Hi All,
Being an independent rational observer, I just share with others what I know so far, with the hope I could adjust my knowledge from hearing their replies about what I may have missed of facts.
In brief...
[1] Between WW1 and WW2, the world witnessed a worldwide anti-Jew campaign which has presented the Jewish race as an inferior one. So, it was natural to see in most Hollywood movies, made in that period of time, signs on which it was written something like: "No entry for dogs and Jews". If now, one is young, he may not believe this. But I am 74 and I saw some of these movies/signs when I was teen. At that time, I wondered how the world can spread such hatred against an entire people.
[2] In WW2, many horrible audio/visual scenes were very well documented for the isolated Jewish communities to show the extreme hatred of some Europeans against them to the point many Jews were burned alive.
[3] After the submission of the French and English Elite (of the former greatest countries, France and Britain) to their American counterparts, it was rather easy to convince millions of Jewish families (isolated and live in fear after seeing the Holocaust's scenes) to accept 'freely' to move from where they used to live and be gathered on what is known as the Promised Land (Palestine which was occupied by Britain).
[4] When millions of Jews arrived in Palestine, a new worldwide campaign was launched showing the Jewish people in Palestine as being miserable powerless ones and praying the world to help them survive among the so-called savage Arab neighbors. The irony is that, before this invasion (even many years after it) the Jewish families in all Arab countries, unlike in USA and Europe, lived in total peace while being respected by all other citizens (Muslims and Christians). Naturally, this was also the case in my city. till my Jewish friend told me that he and his family (besides many others) were asked to move to Israel.
[5] About 2 decades ago, in the early internet, I met a wise old Jew whose family had to flee Europe and live in Israel. He was a peaceful man so he, as I, has no fear to be sincere in our mutual conversations. One of the things, I learnt from him, is that every Jew, to be allowed to live in Israel, has to accept and sign that he is an Israeli soldier before any other civil title he may have.
Jesus gave me a simple though very effective hint to discover a hidden truth when He says:
"Ye shall know them by their fruits."
It is clear now, to me in the least, that most of the Jewish people in the world were cleverly deceived to accept being gathered on a land (supposed to be their safe land) which was transformed with time to one of the biggest military bases, dressed as civil, full of all sorts of weapons (even nuclear). Only too late, most Jews in Israel realized that they were chosen to be the armed mercenaries to fill one side of almost every war planned to happen in Middles East. Yes, a war needs two sides. Therefore, those who deceived Jews were able to also deceive, since very long, many Muslims around the world to fill the other side of their planned wars (in Middle East and elsewhere).
May God protect them all.
(After all, this is life since always. In these days, many Muslims and Jews were chosen and are driven to play as the Gladiators did, in the far past, who had to kill each other in order to please/serve a great Caesar
