Rev Autrey
- Joined
- Dec 4, 2016
- Messages
- 49
We as Christian's have not preached Jesus as God in our Christain Churchases for so long that hardly anyone believes it anymore. In fact, it has been at lest 1700 years. So no wonder very few people will even allow their minds to consider the thought. But Jesus is God, the one true God; the one who came and died for the sins of the world. It was Jesus himself who put the thought in our minds, just the way he did for Thomas in the Upper Room when he called Jesus My Lord and MY God.
Now let's look at some Scriptures to prove this is true.
In Matthew 21:5 Matthew quotes YHWH God as saying this of himself through the prophet Isaiah: "Tell the people of Jerusalem, 'Look, your King is coming to you. He is humble, riding on a donkey, even on a donkey's colt.'"
What I mean is, the people of Jerusalem had always considered YYWH God as their King. And this was the anticipation of most Jerusalem dwellers in Jesus day. It is stated this way in Psalm 45: "Beautiful words stir my heart. I will recite a lovely poem to the King … . Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever. … Therefore God has anointed you, pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else." And since the word Christ means "the anointed one," this verse can be translated, "Therefore God has poured out oil on you and made you Christ."
But as I said, hardly anyone believes it anymore. This fulfilled the prophecy quoted in Matthew 21:42:
"The stone that the builders rejected
has now become the cornerstone.
This is the Lord's doing and it is
wonderful to see."
The builders for us are the Church leaders of our day.
And the stone spoken of, here, that the builders rejected, is Jesus!
This prophecy continues in verse 44: "Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed." This means that there can be no salvation for anyone who will no say that Jesus is God.
In Psalm 118:24-25 David said this of YHWH God: "This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Please Lord. Please save us." The phrase "Please Lord. Please save us" is translated "Hosanna" in the New Testament. It literally means "God save me." And this is what the people were saying to Jesus in Matthew 21:9 as he road down that dusty road to Jerusalem and his clash with the Jewish rulers, "God save me." This is why the Jewish rulers got so angry with Jesus: He would not stop the people from saying it.
The Psalmist continues in verses 26-29: "Bless the one who come as God. We bless the house of the Lord. The Lord is God, shining upon us. Take the sacrifice and bind it with cords on the alter. You are, my God
and I will praise you! You are my God, and I will exalt you! Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever."
In Malachi 3:1 we read: "Look! I am sending my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me. Then the Lord God you are seeking will suddenly come to his Temple. He is the messenger of the New Covenant, whom you look for so eagerly, and he is surely coming," says the Lord God." According to Luke 1:4 the messenger YHWH God sent to prepare his way was John the Baptist, a cousin of Jesus and about six months older. And the one to whom the Spirit of the Lord came to in wilderness.
Notice that under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit David used the terms (he and him") when speaking of Jesus as God.
See, God is a single person like us. (Deut. 6:4) (Mark 12:32) He has to be because we are made in him image, and we are single persons. Otherwise, we wouldn't be in his image. This means that the Trinity is not in God dividing himself into 2 or 3 parts. The Trinity is in the way he speaks about himself when he speaks to us. Stated otherwise, God speaks to us in Trinitarian form. That is to say, God has two other names besides Jesus: the Father, and the Holy Spirit.
So when Jesus says the Father sent me, or I go to the Father, he is speaking of himself by his other name. The same is true when he speaks of the Holy Spirit.
See, what God is doing is revealing (John 17:6) his other 2 names to us so we can get to know him better. This is what people do when they like you, they give you other not so well known facts about themselves.
And this is what I am doing for you as I write this post. Jesus, through me, is revealing to you some not so well known facts about himself that you have not heard before.
Remember when Phillip asked Jesus to show him the Father? Jesus replied: "Have I been with you all this time, Phillip, and yet you still don't know who I am? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. … The Father and I are the same person: Translated: the Father is my other name.
I will have more to say on this subject the next time!
Rev. Autrey
Now let's look at some Scriptures to prove this is true.
In Matthew 21:5 Matthew quotes YHWH God as saying this of himself through the prophet Isaiah: "Tell the people of Jerusalem, 'Look, your King is coming to you. He is humble, riding on a donkey, even on a donkey's colt.'"
What I mean is, the people of Jerusalem had always considered YYWH God as their King. And this was the anticipation of most Jerusalem dwellers in Jesus day. It is stated this way in Psalm 45: "Beautiful words stir my heart. I will recite a lovely poem to the King … . Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever. … Therefore God has anointed you, pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else." And since the word Christ means "the anointed one," this verse can be translated, "Therefore God has poured out oil on you and made you Christ."
But as I said, hardly anyone believes it anymore. This fulfilled the prophecy quoted in Matthew 21:42:
"The stone that the builders rejected
has now become the cornerstone.
This is the Lord's doing and it is
wonderful to see."
The builders for us are the Church leaders of our day.
And the stone spoken of, here, that the builders rejected, is Jesus!
This prophecy continues in verse 44: "Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed." This means that there can be no salvation for anyone who will no say that Jesus is God.
In Psalm 118:24-25 David said this of YHWH God: "This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Please Lord. Please save us." The phrase "Please Lord. Please save us" is translated "Hosanna" in the New Testament. It literally means "God save me." And this is what the people were saying to Jesus in Matthew 21:9 as he road down that dusty road to Jerusalem and his clash with the Jewish rulers, "God save me." This is why the Jewish rulers got so angry with Jesus: He would not stop the people from saying it.
The Psalmist continues in verses 26-29: "Bless the one who come as God. We bless the house of the Lord. The Lord is God, shining upon us. Take the sacrifice and bind it with cords on the alter. You are, my God
and I will praise you! You are my God, and I will exalt you! Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever."
In Malachi 3:1 we read: "Look! I am sending my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me. Then the Lord God you are seeking will suddenly come to his Temple. He is the messenger of the New Covenant, whom you look for so eagerly, and he is surely coming," says the Lord God." According to Luke 1:4 the messenger YHWH God sent to prepare his way was John the Baptist, a cousin of Jesus and about six months older. And the one to whom the Spirit of the Lord came to in wilderness.
Notice that under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit David used the terms (he and him") when speaking of Jesus as God.
See, God is a single person like us. (Deut. 6:4) (Mark 12:32) He has to be because we are made in him image, and we are single persons. Otherwise, we wouldn't be in his image. This means that the Trinity is not in God dividing himself into 2 or 3 parts. The Trinity is in the way he speaks about himself when he speaks to us. Stated otherwise, God speaks to us in Trinitarian form. That is to say, God has two other names besides Jesus: the Father, and the Holy Spirit.
So when Jesus says the Father sent me, or I go to the Father, he is speaking of himself by his other name. The same is true when he speaks of the Holy Spirit.
See, what God is doing is revealing (John 17:6) his other 2 names to us so we can get to know him better. This is what people do when they like you, they give you other not so well known facts about themselves.
And this is what I am doing for you as I write this post. Jesus, through me, is revealing to you some not so well known facts about himself that you have not heard before.
Remember when Phillip asked Jesus to show him the Father? Jesus replied: "Have I been with you all this time, Phillip, and yet you still don't know who I am? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. … The Father and I are the same person: Translated: the Father is my other name.
I will have more to say on this subject the next time!
Rev. Autrey