A different perspective
What do you call wet dirt? DUST
Few things we should notice:
1. The temptation described here is not a one-day event, it is relentless and progressed for quite some time.
Not sure why the reference "temptation", people walk into stores every day and see money in the cash register but would that indicate that they are tempted to steal it? Haven't talked before, Hi, not being critical or anything of your comments, just putting up some thoughts.
2. Joseph could not have escaped the thought of having an affair with Potiphar's wife during this time of temptation. If he could, he would not have been a normal human being.
Couldn't have escaped? If you go into a room full of exposed high voltage electric switches, would you think about placing you hand on a live wire, I mean it would be a heck of buzz (lol) of course not, while the thought of your hand touching one would probably cross your mind, but only to think about how not to touch one accidentally.
Personal Testimony- CHRIST didn't give us His testimony because it hurts Him if we transgress His Word, He gave us His Word that we could make our lives better.
3. Notice what prevented him from giving into the temptation, he said: "How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?" Notice that it is not because Joseph didn't think about sinning; rather, it's because Joseph values his relationship with the Lord more.
Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake. John 14:11
If the Father was in Joseph, then one could interpret what Joseph said as "how can I screw myself by doing something thatI wouldn't want somebody else to do to my love.." Then again, back then would have gotten him killed. Only if he got caught? CHRIST is in us, and around us, avoid that detection.
To be able to take such difficult decision in the face of temptations, his relationship with God would have to be stronger than the temptations.
So it is for us today, God has given us two precious gifts to help us grow strong relationship with Him: the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit indwelling in our hearts (kardia in Greek, which is not only the place for emotion, but also the center of reasoning).
What do you call wet dirt? DUST
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