Hey Nick,
It all boils down this, why do we want to pick an choose what we obey? If you have children, do you let them pick an choose what they want to obey? We could go back and forth forever on this subject, but it all comes down to obedience.
I will try one other approach at this. Jesus says, "you can't serve two masters, either you will love one and hate the other, you can't serve (work) both God and mammon (money) at the same time" (Mathew 6:24). God is wanting us to totally trust in his provision and that he will take care of us. This is a teaching of Jesus, either you serve God or you serve money, there is not in between. So, with this being said in (
Revelation 13:16-18) talks about a mark that is coming that you cannot buy or sale, without this mark. That being said, when this mark comes and if anyone takes it, they are choosing to serve money other than God. What are you going to do then? Will you say then that we all have different paths and that some can take it and still be ok?
I agree that we all are different parts of the body, but we all have to listen to same the teacher (Jesus), to even start on that path.
I hope you have a good day, I am not trying to say I am right and you are wrong. I am just saying that Jesus is right and we should do what He says.
Hello Spreading the Gospel,
Contrary to what you are saying, we do pick and choose, or we'd be stoning the next person who does xy or z. It's what moves us in doing so that we need to understand. For if it's not the understanding provided by the Holy Spirit, one is right in questioning it.
Now, when we look at the Bible, it all comes down to the literal translation, translated verses, of what God would have us do by looking to the Words He has provided us in or out of context to the whole. Segmenting the Bible to this or that, with faulty reasoning does not make it right, even if the words were said by Jesus. Perfect example, is the temptation of Christ in the desert by the Adversary. Satan used Scripture to tempt Christ with. Our Lord used Scripture right back at him. What was the issue with what Satan did? Surely, it wasn't the Scripture was it? Of course not. It was the context to the situation that was wrong, and so the deception.
The theology that you are following, dilutes anything that is not seen as being spoken directly by Christ. Not realizing that when you diminish the rest of the Bible, you are also diminishing His Words as well. Why? Because the Godly men who penned the Gospels, are the same Godly men who penned the rest of Scripture. Now we do not have the original autographs to go by and I believe for very good reason. Man cannot help themselves, and would wind up venerating them. Now, for you and others who have come here in group, see it as a black & white issue. Jesus' Words are perfect, while everything else must fall exactly in accord with His Words, and context only a secondary consideration, if considered at all must be in accord with the literal meaning.
I'm sure you don't see the issue, because to think or believe otherwise, is to denigrate the very Words that were meant to be communicated to us. Yet, you do not believe in the infallibility of Scripture. Because you don't, it required someone to state what would be the standard that is acceptable. That is how the Words of Jesus only came about. All the Words in the Bible come by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Probably the only ones in the NT that could be considered differently is Luke, and Acts. They were written by someone who had no actual direct communication with the Messiah that we are aware of, but doesn't mean he was not inspired to do so. Even Paul was taught directly of Christ, but if you don't believe what is written therein then that makes him a liar and every Epistle written by him, and of course Peter, because he backs up Paul, means he also is bogus and of Satan. If so, how can you trust that the very Gospels you proclaim over all others is anymore accurate? Understand that all of Scripture came by way of the Holy Spirit who spoke to them only reminded them of what Jesus said.
We don't have every single thing that Jesus did. As Scripture points out, there won't be enough room in the world to contain all the books that would be written concerning them.
You can't narrow God by taking/ignoring away Words He has given us to know. We can only hope to as you are attempting to do, which I pray successfully, and that is follow them, but also something that you are having difficulty doing, and that is knowing/understanding them within the context provided.
With the Love of Christ Jesus.