from men. Even as the Lord demands for men to love their wives unconditionally, he expects that the wife submit to the man unconditionally. It does not matter if he is bitter. If one does not bear the fruit of the Spirit, this shouldn't stop the other from bearing fruit. Love/submission is done as unto the Lord. That is the only solution to broken marriages. God made man a man, and he made women to be women. The woman should delight in her role and the man should delight in his.
This does not mean the wife should bow down and kneel before her husband. She is not his slave. She is a helpmate, equal to him, and they should both agree on most issues, when there is no agreement, the woman should submit the decision to her husband.
Submission is not equal to servitude, it is allowing the man fulfil his God-given role to lead the home. The Lord will ask the man about it if things go wrong, not the woman. Remember the case of Adam and Eve?
The Spirit in me agrees with this from you, mecartz.
There is a video game I play on our television and the Lord told me something the other day, using the game to teach me something.
The game is called "Jewel Master". The point to the game is to try to match three shapes of a kind in a row before time runs out and to keep it going through different levels of speed without letting them build up without any matches and ending the game by building to the top without any matches. (Well, that's the best I can describe it.)
Many a times, I've found that the controls didn't perfom the task the way I planned it and I became discouraged 'til I found out that it was, actually, a better move than I had, originally, thought it was.
The Lord told me that His ways are the same way. We plan our ways but He directs our paths. I may wish for things to go a certain way, really believing they will be the perfect move for my life; then, something goes wrong (so I think) only to find out that it was more right than I had thought my plan was.
That's the Lord's work!
I believe that when we think our thoughts/ways/ideas are better than what our mates are thinking/wanting/believing and we submit, anyway, to their desires (not being an explicit sin as recorded in the Bible) - we may be disappointed but find out, in the long run, that it was better than we could have ever imagined.
It was good for me to have submitted to my husband when he wanted to get his vasectomy (even though, at the time, I did not think it was good); because, in the long run, it turned out better than I could have ever imagined it.
First of all, it built my faith in "prayer" through "submission" and it brought a lot of praise to God when my desire was fulfilled (even though it didn't happen the way I had, originally, planned for it to).
Secondly, it was a decision that came from my husband, eventually, and not just from me and my desires. He got to see that I was willing to submit to him, trusting his leading/guidance in our family matters, even if I didn't agree with them. He got to see that I was willing to submit to his decisions and trust in his guidance, even though I didn't really want to. I was willing to give up my want for his. (That's special, isn't it?)
Thirdly, the Holy Spirit worked a marvel. My husband's surgery appointment was set for a certain time. Believe it or not, I got to see the Holy Spirit work. We had the one daughter we had together with us, at the time, and she was just 1+ years old. She was acting as cute as a button (so-to-speak) when we were in the waiting room and God gave my husband 1 and a 1/2 hours longer than planned to watch her. My husband's doctor was running that late!
Well, I had to go to work and could not wait any longer with him. When I told the nurse that I had to leave, she told me I had to sign a submission letter stating that it was "okay", with me, that my husband was going to get this surgery. After I signed it and my husband read that if he was a "smoker" (which he was/is) the surgery could make him more prone to prostate cancer. He didn't like that.
My husband said he would walk me to my vehicle to see me out to work. Half way to the car, he says he has changed his mind about the surgery. He said that after watching our one daughter we had had together talking and carrying on in her little special way and the long wait in the waiting room and the the cancer statement, all three of these played a roll in helping my husband change his mind. He told me, though, that had the doctor not been so late and he hadn't been forced to sit there just to watch our one daughter carry on in her own little special way, he would have had the surgery.
I believe, we have our own ideas about how things should go - believing they are the most perfect way. We anticipate them and look forward to everything working out just the way we plan them, but then God comes along and changes those/our plans. We get discouraged only to find out, later, that there was an even more perfect way than ours and we are amazed and more excited than before.
Has anyone else experienced this, with the Lord? If so, you are probably the only one/ones that can understand what I am trying to say.
Plan your ways but God will direct your paths. Sounds like He doesn't want us to have anything that we want/desire; on the contrary, if it's not a sin - He wants to give us our desires, but He wants to do it in a very special way that He knows will make us even better and more happy than we could have been if He had left all the decisions up to us.
:lightning Keep going with God, no matter what! :lightning