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To speak everything into existence
Is this possible? Imo the mind is like a circuit switch.
A touchy subject.
On one hand you have the "name it, claim it" teachings.
After all God "spoke" creation into existence. Jesus "spoke" to the storm to be still.
On the other hand, we aren't God.
So my personal opinion is, we need to be careful here. It's OK to "ask" God for things.
'a job, a healing, a mate, even a miracle'.
But we should never get presumptuous and "demand" things from God. God doesn't do things just because
we say He will.
I've seen miracles happen. Some of them even to myself. So I definitely believe God answers prayers.
But I've also seen people say things like "I prophesy over your cancer/diabetes/multiple sclerosis/marriage/finances ...etc... that it be fixed or healed".
..and sometimes it doesn't always happen. In fact one very large church here in the US has classes that teach you to do just this.
They even sing songs about it. "I'm gonna prophesy over over these dead bones".
Well if God is actually telling you to do that, that's great. God does what He says He will do.
But on the other hand, if you're just prophesying that something will happen... and it doesn't happen.
That simply makes you a false prophet.
Deut 18:20; 'But the prophet who speaks a word presumptuously in My name which I have not commanded him to speak, or which he speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.'
Deut 18:21; "You may say in your heart, 'How will we know the word which the LORD has not spoken?'
Deut 18:22; "When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not come about or come true, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him.
The closest analogy is simulation, that earth is a simulation of heaven, this physical world is a simulation of God's spiritual world. A computer simulation can certainly be "spoken" into being through lines of code, so is this world through God's spoken words. DNA is a highly complex code beyond human comprehension, that's the language of life. "Word became flesh" is neither a myth or poetry, but a scientific fact of DNA transcription.Is this possible? Imo the mind is like a circuit switch.
I'm tempted to say, "Speak for yourself," in defense of the medical researchers who truly are comprehending DNA, and it's associated RNA. It is incredibly complex, but certainly not beyond human comprehension. I'm literally alive because of such research.DNA is a highly complex code beyond human comprehension
Most people are.However, unlike simulation, we're not programmed meat puppets or player characters.
Yet, wasn't that before the fall of Adam? Might you be missing something here?but as it is written, we are made in God's image.
What an extremely interesting statement. Might you have a scripture verse to accompany that?Since God has free will
God said he will have mercy on whom he will have mercy. Thats freewill.I'm tempted to say, "Speak for yourself," in defense of the medical researchers who truly are comprehending DNA, and it's associated RNA. It is incredibly complex, but certainly not beyond human comprehension. I'm literally alive because of such research.
Now I will make the incredible statement that it's research into DNA and the affiliated complexities of Expression that will ultimately trigger the second coming, but it's not a subject I am keen to talk about.
Most people are.
Most people are programmed meat puppets or player characters (actually the term is NPC; non-player characters).
If one has NOT been set free, then one is NOT free indeed.
Tell me, can a person use this "free will" to grow new hair on his or her head?
Yet, wasn't that before the fall of Adam? Might you be missing something here?
Certainly you are not adopting the position that God's image is a sinner? (Heaven forbid, eh?)
What an extremely interesting statement. Might you have a scripture verse to accompany that?
( I'm intrigued.)
Yet it still is, there's this new frontier of EPIgenetics, ever heard of that? DNA is much more than a simple blueprint, it turns out that those non-coding sequences, which were thought to be "junk DNA", are not junk at all, some of them could be activated under certain environmental conditions. What has been discovered so far is less than the tip of the iceberg.I'm tempted to say, "Speak for yourself," in defense of the medical researchers who truly are comprehending DNA, and it's associated RNA. It is incredibly complex, but certainly not beyond human comprehension. I'm literally alive because of such research.
Yes, if you follow the right instructions and use the right products. At least you can educate yourself on the cause of hair loss, and do something to prevent hair loss. God has prepared all these resources and knowledge, for He is YHWH Jireh, our Provider, what we need to do is open our eyes to see His provision, and go out to collect it, that requires free will.Most people are.
Most people are programmed meat puppets or player characters (actually the term is NPC; non-player characters).
If one has NOT been set free, then one is NOT free indeed.
Tell me, can a person use this "free will" to grow new hair on his or her head?
You remind me of those leftists who blame gun manufacturers of mass shootings. Don't be that guy, man. God raised us better than that.Yet, wasn't that before the fall of Adam? Might you be missing something here?
Certainly you are not adopting the position that God's image is a sinner? (Heaven forbid, eh?)
In the beginning God CREATED heaven and earth, 'nuf said. Our creativity is inherited from our Creator, and there's no creation without free will.What an extremely interesting statement. Might you have a scripture verse to accompany that?
( I'm intrigued.)
Or else that's just a statement that we have no idea what strictures God has placed on his own sovereignty, and that his mercy will not conform to the human idea of justice, given that all humans are brain damaged.God said he will have mercy on whom he will have mercy. Thats freewill.
(That's called Expression....)some of them could be activated under certain environmental conditions.
Yep (and quite a number of years ago). I have two neuroscience researchers in the family, so...there's this new frontier of EPIgenetics, ever heard of that?
How would you know? If you don't know what's not there, how could you possibly make such a comparison?What has been discovered so far is less than the tip of the iceberg.
That's not the application of free will. That's the application of science. But I'm glad you think you know better than Jesus.Yes, if you follow the right instructions and use the right products.
You remind me of those leftists who refuse to address the actual topic and just make things up. Don't be that guy, man. God raised you better than that.You remind me of those leftists who blame gun manufacturers of mass shootings. Don't be that guy, man. God raised us better than that.
What an extremely interesting statement. Might you have a scripture verse to accompany that?there's no creation without free will.
When you can create ANYTHING out of absolutely nothing, get back to me.Our creativity is inherited from our Creator,
Choosing that “application of science” is exercise of free will. You can also choose to do nothing and ignore it. And I never said I can whiten or blacken my hair by sheer will.That's not the application of free will. That's the application of science. But I'm glad you think you know better than Jesus.
(Matthew 5:36 KJV) Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.
Or maybe you identify your hair as black.
Define “anything” first - tangible or intangible? I can get ideas out of absolutely nothing, then I put them it words and create a decent piece of work. You, on the other hand, is copying my own words in your reply, and you mock me for my statement of creativity.When you can create ANYTHING out of absolutely nothing, get back to me.
So then "free will" is limited.Choosing that “application of science” is exercise of free will. You can also choose to do nothing and ignore it. And I never said I can whiten or blacken my hair by sheer will.
OUCH (biting my tongue)Define “anything” first - tangible or intangible? I can get ideas out of absolutely nothing,
So you don't think God created the universe (of tangible materials) out of "absolutely nothing"?If you limit “anything” to tangible materials only, then “absolutely nothing” is a false statement.
No, it's not. You can "will" anything in your head freely, no limitation. But to act on it, that requires human agency, and that's another topic.So then "free will" is limited.
O really? When was the last time you, or I, or anybody light up a lamp with that electrical energy? There's electrical energy passing through neural synapses all the time, even when you're asleep or unconscious, why don't you get new ideas all the time? All those meat puppets and NPCs, don't they have that electrical energy? Why are so many of them dumb as a rock?OUCH (biting my tongue)
Your ideas are the result of electrical energy, not "absolutely nothing" (unless there's nothing in your brain)
But if you need context for "anything" let's say tangible for the sake of conversation.
I proposed this theory before, that what is "tangible materials" to us is intangible simulation to God. When a computer simulation is created, that's intangible, and all you need is ideas. Granted, that's not necessarily the absolute truth, but it seems you don't have anything closer to the absolute truth to explain how God spoke everything into being.So you don't think God created the universe (of tangible materials) out of "absolutely nothing"?
I gather you reject string theory.
You based your "creative" abilities upon the "made in God's image" theory. But then unlike God, your ability to create tangible materials out of nothing fails.
That's all I was musing about.
First of all, be honest to yourself and tell me, are you trolling or musing? I know a troll when I see one, the way they mock or preach reveal themselves. If you’re truly musing, then the answer is the first law of thermodynamics - IN A CLOSED SYSTEM, the total amount of matter and energy, they cannot be created or destroyed. God can create material matter out of nothing because he’s out of this system, we can’t because we’re in this system.That's all I was musing about.
No it's not. That's called imagination, not will. Even you had to put the word will in quotes, otherwise it doesn't make any sense.No, it's not. You can "will" anything in your head freely, no limitation.
The concept of Free Will has always meant to effect things in real life. Otherwise you have people "willing" themselves to be whatever they identify with. And that's not free will, it's mental instability. And that's another topic.But to act on it, that requires human agency, and that's another topic.
When was the last time you had an EEG?O really? When was the last time you, or I, or anybody light up a lamp with that electrical energy?
I do, but other people aren't wired to think well.There's electrical energy passing through neural synapses all the time, even when you're asleep or unconscious, why don't you get new ideas all the time?
What an extremely interesting statement. Might you have a scripture verse to accompany that?I proposed this theory before, that what is "tangible materials" to us is intangible simulation to God.
Really? You need to bring forth straw men now?but it seems you don't have anything closer to the absolute truth to explain how God spoke everything into being.
I see you have no experience in writing software. What you are describing is abstract, not intangible. Simulations have to be described exactly or else a computer could not execute the code.When a computer simulation is created, that's intangible,
Apparently you don't.I know a troll when I see one,