SO MANY!!! Wonderful points made by so many!!Perhaps seeker this may also help you. I sure do understand the frame of mind you are in,just do not stay in!! Why you ask? Jesus does not look at any of us in the present state we are in.
Not in Body,nor in mind! We KNOW!! What we deserve!! What so many forget to do in Christ,is many just really do not know how to be thankful! Eph 1:15-17!! One of so many I could give you!Verse 17!! The Spirit of wisdom has many parts to this! One big part is always giving thanks unto our Lord,for choosing us, when we would never even choose ourselves!!( John 15:16)
The law of nature, is the body,sin,and lack! The law of the Spirit is what is unseen by man,even by our self. UNLESS!!! WE SEEK! Which I know you have done,you have asked as well,now all you are looking for is to find!( matt 7:7)
What you have been doing is part of how we grow. Is growing up not painful? What we took as a child, we learn to give as a man. And what we give as a man,is grace! Grace needed for all,as well as for ourselves! What this grace given, and received allows is to continue in any sin? May it never be! BUT!!!
GRACE!!!!! is like the east is from the west in Christ Jesus!( psalm 41:10-13 and!Psalm 103:8!!!!-17!! How is this so when we ourselves have such little for ourselves? Because Jesus does not deal what what is seen,but rather what is to become seen in every single one of us my brother!
The teaching is for us ourselves to do the very same to others! But this cannot be done until we learn how to first have grace for ourselves! THAT!!! is the Key that opens the door to LOVE! For how can one think of loving,when one has so little grace for oneself,or for others?
In Christ,this is what we learn,and we never stop learning this,until we cross into Glory where all things become fully known! Many look at the devil as one who only steals what can be seen! But he lives in the eternal as well! He robs us of what is unseen if we let him!
He does this by causing us to be so hard on ourselves,we cannot come unto Jesus having any grace! Only condemnation! This is Not the Lord brother! Have I ever been where you are at?? Oh dear!! My hand does not have enough fingers to count the number of times!
But when the Word says to seek,it says to seek until you find! Knock until the door opens!! ASK, and keep on asking until you are heard! But ask in faith! KNOWING!!!! You shall be heard,knowing the door will open!! KNOWING!!!! you will find!! That is the very realm Jesus lives in,and wants us all to as well.
If our mind is in a fog,how can we? We cannot until we step out of that fog into that which IS!!part of us!! GRACE!!! HOPE!!!! LOVE!!! For with these 3 ,faith enters with confidence!! And with confidence in Jesus,what can we not do in him??( luke 1:37)
Behold the key,now you open the door!!! What you will find dear brother,is that which we all should of remembered!! To be thankful,we must first learn how to be thankful,for in this, we can always stay thankful!! amen!! My prayers are sure with you,and so many have done such a wonderful job here!! I am thankful for you all!!