Now what is interesting is the last beast shown to Daniel in Daniel 7:7 is the "wild beast" mentioned above. It is called "dreadful and terrible" but notice in Daniel 7:7 we are told this 4th and final beast would "stamp the residue with “the feet”of it"
Daniel 7:7 "After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, "and stamped the residue with “the feet of it": and it was "diverse" from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns"
I believe the reason this 4th and final beast is different (diverse) is because it is a conglomeration of the first 3 previous beasts combined, and it is "global", being guided by "the spirit" of the Red Dragon.
But what I want you to notice is the "feet"that is said to stamp "the residue" of the people.
Keep in mind, God was talking about the flesh and blood Jews in the judgment above. The "remnant" of the Jews is the very last portion mentioned in scripture. As God often shows 3 main groups first, and the 4th and final being the "remnant".
The 4th and final beast is shown in Revelation 13:2 "And the beast which I saw was like unto a "leopard", and his feet as "the feet of a bear," and his mouth as the mouth of "a lion," and the Dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and his great authority."
So the 4th and final beast is made up of all the previous 3 beasts, but again notice the "feet".
The "feet" are the feet of the bear kingdom, which as we saw above would stamp the "residue" or the "remnant" of Israel.
This bear Kingdom as we saw above is the old Persian Empire, which today is better known as Iran. And so has been, and still is the biggest threat to the nation of Israel at this present point in time, it is Iran and all it’s allies.
So keep your eyes open, and watch! Peace and God bless
Greetings in Christ JESUS,
What I am posting I think it already is of your knowledgment,
but is different of what you posted.
At 587 B.C.
the Kingdom of Judah was conquered by Babylonians,
Jerusalem was destroyed, including the Temple. Many people were forced into exile in Babylon, Daniel was taken captive along with all the other prisoners which lasted until 538 B.C., only after 49 years were they freed in the beginning of the Medo-Persian reign by King Cyrus, at which time the people of Judah began to return to the land of Israel
to REBUILD the HOUSE of GOD, the Temple, as GOD commanded( Ezra 1:3, take a look), what happened after 21 years, it was around 517 B.C, Check it in Ezra 6:v.15, and it with the help of Michael during 21 years (Daniel 10:12-14, take a look).
Daniel 7:v.1-8-CJB - Complete Jewish Bible
verse 1 - In the first year of Belshazar
(556 B.C.) king of Bavel(Babylon), Dani’el had a dream and visions in his head, as he was lying on his bed. He wrote the dream down, and this is his account:
verse 2-I had a vision at night; I saw there before me the FOUR winds of the heaven breaking out over the Great Sea.
Four winds are exclusively the four GENTILIC KINGDOMS which would go to rise up on the Earth, beginning by the Kingdom of Babylon, of course;
e Great Sea->sea is waters--> waters are peoples, and nations, and multitudes of all tongues-
Revelation 17:15; Therefore, Great Sea is exclusively all GENTILE NATIONS of the Earth as a whole, the only exceptions were/are the Kingdom of Israel and Kingdom of Judah, descendants of Abraham. On the other hand, Israel is an island in the middle of the waters or in the middle of the Great Sea
(Gentilic peoples);
Israel is the dry land, it's the clay-Isaiah 64:8.
verse 3 - and FOUR huge animals came up out of the sea, each different from the others.
Four huge animals, each different from the others, so they represent or refer to four different nations/peoples.
Each one is different from the others, so the kingdoms are FOUR Gentile different nations/peoples.
verses 4 to 6 -
Here goes the FOUR huge biblical kingdoms described by the prophet Daniel:
Details: In fact, sequentially one kingdom CONQUERS and swallows the other precedent kingdom;
1-The FIRST huge biblical kingdom-Babylon, it was from 605-539 B.C. :-->
at 587 B.C. destroyed the kingdom of Judah and the Temple of Jerusalem.
2 - The SECOND huge biblical kingdom -Medo-Persian- CONQUERS and swallows the first kingdom-Babylon-
at 539 B.C., and it was from 539 B.C - 330 B.C.
3 - The THIRD huge biblical kingdom -GREEK- CONQUERS and swallows the second kingdom-Media-Persia- and also what left of the FIRST kingdom,
and was from 330-146 B.C.
4 - The FOURTH huge biblical kingdom -ROMAN EMPIRE- CONQUERS and swallows the third kingdom-GREEK-and everything that was left from the FIRST and SECOND kingdoms,
and this fourth was DIVIDED in two parts (represented by TWO LEGS of Nebuchadnezzars's statue-Daniel 2:41):
(1st part) the western kingdom, it lasted until 476AD;
(2nd part) the eastern kingdom, it lasted until 1453AD.
As we know, the prophecy of Daniel describes the FOUR huge kingdoms as FOUR ANIMALS: They are:
- the FIRST as a lion;
- the SECOND as a bear,
- and the third as a leopard,
- and the fourth as a...what? Isn't there an animal for the fourth kingdom? No, there isn't, because how horrible and ugly is the MONSTER of the FOURTH kingdom.
7 - After this, I looked in the night visions; and there before me was a fourth animal, dreadful, horrible, extremely strong, and with great iron teeth. It devoured, crushed and stamped its feet on what was left. It was different from all the animals that had gone before it, and it had ten (10) horns.
(These 10 horns are the 10 tribes of Israel-descendants of Abraham, an appendix or appendage within the Gentilic Roman Empire, the Great Sea).
8 While I was considering the (10) horns (10 tribes of his own people), another horn sprang up among them (11th horn-the Jewish false messiah, a false Prophet, an esoteric and kabbalistic messiah), a little one, before which three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots.In this horn (11th horn) were eyes like human eyes (a master of Torah, a false Prophet) and a MOUTH speaking arrogantly. -> Revelation 16:13-14
COMMENTS: Very interesting these details linked to the ten horns:
The FOURTH huge biblical kingdom CONQUERS and swallows the third kingdom and everything that's left from the first and second kingdoms BY THE ROOTS.
But who or what is the 11th horn which sprang up among the ten(10) horns? Its no easy to understand, but hard to interpret.
The headquarter of the FOURTH kingdom was in Rome. The fourth kingdom was the Roman Empire which conquered the third kingdom (leopard) in 146 BC,
and later conquered or captured Jerusalem, i.e. in 63 B.C.,
and constituted Herod, a Roman vassal king, as ruler of the Land of Israel, from 63 to 4 B.C. , and although Israel be under the Roman dominion,
the Temple of Jerusalem was renewed by king Herod. At that time JESUS - the Greater Light- would birth in Israel in fulfillment of the Word of GOD, course.
With the birth of JESUS and establishement of His Ministry around 29-33 AD, started a new Era, whose happenings I will try to describe according the Word of GOD, in next post, as follows: