Greetings @love_yeshua
Where on this thread have you seen anything about restriction, bans and banning from everything?
Where on this thread have you seen anything that says forbidding them to watch even the simplest animated movies
What are they being deprived of?
Where in the thread does it say everything is being banned?
This thread is specifically about Disney
Its magic, its sorcery, its witchcraft, its sexualisation of young girls etc
You fail to understand that the reasons you gave for banning Disney, therefore compel you to ban a host of other things. Why would you ban Disney for witchcraft or sexualization, but allow the myriad other things which have the exact same content? That is not logical. You will ban Disney today, and will be forced to ban almost everything else tomorrow. Unless you're not being honest, and you just have some illogical personal vendetta against Disney in particular.
Or, the most likely scenario: you just read/watched some information on the "shocking" things in Disney shows, and you don't actually know what witchcraft looks or sounds like. Because if you knew, you would be banning just about everything. I should not have assumed that you actually detected these things on your own.
You just found out about "the evil of Disney" somewhere, right? Or you just know about some "illuminati symbols" or some "subliminal messages" but have not the foggiest idea of what they truly mean.
If you think that shows should be banned because they have what Disney shows contain, then you will need to ban pretty much every childrens' show and every movie, and every primetime drama. When you finally have adequate knowledge beyond the typical narrow Christian view of the world, you will understand what I am telling you. Based on your current principles, your ban will need to extend to even your childrens' own classmates, because their friends come from all kinds of homes. You know how many kids' moms do witchcraft? How many kids get involved in their parents' religion? If you are teaching your kids about God, what makes you think other parents are not teaching their kids about the Triple Goddess, ancient Egyptian gods and Satanism? It doesn't matter if they go to church, they are still doing it. That's why I said, with your attitude, you must prepare to ban pretty much everything.
Or, you can supervise and teach your kids so they will know evil when they see it. But first, you need to educate yourself a lot more!