In regards to the topic of this thread :
Christian & Forum Etiquette
Forum Etiquette
Generally accepted to mean respectfully engaging in correspondence, treating other members with polite and decent interaction. Some things that are usually discouraged are;
bullying, rudeness, insults, profanity, obscenity, and posts that mock or belittle others. Of cousre there are also the usual refinements of this era, such as no phishing, no stalking, no advertising, no acts of naughty behaviour towards neighbouring countries.
Generally, though, we commonly accept and agree and consent to all these things and strive to maintain a healthy online experience.
Love with forgiveness, which includes lifting others up and placing ourselves last, prayer, faith, hope, patience, longsuffering, gentleness, kindness, steadfastness, self control, humility, meekness, joy, temperance, honesty, fidelity, fellowship and sacrifice: perhaps best interpreted as 'Charity' (or for those unfamiliar with the word, Agape or LOVE) all for and to The LORD in the name of God the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost to Whom be glory and praise both now and ever.
PLEASE NOTE; the above is a very condensed summary and does not want to be challenged but for the purpose of this thread trusting that we can be sensible and grown up (mature?) it spells out simply the generally accepted standards of the two.
It shouldn't be hard to blend the two here at
Please let's not bicker over the term, 'blend', but please let us be grown up about this.
Given that the majority of members here are Christians, following forum etiquite should be something that needs no mention. However, to our shame we find ourselves doing things like backbiting, boasting, name calling, disrespect, taunting, and belittling each other. nasty comments that do not need to be made, and so much more to our shame given the open nature of the internet ;it is bad enough done in private but we flaunt all these ungodly jabs to the world.... and we say we want them to become Christians, too.
Of course, we can move on, decently and with love being our motive, only let those who have passed out insults and offensive talk ask forgiveness, privately to those we may have recklessly replied to and press on, determined to reciprocate the mercy and grace bestowed upon us by the Lord, in love.
I know that over time there have been quite a number of replies that have been unsavoury, too many to bring up here but we can perhaps look at some oft said things and ask ourselves if perhaps we, who might consider ourselves spiritual, could better reply with meekness and gentleness and say words to help the other if we think they are wrong. (it comes under the word: edify)
If we truly love someone, would it be too hard to be the light and learning we think or say they need (which of course might mean our time and effort with patience), especially if we can consider ourselves so much more mature and feel fit to be able to offer such advice?
Patience is something the LORD has towards us and His kindness is given because we need it.
NONE OF US are self made christians.
Who did we receive from? To use against each other? To be superior to others? or, to give as we have received.
Another point that should be made here is this,
if one can claim to be sent from God and therefore speaking for God, then surely.... yes, surely we all can? And then what?
Quietness, meekness and humility are really nice things about Christians.
Now let us move forward and be the Peace and Love and Christianity we want to see and be.
In His Strength.
Bless you ....><>