May I present JESUS to you? JESUS-the sweetest name ever to be heard or spoken. JESUS, GOD'S "only begotten Son," came into the world to "save sinners" and to offer mankind the "eternal life" that HE shares with the Heavenly Father. JESUS, willingly, came to die for the sin(unbelief) of the whole world, to redeem or buy back what man had sold to the devil--his soul. Adam had chosen to sin and brought spiritual death upon all mankind. A worthy, substitutional sacrifice would be needed, so JESUS came as the spotless lamb of GOD to offer HIMSELF in our stead. HE was mocked, "despised of the people", misunderstood, ridiculed, and rejected by HIS own people. HE, willingly, came to die on the cross of Calvary for every man. HE was beaten, bruised, and spat upon..."he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities:" HE, then, bore the old rugged cross up the hill called Golgotha. The weight of the cross was great, but the weight of the sin upon HIM and the love in HIS heart was greater. HE laid HIMSELF down upon the cross and stretched out HIS arms, without lashing out at those who were doing this to HIM saying, "...Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do..." The HOLY FATHER-GOD caused "a darkness over all the earth...And the sun was darkened," because HE could not bear to look upon what was taking place. JESUS died, but did not stay dead, for after three days and nights, HE arose. "I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen: and have the keys of hell and death." HE has the keys to the devil's home. HE conquered death, hell, and the grave. HE experienced death for every man, experienced hell for every man, rose victorious, and is "alive forevermore". Do/did we deserve this? NO, but HE did it for us anyway. The gospel message is simple and is
issued to "whosoever believeth"...GOD loves you, JESUS died, was buried, rose from the grave, and is alive forevermore. The question is to you you believe this message and will you trust HIM as your personal SAVIOR? In my earlier posting, I gave the scriptures for the plan of salvation and concluded with the statement..."may the word of GOD speak for itself." Please reread my earlier posting and ponder over
the message and the scriptures. May your choice be the one that will seal your eternal destiny for everlasting life, joy, and peace, instead of everlasting damnation, torment, and punishment in the "lake of fire" that was prepared for the devil and his angels.